1200字范文 > 奢侈品感知价值理论 Luxuries-Perceived Value Theory英语短句 例句大全

奢侈品感知价值理论 Luxuries-Perceived Value Theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-15 18:07:13


奢侈品感知价值理论 Luxuries-Perceived Value Theory英语短句 例句大全

奢侈品感知价值理论,Luxuries-Perceived Value Theory

1)Luxuries-Perceived Value Theory奢侈品感知价值理论

1.The Development,Comparison and Prospect ofLuxuries-Perceived Value Theory消费者奢侈品感知价值理论的发展、比较及展望


1.The Development,Comparison and Prospect of Luxuries-Perceived Value Theory消费者奢侈品感知价值理论的发展、比较及展望

2.The Effect of Luxury Band Purchase Value on Consumer Loyalty奢侈品牌购买价值下消费者忠诚研究

3.Study on the Application of 4R Theory in Luxury Goods Marketing;4R理论在奢侈品营销中的应用及启示

4.The Influence of Chinese Values on Luxury Purchasing Motivation传统价值观对奢侈品购买动机的影响研究

5.A Study on the Personal Perception Motivation and Non-Personal Perception Motivation of Chinese People"s Luxury Consumption Behavior中国人奢侈品消费的个人感知动机和非个人感知动机研究

6.Marxist production theory of luxury goods and its practical implications马克思的奢侈品生产理论及其现实意义

7.He knew beforehand what the price of his luxury was; he has paid the price."他早就该知道玩这种奢侈品是什么价钱,不过是欠债还钱罢

8.A Empirical Research of the Sense of Traditional Values and the Preference of Consumer Buying Luxury Good传统价值观对消费者购买奢侈品偏好影响的实证研究

9.Definition of Luxury Consumption and Impacts of Cultural Values;奢侈消费的界定及其价值观动因研究

10.Hike up the price of luxury goods大幅度地提高奢侈品价格

11.With the rise in prices, Confederate money sank, and with its rapid fall there rose a wild passion for luxuries.物价上涨的同时,南部联盟政府和纸币不断贬值,纸币越贬值人们就越发渴望看到奢侈品。

12.Luxuries are - ties.奢侈品是非必需品。

13.Luxuries are superfluity.奢侈品都是非必需品。

14.Something that is desirable but not a necessity; a luxury.虚饰某些值得艳羡却并不必须的东西;奢侈品

15.Studies on Luxury Brand Construction under Marketing Public Relations Perspective;论营销公关视角下奢侈品品牌的形象塑造

16.Research on Inproving Nutritive Value of Water Spinach Using Their Lucury Zinc Absorption;利用蕹菜奢侈吸锌提高其营养价值的研究

17.Nowadays, all the stores hike up the price of luxury goods.月前,所有的商店都大幅度地提高奢侈品的价格。

18.People frenziedly bought these luxuries with the money they had today, fearing that tomorrow"s prices would be higher and the money worthless.人们用今天手中的货币疯狂抢购奢侈品,因为生怕明天的价格更高而货币更不值钱。


perceptions of consumers towards the luxury goods奢侈品感知价值

1.Many theoretical andempirical studies have made by marketing researchers in attempt to investigate theperceptions of consumers towards the luxury goods.众多营销学的学者对奢侈品感知价值进行了理论和实证的研究,从社会导向和个人导向提出了不同的价值维度,但是鲜有学者研究各个价值维度之间的关系。

3)luxury goods sales management奢侈品销售管理

4)Reasoningly consume luxuy理性消费奢侈品

5)Luxury Goods奢侈品

1.Study on the Application of 4R Theory inLuxury Goods Marketing;4R理论在奢侈品营销中的应用及启示

2.China is a booming luxury goods market,in which few research has delved.亚洲特别是中国正成为世界奢侈品的主要市场,但是受文化的影响,东西方消费者的奢侈品消费动机是不同的。

3.The luxury goods is a kind of consumer goods beyond people s existence and development scope,which is special,sparse and rare.奢侈品是一种超出人们生存与发展需要范围的、具有独特、稀缺、珍奇等特点的消费品,又称为非生活必需品。


1.On the concept ofluxury and its function;关于奢侈品概念及其功能的思考

2.Have you already prepared forluxury?;对奢侈品消费的心理分析与探讨

parative Analysis of Consumer Behavior on Luxury Goods between Chinese and French;中法奢侈品消费者行为比较分析与实证研究


