1200字范文 > 发展与改革 Development and reform英语短句 例句大全

发展与改革 Development and reform英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-06 08:57:40


发展与改革 Development and reform英语短句 例句大全

发展与改革,Development and reform

1)Development and reform发展与改革

1.Transformations of education and knowledge with the social transformation have important impact on the development and reform of university continuing education,so that it is inevitable for university continuing education to transform.当前,我国的经济和社会发展进入了极为重要的时期,伴随着社会转型所发生的教育与知识的转型,对高校成人教育的发展与改革产生了重要影响,高校成人教育转型已势在必行。


1.development and reform of science of education教育科学发展与改革

2.Reform & Opening-up and Development of Industry--Survey of Forum of Chinese Industrial Development and Reform;改革开放与工业发展——“中国工业发展与改革论坛”观点综述

3.Need and Possibility:the Development and Reform of Agricultural Extension in Henan Province;需求与可能:河南农业推广发展与改革

4.Corresponding Development of "Two Strategies" and Reform of Physical Education Colleges and Universities;两个战略"的协调发展与体育院校的发展与改革

5.Reform and Development of China"s Railway Sector中国铁路的改革与发展

6.Deepening of reform and promotion of development深化改革与促进发展

7.Reform and Development of China"s Financial System中国的财政改革与发展

8.reforms and development of State-owned enterprises国有企业改革与发展

9.Scientific Outlook on Development Should Be Used to Plan the School s Reform and Development;用科学发展观统筹学校的改革与发展

10.Progress In Reform And Strongness In Progress--The investigation of Gansu s middle-small enterprise reform and progress;在改革中发展 在发展中壮大——甘肃中小企业改革与发展调查

11.The Growth of China s Electrical Industry: the Reform Process, and Reforms that Fit Each Other;中国电力工业发展:改革进程与配套改革

12.Economic Development and Reform of Tax System-a discussion of VAT reform in new era abstract;经济发展与税制改革——浅议新时期增值税改革

13.The Coordination between the Political System and the Economic System;政治体制改革与经济发展、经济体制改革相适应

14.Reflections on Curriculum Reform & Development of China"s Universities since the Opening-up & Reform改革开放以来我国高校课程改革与发展的思考

15.Reform and development of Chinese financial system since reform and opening up改革开放以来我国金融体制的改革与发展

16.The Retrospection and Prospect of Reform and Development on Suzhou Higher Vocational Education;苏州高职教育改革发展的回顾与展望

17.Retrospect and Prospect of China′s Commercial Bank Reform and Development;2000-2001:商业银行改革发展的回顾与展望

18.On the West Development and the Reform and Development of Higher Education;论西部大开发与高等教育改革和发展


reform and development改革与发展

1.Talking about the achievements and existing problems in thereform and development of Baogang;浅议包钢改革与发展的成就和存在的主要问题

2.Reform and development of China s medical information professional education;我国医药信息专业教育的改革与发展

3.Strategies for thereform and development of higher medical schools;高等医学院校改革与发展战略刍议

3)Reformation and development改革与发展

1.Mao zhe-dong s physical ideology is the theory base of reformation and development for Chinese physical education career;毛泽东体育思想是构建中国体育改革与发展的理论基础

2.The paper discusses the ideas of "Returning of engineering",which was produced in America,analyzes the background of "Returning of engineering" on the higher engineering education of China,puts forward some ideas and advises of reformation and development.本文介绍了美国提出的回归工程的内涵,阐述了我国高等工程教育回归工程的背景,在回归工程理念的指导下,提出了我国高等工程教育改革与发展的建议与设想。

3.It also expatiated the new request for the experimental teaching lodged by China s participating in the international competition, and discussed the countermeasures about the reformation and development of the experimental teaching.从比较利益的观点出发,分析中国加入WTO后,高等师范院校实验教学面临的挑战和机遇,阐述参与国际化竞争给实验教学提出的新要求,并就实验教学改革与发展的对策进行了探讨。

4)strategy of reform and development改革与发展战略

5)health reform and development卫生改革与发展

1.But it is not the final outcomes ofhealth reform and development.提出了中国卫生改革与发展蓝图框架结构,即:实现1个目标(普及基本卫生服务)、健全3个制度(基本医疗保险制度、基本卫生服务制度和基本药物制度)及实施6个政策策略。

6)reform and development of acquisition采办改革与发展


