1200字范文 > 公共产品供给 Public goods supply英语短句 例句大全

公共产品供给 Public goods supply英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-29 16:20:09


公共产品供给 Public goods supply英语短句 例句大全

公共产品供给,Public goods supply

1)Public goods supply公共产品供给

1.At the present time,some problems exist in the rural public goods supply of China,such as the deficient supply gross,unbalanced constructure,low efficiency and etc.目前,我国农村公共产品供给主要存在总量不足、结构失衡、效率低下和不平衡问题。

2.It is very important to explore the public goods supply theory consistent with the Chinese reality,because we are in a critical period,which need plan the rural and urban public goods supply as a whole.中国目前正处于城乡公共产品统筹供给的关键时期,研究符合中国国情的公共产品供给理论具有重要意义。


1.On Public Problems,Public Organizations and the Supply of Public Goods;公共问题、公共组织与公共产品供给

2.The Supply of Global Public Goods: Studying the Supply of Global Public Goods under the Dilemma of Collective Action;全球公共产品供给:集体行动困境下的全球公共产品供给研究

3.Analysis on the Connection between the Rural Public Goods Supplying System and Insufficient Rural Public Goods Supplying;农村公共产品供给体制与农村公共产品供给不足的关联分析

4.A Study of the Rural Productive Public Goods Supply in Shandong Province山东省农村生产性公共产品供给研究

5.A Study on the Providers and Their Role in the Provision of the Public Goods in Rural China中国农村公共产品供给主体及其供给行为研究

6.Research on Financial Law Problem of the Public Goods Supply in Rural Regions;农村公共产品供给的财政法问题研究

7.Research on Supply System of Rural Public Goods in the Transitional Period;转型时期农村公共产品供给体制研究

8.Research on the Supply of Public Goods in Rural after Villages and Towns Reforming;乡镇改革后的农村公共产品供给研究

9.Rural Public Goods Supply Under the Background of Tax And Fee Reform;税费改革背景下的农村公共产品供给

10.Researching on the Current Chinese Rural Public Goods Supplies Question;当前我国农村公共产品供给问题研究

11.Creative Study on the Supply Mechanism of Chinese Rural Public Goods;我国农村公共产品供给机制创新研究

12.Rural Public Goods Provision System and Farmer Fundamental Social Security;农村公共产品供给与农民的基本保障

13.Study on Supply Institution Innovation of Rural Public Goods;农村公共产品供给制度及其创新研究

14.The Study on the Change of Chinese Rural Public Goods Supply System;我国农村公共产品供给体制变迁研究

15.A Study of Innovation of Supply Pattern of the Rural Public Goods of China;我国农村公共产品供给模式创新研究

16.The Research on Supply of Urban Community Public Products in China;我国城市社区公共产品供给问题研究

17.Innovation of the Provision System of Public Goods and Its Regulation of Law;公共产品供给机制创新及其法律规制

18.Discussion on the Voluntary Failure of Rural Public Goods Supply in China;论我国农村公共产品供给的自愿失灵


the supply of public goods公共产品供给

1.Regional economic cooperation mechanism to promotethe supply of public goods and countermeasures区域经济合作推动公共产品供给的机理及对策

2.The research result shows that the expansion of individual heterogeneity, (preference difference, supply technology difference and endowment difference) benefitsthe supply of public goods, but the issue of free rides deteriorates with the expansion of the difference.研究结果表明:个体差异度(偏好差异、供给技术差异以及资源禀赋差异)的扩大有利于公共产品供给量的增加,但搭便车问题却随差异扩大而恶化了。

3.The gap between urban and rural economic shows a marked wave-type model, and the level of urban-rural gap inthe supply of public goods is also growing.如城乡经济联系和差距呈现波浪型模式,城乡公共产品供给水平的差距也十分明显。

3)supply of public goods公共产品供给

1.Since China\"s reform and opening—up policy,the impact of dual system in the transition period has not yet completely eliminated,the urban—rural imbalancedsupply of public goods is still very serious.改革开放以后,二元体制的影响在转轨时期并没有完全消除,公共产品供给城乡失衡现象十分严重。

2.Due to the characteristics of the history and reality,the governing cost of CPC has become part of the state administrative funds and the two have been used together,so the governing cost has been closely connected with thesupply of public goods.由于历史与现实的特征,中国共产党的执政成本成为国家行政经费的一部分并与之混合使用,这样就使执政成本与公共产品供给发生了密切的联系。

4)supply of public product公共产品供给

1.This paper brings forward the concept of lean supply based on lean management and some thoughts and ideas on this concept s practical use in thesupply of public products in Chinese countryside.我国农村公共产品供给严重不足、供给结构失衡以及供给效率低下的现状迫切需要新的供给管理理念。

5)public goods provision公共产品供给

1.This paper builds an allocation efficiency analysis model forpublic goods provision based on structural equation model,and conducts an empirical study with panel data of technology category from 2000 to of all provinces in China.基于结构方程构建了公共产品供给配置效率分析模型,应用2000~全国各省市的科技类公共产品供给面板数据进行了实证分析,发现我国科技类公共产品供给配置效率类型有持续高效型、高低变换型和持续低效型三类,并针对不同类型提出了相应对策建议。


1.Rural public goodssupply is a very important problem needing to study and research urgently.农村公共产品供给是一个十分重大又迫切需要研究的现实问题。

2.The Analysis of Supply Problem of Public Products in China;公共产品供给是公共经济学中的一项重要内容。


公共产品最优供给公共产品最优供给(The Optimal Supply Of The Public Goods) 公共产品最优供给可以简单表述为:经济社会公共产品的供给应该达到这样的一点,在此点,公共产品与私有产品的边际技术转换率(MRT)恰好等于社会成员的对此两类产品消费的边际替代率(MRS)。
