1200字范文 > 接地线夹 grounding clamp英语短句 例句大全

接地线夹 grounding clamp英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-23 15:20:35


接地线夹 grounding clamp英语短句 例句大全

接地线夹,grounding clamp

1)grounding clamp接地线夹

2)earthing clip接地线夹,地线夹

3)aerial cable earthed line clip of ship form船形架空接地线夹

4)earth clamp接地夹

1.Drawing and blankingearth clamps as a conductive part is processed by progressivedies.压延、冲切接地夹传导元件是采用级进模具加工。


1.Ensure the ground clip is on spacer slot.应确保接地夹片在垫片槽上。

2.clamp hose connectio用夹子夹住的软管连接

3.and then turned tail and ran like an antelope.接着就夹着尾巴,像羚羊似的飞快地跑掉了。

4.Connection Mode for Hardware to Reruce Wearing of Suspension Claps of Overhead Grounding Wires减缓架空地线悬垂线夹磨损的金具连接方式

5.Error Analysis of Ground Resistance Measurement by Three Electrode Angle Method三极夹角法测量接地阻抗的误差分析研究

6.Treatment of Earth Overcurrent in Clamps of an Imported 500 kV Transformer一起进口500kV变压器夹件接地电流过大的处理

7.Before applying heat for a weld, the plates should be clamped together.在用热进行焊接之前,必须把金属板紧紧地夹在一起。

8.a device attached to a workbench; has two jaws to hold workpiece firmly in place.连接着工作台的装置;带有两个夹子把工件适当地固定

9.Fish plates for light railsGB/T11265-1989轻轨用接头夹板

10.drill chuck with thread adapter螺纹联接扳手钻夹头

11.intercalary strata【地质】夹层, 中间地层

12.Prepare welding fixture and assy fixture application, and discuss with tooling engineer together for fixture design.准备焊接,组装夹具申请,并与夹具设计者讨论如何设计夹具.

13.Then she hastily blundered into the opening bars of "Jacket of Gray" and stopped with a discord as she remembered how heartrending that selection was too.接着,她匆忙地唱起《灰夹克》的头几小节来,可是很快便觉得这也太平惨,便草草结束了。

14.Bookmarks: store your favorite places or search results to jump quickly to any of them.收藏夹:存储你收藏的地点或者搜寻结果,以便直接快速的跳转到它们中的任意一个。

15.Do not allow clip or adapter to come into direct contact with ignition secondary conductors.不要让连接线缆和夹子直接接触次级点火导体。

16.clip carpet, of base metal, for staircases楼梯地毯夹,贱金属制

17.He slipped on his jacket.他匆忙地穿上了夹克衫。

18.The work-piece must be clamped tightly in jaw vice. Be careful and do not hurt fingers when fixing small work-pieces.工件必须牢固地装夹在虎钳上,装夹小工件时须防止钳口夹伤手指。


earthing clip接地线夹,地线夹

3)aerial cable earthed line clip of ship form船形架空接地线夹

4)earth clamp接地夹

1.Drawing and blankingearth clamps as a conductive part is processed by progressivedies.压延、冲切接地夹传导元件是采用级进模具加工。

5)earth clamp接地夹子

6)earthing clamp接地夹具


