1200字范文 > 尺寸标注 dimension英语短句 例句大全

尺寸标注 dimension英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-02 08:04:13


尺寸标注 dimension英语短句 例句大全


1)dimension[英][di"men??n][美][d?"m?n??n, da?-]尺寸标注

1.Self-adaptive processing for irrelevantdimension interference;非关联尺寸标注干涉的自适应处理

2.Discussion aboutdimension teaching reformation;关于尺寸标注的教学方法改革探讨

3.Research of thedimension method based on the program designning of AutoCAD secondary development;AutoCAD二次开发程序设计中尺寸标注方法的研究


1.it realizes transform of dimension from 2D to 3D, and directly mark dimensions of parts in 3D environment.实现了二维到三维尺寸标注变换和三维环境下直接尺寸标注功能。

2.Implementation of Dimension of AutoCAD Parameter Drawing;AutoCAD参数化绘图的尺寸标注的实现

3.Establishing Dimension Style in Architectural Drawing through AutoCAD;用AutoCAD创建建筑图样尺寸标注样式

4.The Size-marking Method in Three Dimensional AutoCAD DrawingAutoCAD中三维立体图的尺寸标注

5.The Research and Software Development on Dimentioning of Paper Packaging Container CAD System;包装纸盒CAD系统的尺寸标注研究与软件开发

6.The Study and Realization of Several Key Technologies in 3-D Dimensioning;三维尺寸标注中若干关键技术的研究及其实现

7.The Research of Mechanical Assembly Modeling & Automatic Dimensioning Technique on Parts;机械装配建模及零件尺寸标注自动化技术研究

8.Discuss About Dimensions of AutoCAD;AUTOCAD中标准尺寸的标注方法

9.Each dimension in a drawing must be given only once.每一尺寸在图样中只须标注一次。

10.Analysis on Methods of Measurement Tolerance Marking in AutoCAD;AutoCAD中尺寸公差标注方法浅析

11.The Extend of Labeling Dimension Tolerance Function in Solidworks;SolidWorks尺寸公差标注功能的拓展

12.Applicative Skills of Measurement Difference in Designing Component Diagrams in AutoCAD;AutoCAD中标注零件图尺寸公差的应用技巧

13.Exploration on the Teaching Method of "Reasonably Fixing Size" in the Curriculum of Cartography in Higher Vocational Education;高职制图课“合理标注尺寸”教学法初探

14.Skills about Using AutoCAD to Edit Dimension Tolerance;AutoCAD尺寸公差的标注及编辑技巧

15.Marking Technique and Secondary Development of Dimension Tolerance in AutoCAD2000;AutoCAD2000中尺寸公差的标注技巧与二次开发

16.Techniques In Indicating Dimensional Tolerance In AutoCAD 2000;AutoCAD2000中尺寸公差的标注技巧

17.The design of automatic inquirying and signing note system of dimentional tolerance尺寸公差自动查询及标注系统的设计

18.Research on Methods of Dimensioning the Tolerance Based on AutoCAD基于AutoCAD的尺寸公差标注方法研究



1.Research of intelligent dimensioning technology based on Solid Edge’s dimension object;基于Solid Edge尺寸对象的智能尺寸标注技术研究

2.First,text segmentation and pixel vectorization for scanned drawing are outlined,then the dimensioning characteristics and rules for mechanical engineering drawings are analyzed,and geometry reconstructed method for dimension frame driven by text region is described.本文在文本分割和像素矢量化的基础上,针对尺寸文本区域提出了一种尺寸标注框架的几何重建方法。

3.Based on the analysis of the general variants of sophisticated tolerance dimensioning forms and their dimensioning methods of mechanical drawing in Auto CAD, setting skills of items under "tolerance" option are elaborated with practical examples, which will help to make a specific and artistic drawing.通过对AutoCAD绘图中公差标注的各种常见形式的变化及其标注方法分析,用实例说明了“公差”选项卡下各个输入(选择)项的设置和处理技巧,对恰当地使用标注设置,规范、美观地完成各种公差尺寸标注具有指导意义。

3)Size marking尺寸标注

1.Size marking is an important link in die design.尺寸标注是模具设计重要实践环节,从冲压模设计尺寸标注的实际出发,讲述了冲压模具设计尺寸标注布置方法、思路、和出现的问题,实践证明效果良好,值得推广。

2.An analysis of all kinds of common marking methods in Auto CAD2000 size marking, including more typical marking with prefix and suffix and linear marking, is presented.通过AutoCAD 2000尺寸标注中比较典型的带前缀后缀的标注及引线标注的各种常见形式的标注方法分析,用实例说明了标注的设置、修改和处理技巧,对高效、准确、美观地完成各种尺寸标注,恰当地使用标注方式和标注设置,提高标注效率具有指导意义。

3.It realizes intelligentize size marking of crank-shaft with Pro/Engineer and it s secondary development technology, and implements working instruction of numerical control machine and fufils CAD/CAM integration through data transmission between CAD/CAM .应用Pro/Engineer软件及其二次开发技术,对曲轴实现智能化尺寸标注,并且通过CAD/CAM之间的数据传送,实现数控机床的加工指令,完成CAD/CAM的一体化。

4)Dimension label尺寸标注

1.In this article, some frequent problems about dimension label in AutoCAD are mentioned and their solving methods are provided.指出了在AutoCAD的教学和运用中,尺寸标注是一个重要环节,总结了在AutoCAD2000环境下标注尺寸的若干问题,提出了相应的解决方法。

2.This paper sets forth a way of realizing dimension label by means of AutoCAD parameter drawing program.阐述利用AutoCAD进行参数化绘图程序设计中 ,实现尺寸标注的一种方法 。

3.Some common drawing mistakes such as in representation of drawing,utilization of line styles,dimension label,description of section lines and technical structures are analyzed.从图形表达、线型运用、尺寸标注、剖面线的表述和工艺结构等方面,剖析了常见的机械图样错误,并举例进行正误对比,提出了改进措施。

5)dimension marking尺寸标注

1.A method on the automatic adjusting is referred todimension marking in this paper.提出一种尺寸标注自动调整的方法。

2.With the help of the concept of the tree in graph theory, the problem of the completeness ofdimension marking of mechanical component drawings is analysed and studied, and the analytical method of dimension tree is proposed for solving this problem.运用《图论》理论中树的概念,分析和研究了机械零件图中的尺寸标注完整性这一问题,并提出了解决此问题的尺寸树分析

6)Dimension[英][di"men??n][美][d?"m?n??n, da?-]标注尺寸

1.FastDimensioning by the Function of Entity Visiting;使用对实体访问的功能快速标注尺寸


PRO/E尺寸标注技巧当剖面完成後,开始设定各几何之尺寸参数,首先以左键选取欲设定尺寸之 单元(entity),然後以中间键标定尺寸参数所要摆设的位置。以下说明各类参数之标定方式。 线段之长度:以左键选取线段,然後以中间键标定尺寸参数所要摆设的位置。 两点之水平或垂直距离:选取两点,然後以中间键标指定适当位置,即可产 生水平或铅直之参数。 圆或圆弧之半径:选取圆或圆弧,然後指定适当位置。 圆之直径: 平面上的圆:以左键选取该圆两次再以中间键定出位置 垂直之圆柱:先选圆周,再选中心线然後再选圆周,最後指定位置。 Figure 2.1: 垂直圆柱尺寸之标法圆弧之角度:先选圆弧之两端点,然後再选取圆弧内任一点,之後指定位置。 Figure 2.2: 圆弧角度之标法两平行线之距离:选取两平行线,然後标定尺寸参数所要摆设的位置。 两不平行线之夹角:选取两不平行线,然後指定适当位置。 某一图形单元与中心线之距离:选取该单元及中心线,然後指定适当位置。 不规则曲线之参数指定: 选取该曲线之两端点,标出两端点之水平或铅直距离。 先产生一参考座标糸,然後标示该曲线两端点之水平及铅直距离,并 标示座标糸与任一端点之相对位置,下一步选取该曲线及座标糸,再按 中间键,则该曲线中所有点便与该座标糸产生相对关系,各点即可用座 标值来定义。 利用?部读入之座标点档案,建立不规则曲线的步骤: 先使不规则曲线参考某一区域座标,选" Dimension",用左键选 不规则曲线两次,此时不规则曲线转成红色。 再用左键选欲参考之座标糸,再按中键完成参考关系之建立。 标示不规则曲线首尾两点与参考座标糸之相关位置。 选" Modify",再选不规则曲线。 选" Read Pnts",输入档案名称,读入座标点。 选" Regenerate",完成座标点之读入。 使用者也可以用" Save Pnts"指令将不规则曲线的资料点存档。资料格式如下: Coordinates of spline points:(they may be edited using available editor; changes in X and Ycoordinates of the first and the last points will be ignored)CARTESIAN COORDINATES: X Y Z
