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《史籍考》 Shiji kao英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-31 12:35:21


《史籍考》 Shiji kao英语短句 例句大全

《史籍考》,Shiji kao

1)Shiji kao《史籍考》

1.An Analysis of the History of the Editing and Compilation ofShiji kao;《史籍考》编纂始末辨析


3)historical records史籍

1.China shistorical records have the tradition of expressing author s criticism by writing biographies, which started with Shi Ji by Sima Qian and constitutes an important part of Chinese literature.中国史籍一贯保持作者传记批评的传统,从而形成中国文学作者批评的重要构成部分。

2.Based on research of Tuda in Ningxia area,the paper mainly collects and arranges some relatedhistorical records.所以,对史籍所见宁夏地区土达踪迹之考证,乃是本文主要内容之所在。


1.About the Historical Values of The Outline of Chinese Buddhism History;《中国佛教史籍概论》史学价值三题

2.Famous Historical Records of Three Kingdoms--A Commentary on Annals of Three Kingdoms;记述三国史的著名史籍——《三国志》述评

3.The library is rich in historical and antiquarian works.这个图书馆拥有大量的历史籍和古书。

4.And the biggest case he argued never got written down in the books...他辩护过的最大案件,史籍上并无记载…

5.Explanatory Notes on An Outline of Chinese Buddhism History《中国佛教史籍概论》的文化诠释

6.Interpretations of the Concepts of "Zhongguo" and "Huayi" in Vietnamese Historical Writings;越南史籍对“中国”及“华夷”观念的诠释

7.Discrimination about Tiele s Biography and Items in Chinese Historical Literature;汉文史籍所载铁勒专传和专条的辨析

8.The Demonstration for the Western Sea which Bordered on Syria in Han and Wei Dynasty History Works;汉魏史籍中条支国所临“西海”释证

9.A comparative study of the Japanese invasion to Taiwan in 1874;1874年日本侵台事件之中日史籍比较

10.Reflect on "Another Ethnic Group";我国古史籍中“别种”“别部”考辨

11.A Exploration of A Tod Historical Document The History from Old to the Age of Güüsi Khan;托忒蒙古文史籍《太古到固始汗时代的历史》初探

12.OnJiao Hong sView of Historiography -And Reviewing hisGuoshijingjizhiof Historical Sort ;论明焦的史学思想——兼评其《国史经籍志·史类》

13.It has been one of the top selling books ever written.它成为有史以来最畅销的书籍之一。

14.My brother did not even ask him from what country he came, nor what was his history.我哥却连他的籍贯和历史都没有问。

15.The library is rich in historical books and antiquarian works.这家图书馆拥有大量历史和古籍。

16.Some histories are one hundred volumes long.有些历史书籍长达百余卷。

17.The Supplement to Literature and Art Records of Official History by the Scholars of Qing Dynasty清代学者对正史艺文(经籍)志的增补

18."Shi Ji" "Han History" Character Native Place Calligraphy Comparison;论《史记》《汉书》人物籍贯书法比较



3)historical records史籍

1.China shistorical records have the tradition of expressing author s criticism by writing biographies, which started with Shi Ji by Sima Qian and constitutes an important part of Chinese literature.中国史籍一贯保持作者传记批评的传统,从而形成中国文学作者批评的重要构成部分。

2.Based on research of Tuda in Ningxia area,the paper mainly collects and arranges some relatedhistorical records.所以,对史籍所见宁夏地区土达踪迹之考证,乃是本文主要内容之所在。

4)Jing Ji Kao经籍考

1.Wen Xian Tong Kao·Jing Ji Kao:An Important Chronicle of Dynasty Song in China;《文献通考·经籍考》——中国宋代重要的史志目录

5)exam record pigeonhole考籍归档

1.develops anexam record pigeonhole system of selfstudy higher education examination.为适应数据库数据容量和客户端数量的不断增加,满足实际应用的需求,对三层C/S结构及其优点进行了探讨,并结合面向对象、分布式数据库开发等理论,开发了高等教育自学考试考籍归档系统。

6)the research into one"s native place籍贯考


