1200字范文 > 尚古 uphold classicism英语短句 例句大全

尚古 uphold classicism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-05 02:14:40


尚古 uphold classicism英语短句 例句大全

尚古,uphold classicism

1)uphold classicism尚古

2)Gu Wen Shang Shu古文尚书

1.This paper summarizes the methods of distinguishing Chinese pseudographs from the perspective of philology, and cites the legal cases of Zixia Yi Zhuan andGu Wen Shang Shu as examples to demonstrate pseudographs value as historical materials and useful references to educational history studies.本文从文献学的角度概述了中国伪书的辨别方法,并以《子夏易传》和《古文尚书》两个伪书公案为例, 说明伪书本身也有一定的史料价值和教育史研究方面的参鉴意义,故而不可一概而废。


1.On Mei ben “Gu Wen Shang Shu” never Written by Mencius;论梅本《古文尚书》绝对不出于孟子之手

2.Real or Fake of Gu Wen ShangShu · YueMing and the Identification of FU Yue《古文尚书·说命》真伪与傅说身份辨析

3.Illustrations of the words missing in“Yao Anthority.the Book of History.”;《尚书·尧典》缺文举例——兼谈卫宏《诏定古文尚书序》的可信性

4.The Book of History in Chinese contains100 articles and still remains in different books. The Book of the Zhou Dynasty History belongs to the Book of History in Ancient Chinese.古文尚书》百篇基本未失,多保存在后世的不同版本的书中。《逸周书》当属《古文尚书》。

5.On the Book of History in Ancient Chinese and the Yizhou Book of the Zhu Dynasty History;《古文尚书》与《逸周书》源流考——兼与刘起先生商榷

6.An Examination of Mei Zhuo s Methodology in His Shang Shu Kao Yi:with a Discussion of the Logical Footing of the Critical Studies of Gu Wen Shang Shu;梅鷟《尚书考异》考辨方法的检讨——兼谈考辨《古文尚书》的逻辑基点

7.A Comparison study Between The Edition of GUWENSHANGSHU Among Dunhuang MS and The Edition of SHANGSHU Discovered Inside a Wall of Confucian Home in Han Dynasty;敦煌写本《古文尚书》与汉代孔府壁本《尚书》渊源辨析

8.New Angles on Notes and Commentary of Ancient Documents;笺注上古文献的新视角——评《〈尚书〉新笺与上古文明》

9.A Study of "Yue Ming" in "Shang Shu" and Sage Fu s Thought;古文《尚书·说命》与傅圣思想研究

10.A Comparison Study Between "Shang Shu" in Ancient Chinese & the Quotations From Old Books;古文《尚书》与旧籍引语的比较研究

11.A Brief Study on the Methodology of the Study of Ancient Rhyme--and Concurrently on the Study of the Rhyme of Jinwen Shangshu古韵研究方法论发微——兼论今文《尚书》用韵研究

12.The Significance to Learn "Yueming" in "Shangshu" and Fu Yue"s Thoughts Again重新认识古文《尚书·说命》与傅说思想的意义

13.Distinguishing the truthfulness of Shangshu and the New Study of Confucian Classics in Qing Dynasty--Distinguishing the Truthfulness of Shangshu, the New Study of Confucian Classics in Qing Dynasty and Recent Study on the Ideological Trend of Suspecting the Past(1);《尚书》辨伪与清今文经学——《尚书》辨伪与清今文经学及近代疑古思潮研究(上)

14.The Fundamental Logic of Critical Studies of Gu Wen Shang Shu by Ding Ruoyong:The Logical Footing of Mei Shi Shu Ping丁若镛考辨古文《尚书》的基本理路——《梅氏书平》的逻辑基点

15.Encounter Antiquity: Deciphering James Legge s Translation of Shooking;与古典的邂逅:解读理雅各的《尚书》译本

16.It is difficult to understand his essays much more his books.他的文章尚且难以理解,何况他的书。

17.The Research on Words the Grand Chinese Dictionary Cited from Jinwen Shangshu;《汉语大词典》引今文《尚书》词语研究

18.A Study on the Special Sentence Formula and the Conjunction Words in Jin Wen Shang Shu;今文《尚书》的特殊句式和关联词语研究


Gu Wen Shang Shu古文尚书

1.This paper summarizes the methods of distinguishing Chinese pseudographs from the perspective of philology, and cites the legal cases of Zixia Yi Zhuan andGu Wen Shang Shu as examples to demonstrate pseudographs value as historical materials and useful references to educational history studies.本文从文献学的角度概述了中国伪书的辨别方法,并以《子夏易传》和《古文尚书》两个伪书公案为例, 说明伪书本身也有一定的史料价值和教育史研究方面的参鉴意义,故而不可一概而废。

3)worship of the ancient尚古倾向

4)worship an antiquity尚古心理

5)advocating the ancients and Jin"s崇古尚晋

6)Habituated to purity and honesty淳古习尚


尚古1.上古。 2.崇尚古制﹐推崇古道。
