1200字范文 > 土著化 Indigenization英语短句 例句大全

土著化 Indigenization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-17 05:40:55


土著化 Indigenization英语短句 例句大全



1.The Land Possession and Circulation and theIndigenization of Family——An Interpretation of 37-landowning Contracts from Hongshanyu Village土地拥有、流动与家庭的土著化——对鲁南红山峪村37张地契的介绍与初步解读


1.A Case Study of the Localization of the Sojourning HuiZhou Merchants in Qing Dynasty-Centered on the Local Records of Wangxianqiao,Jiading District of Shanghai清代侨寓徽商土著化的个案观察——以上海嘉定望仙桥乡土志为中心

2.THE INDIGENIZATION PROCESS OF THE EXTERNAL EMIGRATION CULTURE --A Case Study of the Third Line Factories in Southwest;移民外来文化的土著化过程——以西南三线厂的“厂文化”为例

3.World Fund for the Protection of Indigenous Cultures保护土著文化世界基金

4.Indigenous Youth Cultural Olympics土著青年文化奥林匹克

5.To understand aboriginal art, it is essential to know something of the aboriginal culture and religion.要想能够欣赏土著艺术,首先要了解一些土著人的文化和宗教。

6.Aboriginal Culture and Identity Filtered Through Major Plays of Contemporary Indigenous Playwrights当代澳大利亚土著剧作家的剧作中所蕴含的土著文化与身份(英文)

7.indigenous flora土著菌群,土著区系

8.The Canadian Aboriginal Festival is a multi-faceted event.加拿大土著节是一个多元化的节日。

9.The newcomers were assimilated with the natives .新来的居民与土著同化了。

10.Aboriginal Cultural Studies on Coonardoo;从小说《库纳尔都》探究澳洲土著文化

11.Australian Aboriginal Culture Study on Coonardoo;从小说《库娜图》探究澳洲土著文化

12.The Geographical Notes Written by Monks:The Literature Representation of the Localization of Buddhism during Six Dynasties;僧著地记:六朝佛教本土化的文学表现

13.Of or relating to aborigines.土著人的土著人的或与土著人有关的

14.Petroleum Hydrocarbons Degradation Potential of Autochthonous Bacteria from Saline Soil盐渍化土壤中土著菌的石油烃降解潜力研究

15.Native Culture of She&Yao Zu Adopted and Assimulated by Hakka Culture;客家文化对畲瑶土著文化的吸收与同化脞论

16.Similarily, the soil hydrogen peroxidase, urease and phosphatase activities were increased obviously.显著增强土壤过氧化氢酶、酶和磷酸酶活性。

17.The Living Condition and Cultural Character of Original Inhabitants in the South of the ChangjiangRiver,and Tai Bo’s Administration句吴土著居民的文化特征和泰伯的“端委”以治

18.Application of Modern Educational Technology in Protecting Aborigines’ Culture现代教育技术在保护土著文化中的应用


aboriginal culture土著文化

1.The Australianaboriginal culture is unfamiliar and mysterious to most people in the world.澳大利亚土著文化对世人而言是陌生而又神秘的。

2.The combination of Central plains culture andaboriginal culture sets the base .清中期以后 ,随着华北人民出关者的增多 ,汉族成为东北的主体民族 ,中原文化与土著文化的交融 ,奠定了新型关东文化的基础 ,形成了今天东北人独特的人格特质———勇敢进取与鲁莽敷衍共生 ,开放与保守并

3)aboriginal culture and civilization土著文化与文明

4)She&Yao Zu culture畲瑶土著文化

1.Connotatively, the adoption and assimulation ofShe&Yao Zu culture into Hakka culture are more than any other cultures in different clans, different regions.客家文化对畲瑶土著文化的吸收、同化,有着比不同民族( 系) 、不同地域间文化的吸收、同化一般规律丰富得多的内涵。

5)Man Yi"s original culture蛮夷土著文化

6)aborigines and cultural heritage土著和文化遗产


