1200字范文 > 公共产品提供 public goods supply英语短句 例句大全

公共产品提供 public goods supply英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-08 03:22:12


公共产品提供 public goods supply英语短句 例句大全

公共产品提供,public goods supply

1)public goods supply公共产品提供


1.On “One Case One Meeting” of the Supply of Rural Public Goods;农村公共产品提供的“一事一议”制度

2.Theory Analysis of Forest Improved Seed s Production and Public Goods s Supply;林木良种生产与公共产品提供的理论分析

3.The Analysis of the Public Products in the Rural Area Offering Model --The Peasant s Participating Appropriatly and the Capital Source of Offering the Public Products in the Rural Area;乡村公共产品提供模式解析——兼论农民适度参与与乡村公共产品提供的资金来源

4.Harmonious Society:Creativity Vigor and the Supply of Creativity Public Products;和谐社会:创业活力与创业公共产品提供

5.One discussion on each matter of rural public product supply at post taxation era;后税费时代农村公共产品提供的“一事一议”制度

6.On the Performance Management of the Service-oriented Government during the Public Supply;论公共服务型政府在公共产品提供中的政府绩效管理

7.The Influence of Chinese Social Customs Culture on the Provision of Rural Public Goods;论社会世俗文化对中国农村公共产品提供的影响

8.The Influential Analysis for the Public Goods Made by Local Government Because of the Financial System我国财政分权体制对地方公共产品提供影响的分析

9.An Empirical Study of Supply of Three Kinds of Rural Public Goods--Based on the Data from Quanzhou City“三类”农村公共产品提供的实证分析——以福建省泉州市为例

10.An Approach to Choice of Effective Measures of Supply of Public Goods by Government;论政府有效提供公共产品的措施选择

11.An Economic Analysis on the Local Government s Provision of Public Products;地方政府提供公共产品的经济学分析

12.Countermeasures for Efficiency Improvement of public Goods supply;谈提高我国公共产品供给效率的对策

13.On Public Problems,Public Organizations and the Supply of Public Goods;公共问题、公共组织与公共产品供给

14.The Complex Collective Action of Villagers Voluntary Supplying of Public Goods;村民自发提供公共产品的复杂集体行动

15.Supply Mechanism of American Public Goods and Inspiration for China;美国公共产品的提供机制及其对中国的启示

16.Analysis of Effective Supply of Water Conservancy Products and Service from the Prospective of Public Economics;从公共经济学看水利产品及服务的有效提供

17.Recent Research on the Experimental Research of Privates Providing Public Goods;西方公共产品私人提供实验研究最新进展

18.On Financing and Provision of Public Goods in Rural China;我国农村公共产品融资与提供中的问题与对策


embedded games公共品提供

3)supply of rural public goods农村公共品提供

1.Apparently, these problems, such as the scale of transfer payment, with which the finance for the rural public goods supplying is too small, and the local governments lack motivation of thesupply of rural public goods, and the structure of the actualsupply of rural public goods is unreasonable, are essentially caused by the problems in the relevant system, i.农村公共品提供政府主体缺位,是当前农村公共品提供中存在最根本的问题。

4)the provision of public goods公共物品提供

5)supply of public product公共产品供给

1.This paper brings forward the concept of lean supply based on lean management and some thoughts and ideas on this concept s practical use in thesupply of public products in Chinese countryside.我国农村公共产品供给严重不足、供给结构失衡以及供给效率低下的现状迫切需要新的供给管理理念。

6)public goods provision公共产品供给

1.This paper builds an allocation efficiency analysis model forpublic goods provision based on structural equation model,and conducts an empirical study with panel data of technology category from 2000 to of all provinces in China.基于结构方程构建了公共产品供给配置效率分析模型,应用2000~全国各省市的科技类公共产品供给面板数据进行了实证分析,发现我国科技类公共产品供给配置效率类型有持续高效型、高低变换型和持续低效型三类,并针对不同类型提出了相应对策建议。


服务提供规范(见服务提供)服务提供规范(见服务提供)service delivery specifications: see service deliveryf.如明J tig).叼guifan服务提供规范(se币cedshveryspec讯cations)见服务提供。
