1200字范文 > 《日本源流考》 A Study of the Origin and Development of Japan英语短句 例句大全

《日本源流考》 A Study of the Origin and Development of Japan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-25 04:44:51


《日本源流考》 A Study of the Origin and Development of Japan英语短句 例句大全

《日本源流考》,A Study of the Origin and Development of Japan

1)A Study of the Origin and Development of Japan《日本源流考》

1.A Study of the Origin and Development of Japan,Short Records of Geography of Five Continents,and Comprehensive Mirror to Foreign States.王先谦晚年完成了三部外国史地著作:《日本源流考》、《五洲地理志略》、《外国通鉴》。

2)Research on Roots and History of Works on Japanese Constitution日本国体论源史考

3)A Study of Japan《日本考》

1.The Japanese Marriage and Funeral inA Study of Japan: An Initial Study of Chinese Knowledge on Japan in Ming Dynasty;《日本考》所见的日本婚葬礼俗——明代中国人的日本观初探


1.The Japanese Marriage and Funeral in A Study of Japan: An Initial Study of Chinese Knowledge on Japan in Ming Dynasty;《日本考》所见的日本婚葬礼俗——明代中国人的日本观初探

2.The examination will be held on Oct. 1 and 2.本学期考试日期为:十月一日、十月二日。

ments On Officials Making a Book-seeking Trip to Japan in the Qing Dynasty;清代赴日考察官绅日本访书活动初探

4.Research and Reflection on Contemporary Japanese International Understanding Education;当代日本国际理解教育的考察与思考

5.Analysis and Studies on WAYFINDING System Design in Japan--Public Facilities in Modern Cities;浅论日本的WAYFINDING系统设计——日本考察之城市设施篇

6.The Han Shan Poetry Anthology collected in Gong Nei Department of Japanese Is Not Song Dynasty s Block-printed Edition: A Textual Research;日本宫内省藏宋本《寒山诗集》非宋刻本考

7.Study on Extremely High Vacuum Technique in Japan日本的极高真空技术研究──访日考察报告

8.On Clashes between Chinese Students Studying in Japan and Japanese Society;战前中国留日学生与日本的矛盾冲突考略

9.The History Analysis of Japan"s First Chinese Bank--He Sheng Yuan日本第一家中资银行——合盛元银行在日史实考


11.A Research about Dai Jitao s on Japan;关于对戴季陶《日本论》的一点考察

12.AO Entrance Examination in Japan s University:Introduction and Implementation;日本大学AO入学考试:引入与实施

13.Current Situation and Outlook of Overseas Chinese School in Japan;对当前日本华侨学校发展状况的思考

14.A Bibliographical Study of Fu Yunlong s Youliribentujing;傅云龙《游历日本图经》征引文献考

15.Value Accounting of Forest Ecosystem Service in Japan Group for China’s Forest Resources Value Accounting and Green GDP;日本森林生态服务价值核算考察报告

16.Review and Prospect on the Existent Japanese Fine Penalty;日本现行罚金刑制度及发展趋向考察

17.The Historical Exploration of the Japanese Rightist Force s Supporting “Taiwan Separation”;日本右翼势力支持“台独”的历史考察

18.Changes and Current Situation of Modern Home Economics in Japan;日本现代家政学变迁与现状考察报告


Research on Roots and History of Works on Japanese Constitution日本国体论源史考

3)A Study of Japan《日本考》

1.The Japanese Marriage and Funeral inA Study of Japan: An Initial Study of Chinese Knowledge on Japan in Ming Dynasty;《日本考》所见的日本婚葬礼俗——明代中国人的日本观初探

4)An Investigation of Japanese Place Names日本地名考

5)Textual research on origin and development源流考证

6)examining the mirror source and course考镜源流

1.This article discusses the functions of Chinese classical bibliography showed and neglected in the theory of "distinguishing the academic chapter,examining the mirror source and course".以"辨章学术,考镜源流"为主线,探讨了这一理论所体现的和所忽略的中国古典目录学之功用。


