1200字范文 > 书法四贤 the Four Wisdom of Chinese Calligraphy英语短句 例句大全

书法四贤 the Four Wisdom of Chinese Calligraphy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-15 13:25:30


书法四贤 the Four Wisdom of Chinese Calligraphy英语短句 例句大全

书法四贤,the Four Wisdom of Chinese Calligraphy

1)the Four Wisdom of Chinese Calligraphy书法四贤

1.Lun Shu Biao by Yu He set up a sublime place for "the Four Wisdom of Chinese Calligraphy".虞稣《论书表》确立了“书法四贤”的崇高地位,提出了“妍质”殊趣的审美观念,同时,又记录大量的书家逸事和当时书法鉴藏的情形,为后世研究提供了丰富的史料和理论依据。


3)Jixian Shuyuan集贤书院

4)The temple of four virtuous person四贤祠

5)Investigations on Book-collection by Preceding Bibliophiles in Zhenjiang镇江先贤藏书考

6)Four Books《四书》

1.Supplements and Notes to the English Version of TheFour Books in the Transcendentalist Dial;超验主义《日晷》英译《四书》研究的补注


1.An Inquiry into the History of the Studies on The Four Books in View of the Editing and Engraving of the Compiled Comments on The Four Books从《四书辑释》的编刻看《四书》学学术史

2.The Discussion of the Works about the Four Books in the Ming Dynasty included in the Si Ku Quan Shu;论《四库全书》收录的明代《四书》著作

3."all four seasons are study time."“四季都是读书天”

4.Members of the Secretariat of the Central Committee:四、中央书记处书记

5.He looked all over for the lost book.他四处寻找遗失的书。

6.Don"t leave your books lying about.别把你的书四处乱扔。

7.Golden Bull of Emperor Charles IV查理四世皇帝金玺诏书

8.One, two, three, four, five. Five books.一,二,三,四,五,共五本书。

9.There are four basic kinds of indorsements.背书有四个基本种类。

10.The Four Books: Analects Of Confucius, Mercies, Great Learning, And Doctrine Of the Mean.四书:论语、孟子、大学、中庸

11.The Four Books (The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius, The Mencius)四书(《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》)

12.Applications poured in from all quarters.申请书从四面八方涌来。

13.(4) his cultural objects, books and reference materials;(四)公民的文物、图书资料;

14.This selection of poems is sold with 4 beautiful bookmarkers.这本诗集随书附赠四张漂亮的书签。

15.A Study on the Zashi of the Sung Dynasty;《四库全书存目丛书》宋代杂史研究

16.The Compiling of Siku Quan Shu s Impact on the Book Storage in Qing Dynasty;《四库全书》纂修对清代藏书的影响

17.The Compilation and Literature Features of Concourse of Commentaries on the Four Books论《四书章句集注》成书及文献学特色

18.The bookstore has changed hands no less than four times during the past four years.那书店在过去四年间,起码的换了四次负责人。



3)Jixian Shuyuan集贤书院

4)The temple of four virtuous person四贤祠

5)Investigations on Book-collection by Preceding Bibliophiles in Zhenjiang镇江先贤藏书考

6)Four Books《四书》

1.Supplements and Notes to the English Version of TheFour Books in the Transcendentalist Dial;超验主义《日晷》英译《四书》研究的补注


集贤书院中国古代收藏、校理典籍的官署。又名集贤殿书院。唐宋创立史馆、弘文馆(宋称昭文馆)、集贤书院,合称"三馆"。 汉、隋以来,有天禄阁、 文德殿、文林馆、麟趾殿、观文殿等官署,皆掌著述、藏聚群书、校理典籍。集贤书院与这些殿馆一脉相传,相因而立。唐玄宗开元五年 (717),于乾元殿东廊下写四部书,置校定官4 人。七年,于丽正殿置修书使。十三年,玄宗宴学士于集仙殿, 因改名集贤殿书院。 书院设学士、直学士、判院、押院中使、修撰、校理、待制、留院、检讨、孔目、专知御书、知书、书直、写御书、折书、装书、造笔等官员及下属,约100多人。以宰相任学士,称知院事,另设副知院事。学士掌刊辑古今典籍,以辨明邦国大典。凡天下遗逸图书,贤才之隐滞,皆奉旨征求。随时申表可于当世施行的筹策及才艺、学术兼优的著述。集贤书院藏书8.9万卷, 至唐德宗贞元三年,撰成《贞元御府群书新录》。宋初承唐代"三馆"之制,设立"三馆"书院,赐名崇文院。又于宋太宗端拱元年 (988),在崇文院中堂建秘阁,择"三馆"真本、古画、墨迹藏之。东廊为昭文书库,南廊为集贤书库,西廊为史馆书库。"三馆"官员皆沿唐制立名。宋徽宗政和七年(1117),下诏类集所访遗书,撰成《秘书总目》,较《崇文总目》多出近万余卷。南宋淳熙五年(1178),撰成《中兴馆阁书目》,计收4.4万余卷典籍, 系统反映了宋代馆阁藏书。元初,集贤书院与翰林国史院同一官署。掌提调学校、征求隐士、召集贤良。凡国子监、玄门道教、阴阳祭祀、占卜祭遁之事,皆属集贤院。元世祖至元二十二年(1285),分置两院,增设大学士三员,新增官名有侍读学士、 待制、院使、 译史、典史、知印等名目。元、明不校书,明清亦无集贤之名。
