1200字范文 > 接地 grounding英语短句 例句大全

接地 grounding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-17 05:36:35


接地 grounding英语短句 例句大全



1.Lightning Pro Tection and Grounding in Rockburst Monitoring and Orientation System of Mu Chengjian Mine;木城涧矿震监测定位系统的避雷和接地

2.An effective method to eliminate serious interference of ESP by an auxiliarygrounding;一种有效消除电除尘器强干扰的辅助接地方法

3.Problems on Workpiece"s Grounding in the Processof Electrostatic Coating;静电喷涂过程中的工件接地问题


1.To connect(an electric circuit)to a ground.使接地将(电路)接于地上

2.Six-phase winding, double star connection, ungrounded or grounded.六相绕组,双星形连接,接地或不接地。

3.Three-phase winding, four-wire connection, ungrounded or grounded.三相绕组, 四线连接,接地或不接地。

4.Two-phase winding, three-wire connection, ungrounded or grounded.两相绕组, 三线连接,接地或不接地。

5.Two-phase winding, four-wire connection, ungrounded or grounded.两相绕组, 四线连接,接地或不接地。

6.Three-phase winding, zigzag connection, ungrounded or grounded.三相绕组, 之字连接,接地或不接地。

7.earthing cable bond电缆铠甲的接地连接器

8.The advantages of directly grounding are:直接接地的优点是:

9.The discussion of line-to-neutral voltage regularity and judgment of grounded phase when isolated neutral system is nonmetal grounded中性点不接地系统单相接地时接地相的判断

10.(CAVITY 3) TO GROUND (CAVITY 5).(孔3)接地(孔5)。

11.Grounding means connecting to a lowresistance earth electrode or an excellent earthing system.接地是指与具有低电阻的接地电极或良好的接地系统相联接。

12.Connect the ground jumper that is connected to the ground lug,to ground post that is located on the sub-base.将接地跳线与接地片、喷胶机垫板上的接地(?)连接起来。

13.Six-phase winding, double star connection. Ungrounded or grounded can be specified.六相绕组,双星形连接。可指定不接地或接地。

14.Three-phase winding, four-wire connection. Ungrounded or grounded can be specified.三相绕组, 四线连接。可指定不接地或接地。

15.Three-phase winding, 4-wire delta connection, ungrounded or grounded.三相绕组, 四线三角形连接,接地或不接地。

16.Three-phase winding, 4-wire delta connection. Ungrounded or grounded can be specified.三相绕组,四线三角形连接。可指定不接地或接地。

17.Three-phase winding, open delta connection. Ungrounded or grounded can be specified.三相绕组, 开式三角形连接。可指定不接地或接地。

18.Three-phase winding, open delta connection, ungrounded or grounded.三相绕组, 开式三角形连接,接地或不接地。



1.The Cauterization and Safeguarding Measure of Electrical Earthing Equipment;电力接地装置的腐蚀与防护措施

2.Study on the Earthing & Return of the Power Supply Modes Frequently Adopted by High-speed Railways;高速铁路常用供电方式接地回流研究

3.The Study of the mode of the power network neutral pointearthing with extinction coil and resistance connected in series;电网中性点经消弧线圈串联电阻接地方式的研究

3)ground connection接地

1.Discussion on important function ofground connection in electric fireproof safety;浅谈接地在电气防火安全中的重要作用

2.This paper introduces the calculating method of person shocking current in the sysytem of power supply of neutral dot directground connection and notground connection.介绍变压器中性点直接接地和不接地系统中人身触电电流的计算方法。

3.Some kinds of wrong protectiveground connection with medical instruments and the dangerous results possibly caused by them were pointed.主要指出医疗仪器几种错误的接地形式以及所导致的危险隐患。


paring with Roles and Effects of RepetitionGround and Equipotential Coupling;重复接地和等电位联结中一些问题的探讨

2.Ground of power system secondary equipment and laying of ground copper bars;电力系统二次设备的接地和接地铜排的敷设

3.The Difference between the Line-ground Fault and the Broken Single-phase Line Fault in Underground System;小电流接地系统发生一点接地与发生单相断线的区别


1.Discussion onearth and measurement of electrical equipment;浅谈电气设备的接地及其测量

2.Safety Design of Earthing Electric Equipment;电气装置的接地安全设计

3.Analysis of Multipoint Earthing Faults in Magnetic Cores and Their Protective Measures;铁心多点接地故障分析与防范措施


1.This passage has discussed the reason why the electric charge have changed when the electric ball landed and the regular pattern of the changing,which can be helpful to understand the problem oflanding the electric ball.讨论了导体球接地后电荷为什么变化的原因和变化的规律等相关问题,对理解导体球接地问题有一定的帮助。

2.It is necessary to equip with equipment of lighting-prote ction andlanding in the region arising more thunder and lighting for the contro l equipments of automatic speed control system of controlled retarder by compute r,this paper introduces the type selection andlanding method of lighting arrest .微机可控顶自动调速系统的控制设备 ,在雷电较多的地区配置防雷和接地设备是很有必要的 ,本文介绍了防雷器的选型和接地方


