1200字范文 > 中国乐理 Chinese music theory英语短句 例句大全

中国乐理 Chinese music theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-09 17:29:27


中国乐理 Chinese music theory英语短句 例句大全

中国乐理,Chinese music theory

1)Chinese music theory中国乐理

2)music theory(Chinese)音乐理论(中国)

3)the Music Theory Study in China中国音乐理论

4)Chinese music中国音乐

1.Some Issues On Chinese Music Historical Research in 20th Century;百年奏鸣——20世纪中国音乐历史研究的若干问题

2.An Review of The Chinese Music Development In The 20th Century;“自性危机”不符合中国音乐的现实——对20世纪中国音乐发展道路的回顾

3.MuchChinese music has a close relationship with natural beauty.在中国音乐中,很多作品与自然美关系密切。


1.Chinese Music and Chinese Musicians on the World Stage世界舞台上的中国音乐及中国音乐人

2.Tan Dun Music and Its Enlightenment on Chinese Musical Creation;谭盾音乐及其对中国音乐创作的启示

3.I"m different from you. I like Chinese music better, especially light music, folk music and classical music.我和你不同,我较喜欢中国音乐,尤其是轻音乐、乐和古典音乐。

4.Daming and Lingling like Chinese music.大明玲玲喜欢中国音乐。

5.They delight not only in Chinese music but also in that of foreign lands.他们不仅喜欢中国音乐,还喜欢外国音乐。

6.The Analysis of the Importance of Digial Music in Chinese Music Therapy;数字化音乐在中国音乐治疗中重要地位的阐释

7.Study on the Role of Music-archeology in the Research of Chinese Musical History音乐考古学在中国音乐史研究中的当下意义

8.On the Chinese Music Aesthetic Psychology under the Pleasure Cultural乐感文化模式下的中国音乐审美心理

9.Making Musical History Through Instruments, the Story of Musical Museums in the UK;乐器中的音乐史:英国音乐博物馆叙事

pare traditional Chinese music and modern Chinese music.比较中国传统音乐和中国现代音乐。

11.Discussion about the Application of National Music in Chinese Film Music;谈民族音乐在中国电影音乐中的运用

12.Popular Music and Modernity -Criticism of Popular Music in China;流行音乐与现代性——中国流行音乐批判

13.The concert began with the National anthem音乐会在国歌声中开幕。

14.I like Chinese folk music.我喜欢中国民族音乐。

15.Chinese Folk Music Research Institute中国民间音乐研究会

16.Brief Discussion on Utilizing Chinese Folk Musical Elements in Film Music;浅谈中国民族音乐元素在电影音乐中的运用

17.The Relevance of Research in to Cerimonial and Ritual Music to the History of Ancient Chinese Music;礼俗音乐在中国古代音乐研究中的定位

18.Drama Element in Chinese Piano Music Utilization戏曲音乐元素在中国钢琴音乐中的运用


music theory(Chinese)音乐理论(中国)

3)the Music Theory Study in China中国音乐理论

4)Chinese music中国音乐

1.Some Issues On Chinese Music Historical Research in 20th Century;百年奏鸣——20世纪中国音乐历史研究的若干问题

2.An Review of The Chinese Music Development In The 20th Century;“自性危机”不符合中国音乐的现实——对20世纪中国音乐发展道路的回顾

3.MuchChinese music has a close relationship with natural beauty.在中国音乐中,很多作品与自然美关系密切。

5)Chinese musical instruments中国乐器

1.On the basis of 11 Chinese musical journals,this whole established the state of the ed of a variety of English terms used to translate the names ofChinese musical instruments .目前,中国乐器的译名还比较混乱,本文通过对11种中国音乐期刊目录中的中国乐器译名状况的探讨,分析和论述了目前中国乐器译名的表现方式及其优缺,点,提出了修正和完善中国乐器英文译名的建议。

6)Happy China快乐中国

1.As the weathercock of Chinese television entertainment trend, Hunan Satellite Television (aka, Hunan TV), which has set its position under the Brand ofHappy China , has already claimed to produce its channel as the most energetic telly brand of entertainment while making considerable profit as well as social influence.作为我国电视娱乐文化的风向标,湖南卫视在“快乐中国”的品牌定位下,宣称要全力把频道打造成为“最具活力的电视娱乐品牌”,并取得了良好的市场收益与社会影响力。


