1200字范文 > 欧洲文化认同 the identity of the European culture英语短句 例句大全

欧洲文化认同 the identity of the European culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-10 19:48:47


欧洲文化认同 the identity of the European culture英语短句 例句大全

欧洲文化认同,the identity of the European culture

1)the identity of the European culture欧洲文化认同

1.Nationalist ideas have provided an ideological basis for the establishment and consolidation of the European modern nations and states,andthe identity of the European culture has been providing a mental pillar for the contemporary European integration.民族主义思想为欧洲近现代民族国家的形成和巩固提供了思想基础,欧洲文化认同也为当代的欧洲一体化提供了精神支柱。


1.Construction of the European Cultural Identity and its Enlightenment on the Integration of East Asia;欧洲文化认同的建构及其对东亚一体化的启示

2.Constructivism s European Cultural Identity and Its Impact on the International System;建构主义视角下的欧洲文化认同及其影响

3.The Establishment of European Identity and the Development of European Integration;欧洲认同的建立与欧洲一体化的发展

4.The Europeanisation of French Foreign Cultural Policy and the Issue of Identity;法国对外文化政策的欧洲化与认同问题

5.Ambiguity and Fluidity in the Concept of European Identity-From the Perspectives of Cultural Criticism;以文化批评理论角度浅析“欧洲认同”界定之模糊性和流动性

6.Initial Exploration on European Collective Identity and Its Construction--Analysis under the Two Cultural Dimensions;浅谈欧洲集体认同及其建构——在两种文化向度下的解析

7.Of or relating to Europe or its peoples, languages, or cultures.欧洲的欧洲的、欧洲人的或欧洲民族的、欧洲语言的、欧洲文化的

8.The Dialectic of European Identification as Exemplified in 19th-Century Literature and Art二元对立中的欧洲认同——以19世纪欧洲文学艺术为例

9.ber Unterschiede und Konvergenz der europischen sicherheitsstrategischen Kultur;试论欧洲安全战略文化的差异与趋同

10.Analysing the Function of Culture Indentity and Interests in EU"s Eastward Expension欧盟东扩的利益和文化认同因素探析

11.ber die neue Identittspolitik und die allmhliche Entstehung der europischen Identitt;论新认同政治与欧洲认同的逐步形成

12.Transnational Television Communication and European Integration;论欧洲电视跨文化传播与欧洲一体化

13.Harmony But Not Sameness--On the Cultural Fusion of European Integration;和而不同——试论欧洲一体化进程中的文化融合

14.Promoting EU Collective Identity Through Educational Programs;欧洲教育计划对欧盟集体认同的促进

15.Interinstitutional Computerized Documentation System for European Community Law欧洲共同体法机构间计算机化文件系统(欧共体文件系统)

16.Accelerating Economic Cooperation in Delta of the Changjiang River by Self-identity of Culture;以文化认同促进长江三角洲经济合作

17.After Unification Germany"s European Identity and Choices of Germany"s European Policy统一后德国的欧洲认同与德国欧洲政策的选择

18.Social integration within a nation-state relies on national consciousness while European integration is dependent on European self-identity.民族国家的社会一体化倚赖于民族意识 ,欧洲一体化则更多地需要欧洲认同。


European identity欧洲认同

1.European Identity in the process of European Integration;欧洲一体化进程中的欧洲认同论析

2.With deepening and enlargement of European integration, the problem ofEuropean identity is becoming more important.然而随着一体化的深入拓展,欧洲认同的建构问题也变得重要起来。

3.European identity provide the cultural foundation and the deep motivation for European Integration while it limits the development of European integration.欧洲认同既为欧洲一体化提供文化基础和深层动力,也制约着欧洲一体化的未来发展。

3)common culture of europe欧洲共同文化

4)new European identity欧洲新认同

1.This article attempts to start with the political impact of the Euro birth to analyze the impact of the Euro onnew European identity and European construction of European citizens.本文试图从欧元诞生的政治影响入手,分析欧元对欧洲新认同及其公民欧洲建设的影响。

5)African Cultural Identity非洲文化认同

6)European culture欧洲文化

1.Influences ofEuropean culture upon the formation of Australian culture;欧洲文化在澳大利亚文化形成过程中的影响

2.Since European integration of higher education started, culture factor has been playing an importantrole; For the abundant meaning and trait of identity and diversity,European culture conceive capacious liberalbackground and broad adaptability, and favor European integration of higher education vigor and motivity.欧洲文化以其丰富的内涵和同一性与多样性统一的特点,构建了欧洲高等教育一体化广阔的人文背景和广泛的适应性,给予了欧洲高等教育一体化进程活力和动力。

3.European culture is spiritual and material wealth achieved in human society.欧洲文化是人类社会重要的精神和物质财富 ,其以民主与法制精神 ,科学与理性精神 ,极大地推动了欧洲现代化的进程。



