1200字范文 > 水文与水资源工程 hydrology and water resources engineering英语短句 例句大全

水文与水资源工程 hydrology and water resources engineering英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-30 10:44:25


水文与水资源工程 hydrology and water resources engineering英语短句 例句大全

水文与水资源工程,hydrology and water resources engineering

1)hydrology and water resources engineering水文与水资源工程

1.The undergraduate programs of the specialty ofhydrology and water resources engineering are established in gro.以教育部和学校修订本科专业教学计划的原则意见为指导, 重视以往培养方案存在的问题, 吸收教改研究成果, 重视学生就业信息和用人单位反馈信息, 确定立足于地下水, 适当向地表水、岩土工程和环境工程3个方向扩展的课程设置基本思路, 使新修订的水文与水资源工程专业本科培养方案的课程体系、教学内容、各学期学时学分分配和课程先后顺序更趋合理。

2.It plays an important role in improving the quality of the training for students who major inhydrology and water resources engineering.实践教学是水文与水资源工程专业人才培养的重要环节,在提高人才培养质量方面具有重要作用,必须加强实践教学和实习基地建设。


1.Discussion on the Practice Teaching for the Specialty of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering;水文与水资源工程专业实践教学探索

2.Reflection on training the application-oriented students of the hydrology and water recourse major;培养水文与水资源工程专业应用型人才的思考

3.Some Ideas on the Modification of Undergraduate Programs of the Speciality of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering;水文与水资源工程专业本科培养方案修订的若干思考

4.On the Mid-Line of Water Transfer from South to North China and theSustainabl e Use of Water Resources in Nanyang;南水北调中线工程与南阳市水资源可持续利用

5.Overview of effects of water works on aquatic organism resources and countermeasures水工程对水生生物资源影响综述与对策建议

6.Status Analysis of Water Resource in "South-North Water Diversion" Middle Route Project in Ankang and Water Source Area Protection Countermeasure“南水北调”中线工程安康段水资源现状分析与水源地保护对策

7.The analysis of the system structure of the hydrology and water resources engineer courses on the basis of ISM model;基于ISM模型的水文水资源工程专业课程体系分析

8.On human resources management of water resources and hydropower projects;浅议水利水电工程项目人力资源管理

9.The Strategic Program to exploit water Resource in Shaanxi;陕西水资源开发的战略工程:南水北调

10.Study on Environmental Hydrological and Engineering Geological Problems Caused by Water Resource Exploitation in Coastal Region of Tangshan唐山南部沿海水资源开发引起的环境水文工程地质问题


12.Research on Application of Engineering Fuzzy Sets Theory in Water Resources and Flood Control System;水资源与防洪系统工程模糊集理论的应用研究

13.Some considerations on optimal scheduling and flood resources utilization of Three Gorges project三峡工程优化调度与洪水资源利用问题的思考

14.Strategies of Water Project Development in the Upstream of the Yangtze Valley (II)对长江上游水资源工程建设的研究与建议(II)

15.Strategies of Water Project Development in the Upstream of the Yangtze Valley对长江上游水资源工程建设的研究与建议(I)

16.Project and Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment of Water Resources Development水资源开发工程项目环境评价与战略环境评价

17.The Effect and Assessment of Water and Water Power to Biological Resource;水利水电工程建设项目对生物资源的影响与评价

18.On the Research of Water Resource Optimization Distribution of Shandong Province and the East-line South-to-North Water Transfer Project;山东省水资源优化配置与南水北调东线工程研究


water resources project水资源工程

1.Environmental impact assessment ofwater resources project is a multi-index hierarchy complex, of which the key problem is how to quantify with reason the weights of each index of the system.水资源工程环境影响评价是由众多指标组成层次结构的复杂系统,其关键问题是如何合理确定各评价指标的权重。

2.The environmental impact assessment ofwater resources project is a multi index hierarchy complex, ist main problem is how to quantify reasonably the weights of each index of the system in order to resolve the problem, the application of an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is studied in this paper.水资源工程环境影响评价是由多指标组成的层次性复杂系统 ,其难点是如何合理确定各评价指标的权重。

3.View of harmonious between man and water, using of harmony theory, the harmony ofwater resources projects systems were analyzed to define the meaning of harmony of Water Resources projects, specializes the contents of a harmonious Water Resources projects in detail, builds the concept of the framework of Water Resources projects harmonious nitially.从人水和谐的观点出发,运用和谐理论,对水资源工程系统的和谐进行了分析,界定了水资源工程和谐的涵义,对水资源工程和谐的内容进行了研究,初步构建水资源工程和谐框架,为进一步研究水资源工程和谐的相关问题提供了基础。

3)water resources engineering水资源工程

1.The fundamental concepts,procedure and methods of systems catalysis inwater resources engineering are introduced briefly and the,developing trend and prospect in thisfield are also looked forward in this lesson.本讲概要地介绍了水资源工程系统分析的基本概念、步骤和方法,并对水资源工程系统分析的发展趋势作了展望。

4)water resources projects水资源工程

1.Study on multi-objective risk decision inwater resources projects;水资源工程投资多目标风险决策研究

5)Hydrology and Water Resources水文与水资源学

1.Construction of the Practical Teaching System for the Undergraduate CourseHydrology and Water Resources;本科《水文与水资源学》实践教学体系的构建

6)water resource systems engineering水资源系统工程


水文与水资源工程专业文与水资源工程专业业务培养目标:业务培养目标:本专业培养具有较扎实自然科学知识,较好人文科学知识,较强的计算机、外语、管理等方面应用能力与水文水资源及水环境方面专业及专业基础知识,能在水利、能源、交通、城市建设、农林、环境保护等部门从事水文、水资源及环境保护方面勘测、规划设计、预测预报、管理、技术经济分析以及教学和基础理论研究的高级工程技术人才。业务培养要求:本专业学生主要学习水文水资源及环境信息的采集及处理、水旱灾害预测及防治、水资源规划、水环境保护、水利工程规划与设计、水利工程运行与管理、水政管理等方面基本理论和基本知识,受到工程制图、运算、实验、测试等方面基本训练,具有应用所学专业分析解决实际问题、科学研究、组织管理的基本能力。毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力:1.掌握数学、物理、水力学、气象与气候学及自然地理学等方面基础理论、基础知识;2.掌握水文预报方案、水文分析与计算、水文信息采集与处理、水资源评价、规划与管理及水环境监测预报的设计方法;3.具有从事工程规划、勘测、设计和管理的基本能力;4.熟悉国家的方针、政策和法规;5.了解水文学、水资源学及水环境的发展动态;6. 掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有初步的科学研究和实际工作能力。主干课程:主干学科:土木工程、水利工程、环境科学与技术。主要课程:自然地质学、气象与气候学、水力学、河流动力学、水利工程、水文学原理、水文统计学、水资源学、地下水文学、环境化学、水利法规。主要实践性教学环节:包括工程制图、课程实验、课程实习(测量、水文认识、水文信息采集、水利工程、气象与天气)、课程设计、毕业设计等,一般安排40周。修业年限:四年授予学位:工学学士相近专业:水利水电工程 水文与水资源工程 港口航道与海岸工程 水资源与海洋工程
