1200字范文 > 量纲 dimension英语短句 例句大全

量纲 dimension英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-03 15:27:04


量纲 dimension英语短句 例句大全


1)dimension[英][di"men??n][美][d?"m?n??n, da?-]量纲

1.Weapon efficiency analysis based ondimensional analysis method;基于量纲分析法的武器效能分析

2.The mathematical physics essentiality of phenomenological similitude is pointed out to have the samedimensionless models, including the same model structures and the same values of all characteristic numbers in adimensionless normalized coordinate basis.指出了现象相似的数学物理本质是它们在同一个量纲为1的单元坐标体系中有相同的量纲为1的模型:模型的结构相同且各特征数数值——对应相等。


1.non-dimensional [relative] velocity无量纲[相对] 速度

2.Applying the Second Theorem of Dimension toDimensionless Schrodinger Equation;用量纲Ⅱ定理对薛定谔方程无量纲化

3.dimensional analysis in project model项目模型中量纲分析

4.Dimensionless Quantity Method,Natural Unit Method, Characteristic Quantity;无量纲化 自然单位法 特征量

5.Dimensionless quantities in physics are those that require no unit.物理学中无量纲的量就是不需要单位的量。

6.Velocity has the dimensions of length divided by time.速度为长度除以时间的量纲

7.Appropriate" Scaling-what are the Relevant Nondimensional Parameters?适当"缩放-麽是相关的无量纲参数?

8."Appropriate" Scaling-what are the Relevant Nondimensional Parameters?“适当”缩放-什么是相关的无量纲参数?

9.Discussion about unit and Dimension Analysis and its Application;单位和量纲在大学物理教学中的应用

10.Understand and Application of Quality Specification API Q1;API Q1质量纲要规范的理解和实施

11.Measures of the modernization of politics in sight of the sociology of development;发展社会学视野中的政治现代化量纲

12.Non-dimensional design method of pressure vessels and its application (Ⅰ)压力容器的无量纲设计法及其应用(Ⅰ)

13.Non-dimensional design method of pressure vessels and its application(Ⅱ)压力容器的无量纲设计法及其应用(Ⅱ)

14.Making the calculation of generalized reflection-transmission coefficients dimensionless广义反射-透射系数算法的无量纲化

15.The Application of Dimensional Analysis in Model Experiment of Geotechnical Engineering量纲分析法在土工模型试验中的应用

16.Dimensional Unit Analysis Method Based on Template Meta-programming一种基于模板元编程的量纲检测方法

17.Unified Modeling and Non-dimensional Analysis of High Speed Proportional Valve高速比例阀的统一建模与非量纲分析

18.The Choice of Indicators of the Quantitative Evaluation of the Performance and the Method of Dimension;绩效定量考核指标的选择及无量纲化处理方法


dimensional quantity量纲量

3)nondimensional quantity无量纲量

4)dimensional analysis量纲分析

1.Experimental study on rapeseed extrusion cooking usingdimensional analysis;基于量纲分析的油菜籽挤压膨化试验参数的研究

2.Research on Al_2O_3 ceramic membrane flux equation based ondimensional analysis;基于量纲分析的氧化铝陶瓷膜通量关联式的研究

3.Application of Linear Algebra in Dimensional Analysis;线性代数在量纲分析中的应用

5)analysis with dimension量纲比较


1.Making the calculation of generalized reflection-transmission coefficientsdimensionless广义反射-透射系数算法的无量纲化

2.And the steady state model of the prediction of solid layer growth in falling film melt crystallization was developed,which isdimensionless.通过对降膜熔融结晶过程中晶层界面的热质传递特征及降膜表面上液膜流动和传质传热的分析,建立了描述该过程晶层生长的稳态模型,并进行了无量纲变化。

3.This paper develops the system models of enzyme dynamic equilibrium in the chemical reactions,deals with thedimensionless models of the substrate and enzyme with the pseudo steady state,analyses the boundary layer solution by the perturbation theory,and gives a competition model for enzyme substrate inhibitor system.建立了化学反应中酶的动态平衡系统模型和基质与酶在拟稳定状态下的无量纲模型 ,应用扰动理论分析了边界解 ,并给出生成与抑制共存系统对酶的竞争模


