1200字范文 > 利益法学 jurisprudence of interests英语短句 例句大全

利益法学 jurisprudence of interests英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-20 11:01:47


利益法学 jurisprudence of interests英语短句 例句大全

利益法学,jurisprudence of interests

1)jurisprudence of interests利益法学

1.Jurisprudence of Interests arose at the cross of the 19~(th) and 20~(th) century in Germany.利益法学产生于19世纪末20世纪初的德国。

2)The Jurisprudence of Interest of Philipp Heck赫克的利益法学

3)interest doctrine利益学说

1.Based on hisinterest doctrine,interest is divided into personal interest,public interest and social interest,and sacrificing the least interest to achieve the maximization of interest is treated as the standard of conflict of the interest.社会控制论是庞德社会学法学的思想的核心,以其利益学说为基础,将利益分为个人利益、公共利益和社会利益,并以最小的利益牺牲达到利益的最大化为利益冲突时衡量的标准。

4)the Interest of Students学生利益


1.Enlarge College Students Political Participation & Reflect Their Petition of Interest;扩大学生有序参与 反映学生利益诉求

2.Research on Tuition Charging in Colleges of Our Country Based on Student"s Benefits;基于学生利益的我国高校收费问题研究

3.The Interest Expression of Students in the Charging System of Higher Education高等教育收费制度运行中学生利益的表达

4.The common interests of students and teachers学生与教师的共同利益

5.Students Affair Management Should Represent the Fundamental Interests of Students;高校学生工作要代表学生的根本利益

6.Research on Benefit-contending Action of College Students in Beneficial Damage--Analysis of Fighting Phenomenon among College Students利益受损大学生的利益抗争行为研究——大学生打架斗殴现象解析

7.The students union represents all the students in the school.学生会代表着这学校里全体学生的利益。

8.The Relationship Between Enterprises and Stakeholders:from the View of Ecology;企业与利益相关者关系的生态学视角

9.Protection of Colleges Students’ Rights:Analysis Based on Benefits Measurement;高校学生权利保护:基于利益衡量的分析

10.Research on Relationship between Collective Interests and Individual Interests of Contemporary College Students当代大学生的集体利益和个人利益关系理念探析

11.yielding material gain or profit.产生物质利益和利润。

12.The Character of the Interest View about Individual and Collective among Undergraduate Students in the Contemporary Era;当代大学生个人与集体利益观特征研究

13.The Position of National Interests in University Students Receiving Cross-Culture;解析国家利益在大学生接收外来文化中的定位

14.Analysis of Conflict of Interest in Biomedical Research of Different Subjects;浅议生物医学研究中不同主体的利益冲突

15.Litigation on Students Management: Analysis Based on Benefits Measurement;高校学生管理诉讼:基于利益衡量的分析

16.The mineral right reading of"the poor people economics":the benefits gaming of the mineral disaster born;“穷人经济学”的矿权解读:矿难生成的利益博弈

17.The Relationship between College Students Self-development and Benefits;浅议大学生自我发展需要与利益关系问题

18.Collge ideological education ought to concern the interests and development of students;高校思想教育要关注大学生的利益与发展


The Jurisprudence of Interest of Philipp Heck赫克的利益法学

3)interest doctrine利益学说

1.Based on hisinterest doctrine,interest is divided into personal interest,public interest and social interest,and sacrificing the least interest to achieve the maximization of interest is treated as the standard of conflict of the interest.社会控制论是庞德社会学法学的思想的核心,以其利益学说为基础,将利益分为个人利益、公共利益和社会利益,并以最小的利益牺牲达到利益的最大化为利益冲突时衡量的标准。

4)the Interest of Students学生利益

5)Legal Interests法律利益

1.In view of the plaintiff\"s lack of qualifications in administrative proceedings,it is necessary to weaken the plaintiff qualification and prevent excessive lawsuits,be clear about its procedural and substantive quality;set up standard for plaintiff qualification in private-interest administrative lawsuits on the basis of legal interests.针对行政诉讼原告资格存在的不足,应从理念上弱化原告资格防止滥诉的价值,明确其兼具程序性和实体性;以法律利益为基础构建行政私益诉讼原告资格标准,同时设立公益诉讼,赋予公众和检察机关公益诉讼原告资格;充分发挥法院在司法实践中的能动性,灵活把握原告资格的立法标准。

6)legal interests合法利益

1.It helps protect thelegal interests of contracting parties, but there is no common sense in the judicial practice about the use of it, especially in requisites to constitute a crime, application and claims of damage, etc.缔约过失责任制度在 1999年颁布的《中华人民共和国经济合同法》里已确立 ,为保护缔约方的合法利益 ,有了法理依据 ,但在司法实践中如何操作并未形成统一认识 ,尤其是缔约过失责任的构成要件、适用领域、损害赔偿等问题还有争议。


