1200字范文 > 人格刑法学 criminal jurisprudence of personality英语短句 例句大全

人格刑法学 criminal jurisprudence of personality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-04 14:52:58


人格刑法学 criminal jurisprudence of personality英语短句 例句大全

人格刑法学,criminal jurisprudence of personality

1)criminal jurisprudence of personality人格刑法学

1.Conceiving Criminal Jurisprudence of Personality (Ⅱ);人格刑法学的构想(下)

2.Conceiving Criminal Jurisprudence of Personality (I);人格刑法学的构想(上)

3.Personalism in criminal law was first introduced by criminal jurists with subjectivist ideas,which has,after being critically assimilated by the jurists,with objectivist ideas,yielded lots of fruits,such as thecriminal jurisprudence of personality,and it become an important production of eclecticism.刑法人格主义的思想发源于刑法主观主义阵营,经过刑法客观主义阵营的批判与吸收,在当代演化成人格刑法学等理论成果,并成为折衷主义的重要产物。

2)Personality criminal theory人格刑法观

3)personalism in criminal law刑法人格主义

4)personification of the criminal justice刑事司法人格化

5)Theory of Personality Punishment人格刑罚论



1.On the Compensation to Criminal Victim--from the View of Protection Function of Human Rights in Criminal Law;论刑事被害人补偿——以刑法人权保障机能为视角

2.The Conception and Value of Protecting Minors in the Criminal Law;未成年人的刑法保护理念与刑法价值

3.On the Human Rights and Advocation of Civil Rights in Criminal Law刑法的人权蕴涵及民权刑法观的倡导

4.On Popular Indignation and Sentencing of Death Penalty--On the Implementation of Idea of "People Judicature for People" in the Sentencing of Death Penalty民愤与死刑量刑——死刑量刑中对“人民司法为人民”理念的贯彻

5." Under Criminal Law of the PRC, punish ments are divided into principal punishment and supplementary punishments."按照《中华人民共和国刑法》,刑罚分为主刑和附加刑。

6.The judge condemned the prisoner to life imprisonment.法官判处犯人无期徒刑。

7.The criminal court absolved him from the charge刑事法庭赦免了人。

8.The judge sentenced the murderer to the gallows.法官判杀人犯处以绞刑。

parison between the criminals of joint offence in Chinese law or continental law legal system;中国刑法与大陆法系刑法共同犯罪人类型比较

10.Legally Prescribing Penalty in International Human Rights Law and China s Penal Law;国际人权法上的罪刑法定与中国刑事制度研究

11.The Relationship between Function of Protecting Human Rights and Principle of Conviction by Lawin Chinese Criminal Law;我国刑法罪刑法定原则与人权保障机能的关系

12.Three Levels Concerning the Combination of Criminal Law and "Human"--Human Nature,Humanity and Human Rights in the Criminal Law刑法与“人”结合的三种层次——刑法中的人性、人道、人权

13.Ponder on Criminal Law Thinking of Human Right with Social Stability and Penal Reform社会稳定与刑罚改革的人权刑法观思考

14.Humanistic Dawn of European Criminal Law--A Comment on "On Crimes and Punishment";欧洲刑法的人道主义之光——评《论犯罪与刑罚》

15.Questioning the Basic Criminal Law Principle--On "All People Are Equal before the Law" Is not Appropriate to the Basic Principle of Criminal Law;刑法基本原则拷问——试论“法律面前人人平等”不适为刑法的基本原则

16.The Principle that Men Are All Equal Before Criminal Law: A philosophical Interpretation of Article 4 of the Criminal Act;刑法面前人人平等原则——对《刑法》第4条的法理解释

17.The Cognizance of the "Quasi-state Functionaries" in Criminal Law--the Discrimination and Harmonization of the Articles and Interpretations of Criminal Law;“准国家工作人员”的刑法定位——刑法法条、法释之辨析与协调

18.Differentiate and Analyse about State Functionary in Criminal Law;关于刑法中“国家工作人员”的法律辨析


Personality criminal theory人格刑法观

3)personalism in criminal law刑法人格主义

4)personification of the criminal justice刑事司法人格化

5)Theory of Personality Punishment人格刑罚论



人格心理学人格心理学personality psychology人格心理学(personality psyehology)亦称“个性心理学”。普通心理学的一个分支,研究人格发展、构成及其表现规律的学科。其研究领域有:人格的实质,人格的结构,人格的形成和发展,人格的外部表现及其测量和诊断的方法和技术等。(王启康撰移藕龄审)
