1200字范文 > 电影题材 movie subjects英语短句 例句大全

电影题材 movie subjects英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-14 07:26:22


电影题材 movie subjects英语短句 例句大全

电影题材,movie subjects

1)movie subjects电影题材

1.Based on CBI teaching method,it is necessary to make the best choice ofmovie subjects and teaching methods and make students play the main role in the comprehensive teaching with a view to the teaching optimization of English movies appreciation.基于CBI教学理念,优化英语电影欣赏课程的教学模式,应选择合适的电影题材和恰当的教学方法,发挥学生的主体作用,进行全方位渗透式教学。

2)Mongolian theme films蒙古族题材电影

1.From "Wait-and-See" to the Resuscitating of the National Sense——The current transformation of theMongolian theme films;从“他者观望”到民族意识的复苏——蒙古族题材电影的流变


1.From "Wait-and-See" to the Resuscitating of the National Sense--The current transformation of the Mongolian theme films;从“他者观望”到民族意识的复苏——蒙古族题材电影的流变

2.The Contemprory Mongolian Novels of Genre of the Country Reformation《蒙古族当代农村改革题材小说研究》

3.Research on Displays of Ethnic History Subject in Inner Mongolia Museum内蒙古博物院民族历史题材陈列研究

4.On the Film Model of Inner Mongolia in the Context of the Minority Nationality Film;民族电影语境下的“内蒙古电影模式”

5.The Mongolian Folk Song Themes Under Inner Mongolia Environment;浅谈北方草原生态环境下的蒙古族民歌题材

6.The Research of the Influence of TV Media to Mongolian Teenagers Socialization;电视媒体对蒙古族青少年社会化影响研究

7.It is Only National,It is the World:The Film Creation of the Mongols Director Saifu & Hailisi;只有民族的,才是世界的——再论蒙古族导演塞夫、麦丽丝的电影创作

8.Studies on Pharmacognosy of Mongolian Folk Drug Panzeria Alaschanica Kupr蒙古族民间药材脓疮草的生药学研究

9.Influences of Shaman Musical Dance to Modern Mongolian Musical Dance;蒙古萨满乐舞对近现代蒙古族乐舞的影响

10.The Future of Miao National Films Based on Five Films从五部电影探索苗族题材电影发展的前景

11.The Creation on Minority Nationality in Tele Films边疆故事——电视电影中的少数民族题材创作

12.From it we see the deep influence of Shamanism on Mongolians.由此可见萨满教对蒙古族影响之深。

13.On the Influence of Mongolian Habitual Law to Lawful System of Yuan Dynasty;试论蒙古族习惯法对元朝法制的影响

14.The "chao er" Phenomenon Influence on Mongolian Nationality s Musical Style;“潮尔”现象对蒙古族音乐风格的影响

15.The Research about the National Minority Topic and China Western Region Movie Artistic;少数民族题材与中国西部电影创作之研究

16.The Filmic Narratology Study;“十七年”时期南方少数民族题材电影的叙事研究

17.On the Surviving Strategy about Tibetan Themes Film under the Market-directed Economy;藏族题材电影在市场经济中的生存战略研究

18.Nation Subject Matter Film Artistic Style of Saifu, Mailisi塞夫、麦丽丝民族题材电影的艺术风格研究


Mongolian theme films蒙古族题材电影

1.From "Wait-and-See" to the Resuscitating of the National Sense——The current transformation of theMongolian theme films;从“他者观望”到民族意识的复苏——蒙古族题材电影的流变

3)The Shanghai Style film上海题材电影

4)animal movie动物题材电影

5)old Shanghai theme movie旧上海题材电影

1.Theold Shanghai theme movie in this article particularly refers to the movies made in the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan around the 1930s since the 1980s.本文所指的旧上海题材电影,特指20世纪80年代以来大陆和港台以20世纪30年代前后的上海为主要表现对象的影片。

6)Nation subject matter film民族题材电影


