1200字范文 > 考工记 Kao Gong Ji英语短句 例句大全

考工记 Kao Gong Ji英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-30 05:25:07


考工记 Kao Gong Ji英语短句 例句大全

考工记,Kao Gong Ji

1)Kao Gong Ji考工记

1.Research of Influence of China Traditional Doctrine of Five Elements on Craft Art Development in Terms of "Kao Gong Ji";《考工记》五行思想与传统工艺美术

2.StudyingKao Gong Ji from the Viewpoint of Science of Art;从艺术学角度看《考工记》


1.Culture Understanding about the Designing History of China Art s Principle of Ergonomics;对《考工记》工效学意涵的文化解读

2.Textual Research into the Relationship of Words on Handicraft Raw Materials in The Artificers Record;《周礼·考工记》手工业原材料词语关系

3.Research of Influence of China Traditional Doctrine of Five Elements on Craft Art Development in Terms of "Kao Gong Ji";《考工记》五行思想与传统工艺美术

4."Harmony between Human and Nature" in the Technology of Cloth of Kao Gong Ji《考工记》服饰工艺蕴含的“天人合一”思想

5.The Textual Research of the Word System of Jade Object in The Artificers Record;论《周礼·考工记》玉器词语系统的特征

6.The Textual Study of the Word System of Vehicles in the Artificer s Record(Ⅱ);《周礼·考工记》车舆词语系统(下)

7.The Textual Study of the Word System of Vehicles in the Artificer s Record(I);《周礼·考工记》车舆词语系统(上)

8.The Traditional Aesthetics of Sculpt From"The Tale of Create"《考工记》中所体现的传统造物之美

9.The Design Thought the Practical Significance of "Wonderful Materials" and "Ingenious Craft" in Kao Gong Ji;《考工记》的“材美”“工巧”设计思想及其现实意义

10.The Study of the Dyeing Technology of the Cloth in KaogongJi--About "Mr Zhong Dyes the Feather";《考工记》服饰染色工艺研究——试论“钟氏染羽”

11.Research on Design Idea of Jade in Kaogongji--Discussion on Emperor s Jade of Gui;《考工记》玉器设计思想研究——试论“天子圭中必”

pare Aristotle s “Four Causes” with Object Making Principles of “Book of Diverse Crafts”;亚里士多德“四因说”与《考工记》造物原则比较

13.On embodies of four elements of Test Work to Record in Chu"s plastic arts《考工记》中四要素在楚国造型艺术中的体现

14.The Influence of National College Entrance Examination Marking Methods on College Admission;高考记分方法对高校录取工作的影响

15.The changes of spatialreference and working memory in the aged rat with learning and memory impairment;老年学习记忆减退大鼠空间参考记忆和工作记忆能力的改变

16.Reporter--News “Rural Worker”?--Thought of the Relation between the Reporter and the Media;记者=新闻民工?——对我国当下媒体与记者关系的思考

17.Scopolamine Has Different Influences on Spatial Reference Memory and Spatial Working Memory in Rats东莨菪碱对大鼠空间参考记忆和工作记忆的不同影响

18.Their review should be consulted for a more detailed description of the work.他们的评论可作为这项工作详细记述的参考。


The Artificers Record考工记

1.The Textual Research of the Word System of Jade Object inThe Artificers Record;论《周礼·考工记》玉器词语系统的特征

2.The Artificers Record(zhou li kao gong ji),the earliest handicraft work of China,bears records on six kinds of skills and thirty types of handicraft wok,including the processing of wood,metal,peel,color,pottery,and polishing.考工记》一书记载的一项重要内容。


1.The Research on Design Theory ofKaogongji;《考工记》设计思想研究

2.On the Design Thought of Jade inKaogongji;《考工记》玉器设计思想研究

4)Kao Gong Ji《考工记》

1.A New Scrutiny into the Examination of the Wheel inKao Gong Ji;《考工记》中轮之检验新探

2.On aesthetics thoughts ofKao Gong Ji论《考工记》的美学思想

3.On the Age, Author and Value ofKao Gong Ji《考工记》的年代、作者与价值

5)the Artificers Record《考工记》

1.After sorting out the Artificer s Record,the first draft of technological document in China,the paper makes an analysis on the relevance and sequences of word system inthe Artificers Record,on the basis of critical interpretation of ancient Chinese texts,semantics and morpheme dichotomy.本文在全面整理中国最早的手工业技术文献《考工记》车舆词语的基础上,根据中国传统训诂学的训诂原理、语义观念以及词汇语义学原理,运用义素二分法,类聚、梳理并分析了《考工记》车舆词语系统的关联性和有序性。

2.The Artificers Record is the earliest handicraft literature of China,which notes six kinds of skills and thirty types of wok including techniques of processing wood,metal,peel,dye,pottery,and polishing,it also represents the woodworking,metalworking,leather working,coloration,pottery manufacturing and town planning.本文在全面整理《考工记》车舆词语的基础上,根据中国传统训诂学的训诂原理、语义观念以及词汇语义学原理,运用义素二分法(Dichotomy of Sememe),①[1](p19-24)类聚、梳理并分析《考工记》车舆词语系统的层次性。


1.Analysis of Symbolic Signification of the Carriage inKaogongji;《考工记》车的象征意义解析

2.Kaogongji is an important scientific monograph of before-Qin and it is the ,earliest handicraft industry literature in china that can be seen.《考工记》是先秦时期一部重要的科技专著,是我国目前所见年代最早的手工业技术文献,书中保留了先秦大量的手工业生产技术、工艺美术资料;长久以来对《考工记》的研究主要集中在文本的考订注释和资料确证上,或者在艺术史、具体艺术门类的研究中偶尔提及《考工记》一书中的美学思想,基本上是蜻蜒点水,未成系统,致使本书的美学研究尚处在初级阶段。


