1200字范文 > 文化认同 cultural identity英语短句 例句大全

文化认同 cultural identity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-17 06:16:54


文化认同 cultural identity英语短句 例句大全

文化认同,cultural identity

1)cultural identity文化认同

1.Internet Communication in the International Conflict Contexts(1999-):A Cultural Identity Thesis on Expressional Pluralism;国际冲突语境中的互联网传播(1999-):多元表达的文化认同阐释

2.Sino-European Union relationship seen from the perspective ofcultural identity;试从文化认同解读中欧关系

3.Cultural Identity is a Prime Condition of Ethnic Fusion;文化认同是民族融合的先决条件


1.Cultural identity,cultural awareness and construction of harmonious cultures;文化认同、文化自觉与和谐文化的构建

2.An Interpretation of the "Culture Identification" In America Is In The Heart;解读America Is In The Heart中的文化认同

3.Analyzing Campus Cultural Construction of Higher Vocational Colleges from the View of Cultural Agreement;文化认同观照下的高职校园文化建设

4.Post-returning of Hong Kong: Cultural Rift, Cultural Identification and Cultural Renewal;后回归香港:文化裂隙、文化认同与弥合

5.Intercultural Translation and Cultural Identity:With Comments on the Cognitive Reconstruction of Chinese Cultural Modernity文化转化与文化认同——兼论中国文化现代性的认知重构

6.The Cultural Identity of literature;“奇语喧哗”时代后的文学文化认同

7.The Cultural Identity Construction of Urban Communities and Rural Communities城市社区文化认同建设对农村社区文化认同建设的启示

8.Ethnic Group Cultural Development and Identification of the Hei Yi Zhuang in the Context of Globalization;全球化语境下黑衣壮族群文化发展及文化认同

9.Lee Kuan Yew s Cultural Identification and Singapore s Cultural Option in Its Modernization;李光耀的文化认同与新加坡现代化的文化选择

10.On Ethnic Minority Literature and Cultural Identification民族文学与文化认同——以哈萨克族文学为例

11.Advertising Visual Signs and Cultural Identity Communication from the Masses View;大众文化视野下广告视觉符号与文化认同

12.Ethnic Memory, Cultural Identity and the Protection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Zhuang People;族群记忆、文化认同与非物质文化遗产的保护

13.Relationship between cultural identification attitudes and acculturation in minority;少数民族文化认同态度模式与文化适应的关系

14.Lin Yutang s Culture Identity and Cultural Choice From Christianity;从基督教看林语堂的文化认同与文化选择

15.Role Transformation and Culture Identification--Chinese Festival Culture and Man;角色转换与文化认同——中国节日文化中的人

16.Cultural Approval and Rejection: a Study of the Translated Foreign Novels in the Late Qing Dynasty;从文化排斥与文化认同看清末外国小说翻译

17.Analysis of the Culture Power and Culture Identity Dilemma in China"s Peaceful Rise中国和平崛起中的文化力与文化认同困境分析

18.Cultural Right: The Dimension of Self-Approval and Other-Approval;文化权:自我认同与他者认同的向度


cultural identification文化认同

1.Cultural Identification in the Second Language Acquistion——Analysis of Theoretical Values of Promoting Original Movie Teaching Method;第二语言习得中的文化认同——浅析推广原声电影教学法的理论价值

2.the Politics of Crisis of Cultural Identification and Identity Definition——the Two Laws against Rural Cultural Renaissance;文化认同的危机与身份界定的政治学——乡村文化复兴的二律背反

3.ESCAPING FROM THE PAINFUL HISTORY AND ROOT-SEEKING IN AFRICAN CUTURE—— Reflection on the African-Americans’cultural identification From Everyday Use;逃避伤痛文化,寻根非洲文化——从艾利斯·沃克的《外婆的日用家当》看美国黑人文化认同

3)Culture Identity文化认同

1.Seeking Identity on Mode of Existence:theCulture Identity of New Chinese Immigrants in the U.S. and Canada;寻求生存方式的同一性——美加新华侨华人的文化认同分析

2.On theCulture Identity between Chinese and Western in Ang s Movies;论李安电影的中西文化认同

3.The deepening of Europe integration is making Europe culture identity problem gradually obvious.欧洲一体化的深化使欧洲文化认同问题日益凸显。

4)cultural recognition文化认同

1.This thesis is based on the recognition of movie culture and its cultural identification during the return of Hong Kong to the Chinese mainland and discusses how Hong Kong movies identify and embody thecultural recognition under the!complicated cultural context.以“九七”回归时期香港电影文化认同/身份的认知与定位为出发点,探讨在“九七”香港纷繁复杂的文化语境中,香港电影如何在建构的意义上辨析与体现自身的文化身份。

2.Itscultural recognition,cultural consciousness and cultural resource value are significant for the unity of Chinese people,for meeting challenges from other cultures under the globalization,and for building up developed culture with distinct national features.在当代中国,民族文化的魅力有待进一步展现,其文化认同、文化自觉、文化资源价值,对于完成祖国统一大业、应对全球化背景下的文化挑战,创建具有鲜活民族特色的先进文化都具有重要意义。

3.Incultural recognition,the people of Hui represent a very obious character of the combination of the two cultures.回族在文化认同上表现了极强的两种文化结合的特点。

5)cultural approval文化认同

1.Then the paper offers an amendment to the Mechanism for the Acceptance of Foreign Concepts by the Target Culture initiated by Doctor Wang Dongfeng so that the new mechan:sm adds regulator system tocultural approval mechanism hypothesis and is.从宏观角度分析外来概念的引进,可以看到外来概念引进中非连续性和连续性是并存的,以其中的连续性为基础,分析了外来概念引进中"萧规曹随"现象,给王东风博士的"文化认同机制假说"增添了"调控子系统",从而使新的"文化认同机制假说"不仅能解释单个外来概念的引进,而且也能解释外来概念引进这一整体活动,为外来概念的引进提供了一幅动态全息图景。

2.Consequently, a wonderful advertisement translation should be based on getting thecultural approval from the target consumers.因而,巧妙的翻译必然要建立在已经取得目标消费群文化认同的基础之上。

3.The cultural psychology of a criminal is usually made up of thecultural approval psychology,the cultural demand psychology and the cultural conflict psychology,which are composed,has the gradation,difference,variability,and complexity in characteristics.罪犯的文化心理通常由文化认同心理、文化需求心理和文化冲突心理组成,具有渐进性、差异性、变更性、递进性和复杂性等特征。

6)consensus of culture文化的认同


角色认同说角色认同说role identificational theory角色认同说(role identificational theory)解释性别角色的获得和两性心理行为特征的形成的一种性别差异心理学理论,渊源于精神分析学派,以后也为其他学派所借用。精神分析学家十分强调认同在男女心理发展中的作用,认为认同是保持心理平衡的防御机制。男女儿童为消除恋母、恋父情结,把自己放置于同性父母以及其他同性成人的地位,从而获得相应的性别角色和特定的心理行为特征。当儿童的性心理发展到阳具欲期,才开始形成性别差异。男孩产生的是恋母情结,但由于阉割恐惧,他抑制自己对母亲的性欲冲动,转向与父亲相认同,以达到替代性满足,结果内化了由父亲所代表的社会规范和继承了由父亲所代表的男性权力与品质。女孩由于阳物妒羡产生的是恋父情结,但这种愿望既得不到真正的满足,又得不到彻底的解脱,其性别角色认同获得的是依附、被动、自卑、嫉妒、受虐等女性特征。弗洛伊德解释两性差异形成的阳物中心论观点受到了后人的批评,但其关于性别角色认同的思想则为后来的学者所探讨。社会学习理论在解释性别角色社会化的进程时,也强调了模仿、认同的作用。(茜冬杏撰高玉样审)
