1200字范文 > 历史建构主义 historical constructivism英语短句 例句大全

历史建构主义 historical constructivism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-25 01:06:05


历史建构主义 historical constructivism英语短句 例句大全

历史建构主义,historical constructivism

1)historical constructivism历史建构主义


1.The Problem with Popper’s Philosophic Viewpoints of Anti-historicism;波普尔反历史主义的哲学视角问题

2.Husserl s Critique ofHistoricism and Its Revelation to Us;胡塞尔现象学的历史主义批判及其启示


1.The Anecdotalism of New Historicism: the To uch of the Real and Counterhistorie;论新历史主义的逸闻主义──触摸真实与“反历史”

2.Cultural Materialism and New Historicism in Theatre Criticism;文化唯物主义与新历史主义戏剧理论

3.Falsificationism, Historicism and Economics Standards;证伪主义、历史主义与经济科学的标准

4.The German "Historicism" and the Form of the "Science of Art History";德意志“历史主义”与形式的“艺术史科学”

5.A Brief Analysis on Historical Narration of Nature-evil Theory of SU Tong s Neo-historic Novel;浅析苏童新历史主义小说“性恶论”的历史叙事

6.Surmounting to Traditional Historical Novel of Neo-historicism Novel;论新历史主义小说对传统历史小说的反拨


8.Why Historical Materialism is Possible--Oneness of Double Meaning of "History" of Historical Materialism历史唯物主义何以可能——历史唯物主义之“历史”双重意义的统一性

9.Historical Materialism as a Scientific Methodology for Historical Studies;作为历史科学方法论的历史唯物主义

10.Double Meanings of the Concept of History in Historical Materialism;历史唯物主义中“历史”概念的双重内涵

11.Historical anthropology: from historical text to meaning subject;历史人类学:从历史文本到意义主体

12."The End of History" and the Destiny of Historical Materialism“历史的终结”与历史唯物主义的命运

13.reject the idealist view of history抛弃唯心主义历史观

14.history of International Communist Movement国际共产主义运动历史

15.on historical pretext of communismtand on historical materialism.关于共产主义的历史前提; 关于历史唯物主义。

16.New Democracy s Theoretical Innovation And Its Historic Meaning;新民主主义的理论创新及其历史意义

17.The practical significance of studing the subject theoryof historical materialism;历史唯物主义主体论研究的现实意义

18.Endless Dispute on the Influence of "The Prince"从历代评价看《君主论》的历史意义



1.The Problem with Popper’s Philosophic Viewpoints of Anti-historicism;波普尔反历史主义的哲学视角问题

2.Husserl s Critique ofHistoricism and Its Revelation to Us;胡塞尔现象学的历史主义批判及其启示


1.Going out of Two Opposing Extreme Branches of Modernism andHistoricalism;走出现代主义与历史主义的两极误区

2.ract: This essay mainly discusses the historical method and its application in the study of literature history,and has defined the two concepts of historicalism and historical method in the study of literature history at the same time.文章就历史方法在文学史研究中的运用及其意义进行了系统的阐述 ,并总结了历史方法在实践中的三个不同的要求 ,同时还对所谓历史主义与历史方法的概念进行了辨析和界定。

4)historical principle历史主义

1.Mainly has had the logical real diagnosis principle, the critique rationalism, thehistorical principle and so on, they have carried on the effective exploration centered on the science to mark off, the science development pattern, the scientific method and so on,they have formed respective scientific view.主要产生了逻辑实证主义、批判理性主义、历史主义等流派,他们围绕着科学的划界标准、科学的发展模式、科学方法等问题进行了有效探索,并产生了各自的科学观,试对他们的观点进行概括和总结。

2.By applyinghistorical principle,Deng Xiaoping analyzed Mao Zedong s thought and socialist system and put forward understanding the issues of"what socialism is"and"how to construct socialism", from the past ,today and future of socialism.邓小平通过对我国社会主义实践的历史主义分析,提出要搞清楚"什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义"的问题,从社会主义的过去、现在和未来相互关系中把握住社会主义本质。


1.Contrasting with Popper s opposing to the "historicism" in the sense of "historical determinism",Husserl is opposed to the "historism" in the sense of "historical relativism".与波普所反对的"历史决定论"意义上的"历史主义"不同,胡塞尔反对"历史相对论"意义上的"历史主义"。

2.In the point of view of hermeneutics, we can find two types of hermeneutics inclination of objectivism andhistorism in his criticism.从诠释学角度可以发现李健吾的文学批评具有客观主义和历史主义两种诠释倾向。

3.It ishistorism’s extrude behave on the study to diligent into society rule.历史主义在方法论上取向于整体主义和价值相对主义 ,它在将历史力量神秘化的同时陷入了决定论的泥淖。

6)History Construction建构历史

1.Thucydides RationalHistory Construction;本文提出,尽管修昔底德力求其历史书写的真实性,并且开创了一套严谨的方法,但限于条件,他不可能像自己标榜的那样做到客观真实,其历史书写是以理性的方式建构历史。


