1200字范文 > 水沙资源 water and sand resources英语短句 例句大全

水沙资源 water and sand resources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-12 18:56:35


水沙资源 water and sand resources英语短句 例句大全

水沙资源,water and sand resources

1)water and sand resources水沙资源

1. On the basis of analyzing the farmland situation of the Sandy Area and the characteristics ofwater and sand resources of Luohe River, the approach of using the technique of flood diversion for irrigation and warping to convey of hyper concentrated flow is advanced in the paper, the aim is to improve the soil texture and raise the soil fertility of the Sandy Area.在分析沙苑地区农田现状和洛河水沙资源特性基础上,提出利用引洪淤灌技术引取洛河高含沙水淤灌,从而改良沙苑的土质和提高土壤肥力,并从工程技术和改良效果等方面全面分析了改良沙苑地区土质和生态环境,从而达到充分利用水沙资源综合治理和改善生态环境的目的。

2.This paper analyzed the feature ofwater and sand resources of the Yellow River between Huayuankou and Jiahetan and the state of field water supply and requirement in irrigation regions along the Yellow River.分析了黄河花夹段的水沙特征及两岸灌区农田水分的供需状况,结合水沙资源的利用现状及存在的问题,探讨了合理利用水沙资源的途


1.Regulation and control techniques and measures for allocation of water and sediment resources within river basin流域水沙资源配置的调控技术与措施

2.Optimal deployment theory and mathematical model of water and sediment resources in basin and their applications in the lower Yellow River流域水沙资源优化配置理论与模型及其在黄河下游的应用

3.Groundwater Resources Evaluation of Shawang Well-field in Pingdingshan, Henan Province;河南省平顶山沙王水源地地下水资源评价

4.Suggestions on Speeding up the Exploitationof Jinsha River s Water Energy Resources;关于加快金沙江水能资源开发的建议

5.Water quality analysis of Tiechanggou-Shagou mine area of Xinjiang新疆铁厂沟-沙沟矿区水资源质量分析

6.Exploitation of Jinsha River s Hydroelectric Power Resources by Various Financing Means;运用多元化投融资手段开发金沙江水电资源

7.Surface Water Resources Consertion and Water Environment Total Amount Research of Changsha City;长沙市地表水资源保护及水污染总量控制研究

8.Study on Estimated Method of Groundwater Resources of Arid Aeolian Sand Region in the Middle Area of Ningxia宁夏中部干旱风沙区地下水资源估算方法研究

9.The Research on the Interrelationship between the Vegetation and Water Resource in Ulan Buh Desert;乌兰布和沙漠植被与水资源相互影响的研究

10.Analysis of Water Resources and Establishment of Management System in Shapingba District of ChongQing;沙坪坝区水资源分析及管理系统的建立

11.Research on Automatic Water Sluice Gate in the Use of High Silt Concentration Flood Resource;高含沙洪水资源利用中的自控闸门的研究

12.The Synthetic Resaerch of Water-supply Management System in Nansha Area Guangzhou City;广州南沙区域供水管理体系资源整合研究

13.The Impact of Water Resources Development on Desertification and Pauperization in the Minqin Basin;民勤盆地沙漠化、贫困化与水资源开发利用

14.Study on the Influence of Water Resources in Sandstorm Area in Northwestern Part of China;我国西北部水资源对沙尘天气的影响机理研究

15.Characteristic and countermeasures of water resources in forefront of sand dunes area of northern part of Zhangwu county Fuxin city彰北沙丘前沿区水资源特征及利用对策

16.Shaanbei Efficient Use of Groundwater Resources in Saudi Technology Experiment Preliminary Report陕北沙地地下水资源高效利用技术实验初报

17.Optimum allocation of land and water in the typical sand regions around Beijing: a case study in Huailai County;首都圈防沙治沙典型区水土资源优化配置——以河北省怀来县为例

18.Desert puddles and mud holes: Water is a preciously scarce resource for all living things in the desert.沙漠里的水坑和泥泞的洞,对于在沙漠里所有的生物,水是很珍贵和稀小的资源。


water and sediment resources水沙资源

1.Optimal deployment theory and mathematical model ofwater and sediment resources in basin and their applications in the lower Yellow River;流域水沙资源优化配置理论与模型及其在黄河下游的应用

3)utilization of flood water and sediment水沙资源化

4)sediment water resources optimization水沙资源优化

5)water and sediment deployment水沙资源配置

6)utilization of water and sediment resources水沙资源利用


水沙调度综合考虑水和泥沙所进行的水库调度。多沙河流水库的泥沙淤积可能造成严重后果。如使原设计的防洪和兴利库容日益减少,回水和库尾淤积交替上延,引起上游地区淹没、浸没及盐碱化日益加重;增加过水设备磨损;引起过水建筑物的淤积和堵塞问题等。因此,在拟定多沙河流水库的调度方式时,要着重考虑控制泥沙淤积的部位和速率,以延长水库使用寿命,保持水库长期使用,减免对水库上下游环境的不利影响,扩大水库综合效益。水沙调度需建有足够泄量的排沙底孔,通常有下列几种调度方式。正常运用待机排沙方式 水库按防洪和兴利要求的正常方式拦洪蓄水(见水库调度、综合利用水库调度),如水库内出现异重流时,可利用异重流排沙;如遇到水库洪水较大时,即可利用从上游向下游移动的沿程冲刷和淤积体前坡受冲刷向上游移动的溯源冲刷等作用,集中排除多年的淤积物或改变淤积的不利位置,尽量恢复原有的防洪库容和兴利库容。这种方式能否成功主要取决于库区地形条件,且要求水利任务能与之适应。中国山西省的恒山水库较成功地采用了这种方式。汛期降低库水位运用方式 一般也称蓄清排浑方式。即汛期(丰沙期)降低正常运用水位,以利排沙;遭遇中小型洪水时,水库尽量不抬高库水位,减少洪水在库内停留时间,以避免库区滩地淤积;汛后(少沙期)按兴利要求蓄水运用。在每年汛前或初汛期如遇有利的水沙条件(丰水少沙)时,水库水位降至有利排沙水位(产生溯源冲刷的上延点能达库尾)运行。水库按这种方式运行,在同年度内蓄水期和供水期的淤积物有可能基本上被清除,做到当年恢复原有的防洪和兴利效益。这种调度方式,在中国多沙河流上大多数水库的实际运用中被采用。黄河三门峡水利枢纽采用这种运用方式,取得了较好的效果。滞洪排沙方式 在汛期全开泄洪设备泄洪,对洪水只起迟滞作用,汛后按有利排沙水位确定正常蓄水位。这种运用方式,在汛期和枯水期均不造成大量淤积,短期内能达到冲淤平衡,但综合效益也相对较差。输沙放淤方式 为使出库泥沙不加重下游河道淤积,在中国采用的主要措施为:①在水库大量排沙后,在一定时期内保持大泄量运用,以避免下游主河床的淤积加重。②将含沙量大的水流,导入下游两岸低洼区落淤,改造瘦瘠农田。放淤渠道应保持适当大的底坡。多沙河流水库,除采用水沙调度以减淤排沙外,有时也采用人工、机械、工程设施辅助清淤。
