1200字范文 > 本色化 Indigenization英语短句 例句大全

本色化 Indigenization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-02 11:21:53


本色化 Indigenization英语短句 例句大全



1.TheIndigenization of Christianity in ChaoShan Area from 1911 to 1949;民国年间潮汕地区基督教本色化研究

2.The border service movement launched by the Church of Christ in China during the anti-Japan war period was the important practice of indigenization of the Church in China in border areas.中华基督教会全国总会在抗战时期发起的边疆服务运动是中国教会本色化在边疆地区的重要实践,扩展了基督教的活动范围及影响,同时也使国家政权力量推动教会事业发展在一定范围内得到实现。


1.A Study of the Indigenization of Chinese Hymnody;基督教(新教)圣诗音乐中国本色化探研

2.The Indigenization of Christianity in ChaoShan Area from 1911 to 1949;民国年间潮汕地区基督教本色化研究

3.The Cultural Essence and Cultural Characteristics of Late Qing Collected Essays on Statecraft晚清经世文编的文化特色与文化本质

4.The Categorization and Metaphorical Cognition of Basic Colors in Chinese;汉语基本颜色的范畴化及隐喻化认知

5.In monochrome maps, of course, colour variation cannot be employed at all.当然,单色地图根本不可能采用颜色的变化。

6.By Focusing on the People, Foster the Unique Firm Culture以人为本,构筑独具特色的企业文化

7.On the Role-changing of Teachers and Students in Students-based Class;浅谈生本化中教师和学生角色的转换

8.About the God’s Traces Recorded in‘the Old Testament’: Basic Characteristics and Cultural Links;《旧约》中的神迹:基本特色及文化联系

9.Characteristics Strategy Development Mechanism for New-founded Undergraduate College;新建本科院校的特色化战略发展机制

10.From "Instinctive" to "Artistic"--A Tentative Approach to the Language Used in Xiao hong s Novel;从“本色”到“艺术化”——萧红小说的语言探索

11.On Characterization Development of Library in Newly-built Universities;论新建本科院校图书馆的特色化发展

12.On Cultural Connotation of English and Chinese Basic Color Words and Their Translation;英汉基本色彩词文化内涵对比及翻译

13.The concept and implication of the systematization of Japanese green packing;日本“绿色”包装的系统化理念及其启示

14.Cultural Information of Color Lexicon in Chinese and English;谈谈英汉基本颜色词的文化伴随意义

15.The Government Role of Liaoning in the Process of Economic Integration of Shenyang and Benxi论“沈本一体化”进程中的省级政府角色

16.Humanist,the Construction has the Characteristic Security Culture以人为本,构建具有特色的安全文化

17.English and Chinese from the cultural connotations of the translation of basic color terms从文化内涵看英汉基本颜色词的翻译

18.A preliminary study on the minimizations of small abalone,Haliotis diversicolor杂色鲍繁殖亲本体型小型化原因初探



1.It studies on the connotation and principles of the greening of industrial parks,and then gives the target model and management system of an ideal greenized-industrial park based on the target management demands ofgreening-cost,zero pollution,the rate of resourcization,land utilization efficiency,and green economy.同时,基于对有关绿色化成本、零污染、废弃物资源化率、土地利用高效化和经济效益绿色化的目标管理要求,提出了相应的理想化的工业园区绿色化工程的目标模型和管理体系。

3)native-color phrasing本色化语言

4)the Movement of Indigenization本色化运动

1.The strong sense of nationality and self_independence of Guangdong Christians resulted in the setup of many Chinese churches which were self-independent beforethe Movement of Indigenization in the 1920 s .广东基督徒的民族意识、自立意识强 ,在上世纪 2 0年代开始的本色化运动之前 ,广东就已有了不少华人自立教会。

5)localization color本土化色彩

6)Reality of the Particular Culture特色文化本体


公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical methodgongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理
