1200字范文 > 《陆宣公翰苑集》 Lu Xuan Gong Han Yuan Ji英语短句 例句大全

《陆宣公翰苑集》 Lu Xuan Gong Han Yuan Ji英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-02 03:26:17


《陆宣公翰苑集》 Lu Xuan Gong Han Yuan Ji英语短句 例句大全

《陆宣公翰苑集》,"Lu Xuan Gong Han Yuan Ji"

1)"Lu Xuan Gong Han Yuan Ji"《陆宣公翰苑集》

1.Chapter two,editions of“Lu Xuan Gong Han Yuan Ji”.第二章,通过对蕴含陆贽史学思想的《陆宣公翰苑集》版本的考察,发现南宋蜀刻本是现存最早的版本,据涵芬楼藏宋本影印的《四部丛刊》二次印本,是目前收录完整、底本精善、较为流行的陆贽文集。

2)Tang Lu Xuan Gong Ji唐陆宣公集

1.The Origin Research of Block-printed Edition ofTang Lu Xuan Gong Ji in Kang Xi and Yong Zheng Times;康熙、雍正《唐陆宣公集》均刻竣于陕

2.Library Rare Collection Study (Part Ⅲ):Tang Lu Xuan Gong Ji of Kang Xi Edition and Yong Zheng Edition Were Both Block-Printed in Shaanxi Province;馆藏善本探秘之三:《唐陆宣公集》康熙、雍正版均刻竣于陕


1.The Origin Research of Block-printed Edition of Tang Lu Xuan Gong Ji in Kang Xi and Yong Zheng Times;康熙、雍正《唐陆宣公集》均刻竣于陕

2.Document Reform from Sui to Middle-Tang Dynasty and the Great Contribution of Luzhi;论隋至中唐骈体公文改革及陆贽的杰出成就

3.It also declared an individual"s right to a fair and speedy trial.宣言还宣称公司参与集会和审讯的权利。

4.On the Characteristics and the Gains and Loss of Lu Shan-jing s Notes to <Wen-xuan>;从《唐钞<文选集注>汇存》论陆善经《文选》注的特色与得失

5.Study on Human Resource Management of Tangshan Iron & Steel Group Co., LTD;唐山钢铁集团有限责任公司人力资源管理研究

6.The Research on the Strategy fo the Customer Relationship Management of Tangrenshen Group;唐人神集团公司实施客户关系管理的策略研究

7.The Building of Management Information Network for Xuancheng Power Supply Company Centralized Control Stations Group宣城供电公司集控站群管理信息网络建设

8.Primary Discussion about International Cooperation Human Resources Management of China Datang Corporation;中国大唐集团公司国际化合作人力资源管理初探

9.The Impact of Initiating Dividend Payments on Shareholders Wealth--An Empirical Study in Mainland China;新上市公司股利宣告与股票报酬率关联性之研究——以中国大陆A股为实证

10.China Hui Yuan Juice Holdings Co., Ltd(“ Hui Yuan”).达能集团今天宣布获得中国汇源果汁有限公司(汇源”)2.18%股份。

11.Hirsch Pipe & Supply is pleased to announce that Roger Stauffer has been promoted to the position of Hollywood Branch Manager.美国好施集团荣幸的宣布Roger Stauffer先生被提升为好莱坞分公司经理。

12.China, for example, recently announced it will invest3 billion dollars in the Blackstone Group, the private-equity company in New York.比如中国,最近宣布将向纽约私人股本公司——黑石集团投资30亿美元。

13.Rectification of Conscience and Favor of Customs--the Classical Confucian Legal Propaganda and Education Tradition with Respect to "Collections of Clean and Just Verdicts of Scholar- bureaucrats" in Song Dynasty;正人心,厚风俗——从《名公书判清明集》看儒家的法律宣教传统

14.DEFA group was established in1946, with headquarter situated outside Oslo, capital of Norway.帝发集团公司创建于1946年,总部位于挪威首都奥斯陆郊外.

15.DEFA group was established in 1946, with headquarter situated outside Oslo, capital of Norway.帝发集团公司创建于1946年,总部位于挪威首都奥斯陆郊外。

16.Yu Ji"s On the New Memorial Temple for Lu Jiuyuan and Its Value to Xiangshan Culture Construction虞集《新建陆文安公祠堂记》对象山文化建设的价值

17.A Brief Report of the Investigation of Porcelain Kiln Sites of Tang and Song Dynasties in Dengfeng;登封宣化唐宋时期瓷窑遗址调查简报

18.Dr. Tang Zuxuan"s Clinical Experience in Treating Surgical Diseases with "Zhenwu Decoction"唐祖宣应用真武汤治疗外科疾病经验


Tang Lu Xuan Gong Ji唐陆宣公集

1.The Origin Research of Block-printed Edition ofTang Lu Xuan Gong Ji in Kang Xi and Yong Zheng Times;康熙、雍正《唐陆宣公集》均刻竣于陕

2.Library Rare Collection Study (Part Ⅲ):Tang Lu Xuan Gong Ji of Kang Xi Edition and Yong Zheng Edition Were Both Block-Printed in Shaanxi Province;馆藏善本探秘之三:《唐陆宣公集》康熙、雍正版均刻竣于陕

3)Memorials to the throne by Lu Xuangong《陆宣公奏议》

4)YuanLuo Collection《苑洛集》

1.TheYuanLuo Collection including 22 volumes is one of his representative works.韩邦奇在明代正德、嘉靖年间声名远播,二十二卷《苑洛集》是其代表作之一。

5)Jin Yuan company锦苑公司

6)Continental Group, Inc.大陆集团公司


