1200字范文 > 改革和发展 reform and development英语短句 例句大全

改革和发展 reform and development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-17 00:23:41


改革和发展 reform and development英语短句 例句大全

改革和发展,reform and development

1)reform and development改革和发展

1.The proposition of "the orientation of the development of China s advanced culture" points out the way forward for thereform and development China s higher education in the 21st century.“中国先进文化的前进方向”这一命题的提出 ,为二十一世纪中国高等教育的改革和发展指明了方向。

2.The important thought of "Three-represents" points out clearly the adult education sreform and development of colleges."三个代表"重要思想为高校成人教育工作的改革和发展指明了方向。


1.Prospects of Cross-Century Reform and Development跨世纪改革和发展展望

2.On the West Development and the Reform and Development of Higher Education;论西部大开发与高等教育改革和发展

3.It is time for a new blueprint for reform and development.现在是描绘改革和发展新蓝图的时候。

4.China"s Reform and Development Goals Not Shattered by Floods洪水冲不垮中国实现改革和发展目标

5.VI. Optimization Through Reform and Development六、在改革和发展中走向完善

6.V. Optimization Through Reform and Development五、在改革和发展中走向完善

7.Framework for Priority Action for Change and Development in Higher Education改革和发展高等教育优先行动框架

8.Stability is a prerequisite for reform and development.稳定是改革和发展的前提。

9.We should actively promote the reform and development of health and sports undertakings.积极推进卫生、体育事业的改革和发展。

10.Reforms and development in culture, health and sports were accelerated.文化、卫生、体育领域改革和发展加快。

11.On the Reformation and Development Direction of the Secondary Vocational Education in Our Country;论我国中等职业教育改革和发展方向

12.Considerations about the Reform and Development Approaches of Shanxi s Provincial Forest Areas;山西省省直林区改革和发展路径思考

13."Relationships among reform, development and stability"改革发展和稳定的关系

14.State Development and Reform Commission(SDRC)国家发展和改革委员会(国家发改委)

15.African Charter for Popular Participation in Development and Transformation非洲民众参与发展和改革宪章

16.The gradual penetration of reformation and the development of commercial ecnomy.改革的逐步深入和商品经济的发展

17.Development requires that we uphold and deepen the reform.发展必须坚持和深化改革。

18.World Conference of Agrarian Reform and Rural Development世界土地改革和农村发展会议


reformation and development改革和发展

1.Aiming at the periodic achievement that state-owned foreign economics & trade enterprises have made and the main problem that they ve existed,this essay analyses the opportunities and challenges which are faced by thereformation and development of them after WTO entry,and also puts forward appropriate counter.针对目前国有外经贸企业改革所取得的阶段性成果和存在的主要问题 ,分析“入世”后国有外经贸企业改革和发展面临的机遇和挑战 ,提出相应的对策 ,以搞好国有外经贸企业的改革和发展 ,使我国经济贸易能持续稳定发

3)education reform and development教育改革和发展

1.The important ideology of "The three representatives" is the foundation and power ,it push on our countryeducation reform and development, and it is the fundamental guilding ideology ofeducation reform and development.“三个代表”的重要思想 ,是推动我国教育改革和发展的源泉和动力 ,也是新世纪教育改革和发展的根本指导思想。

4)reform and development改革发展

1.To Strehgthen Inside Cohesiveness and To Build up Good Image——Investigation report on thereform and development of JiaoZuo Salt Administration in Henan province;内增凝聚力 外塑好形象——河南焦作市盐业局改革发展调研报告

2.Retrospect on the Reform and Development of Chinese Financial Management Education over the 30 Years and Its prospect;中国财务管理教育改革发展30年回顾与展望

3.The Retrospection and Prospect of Reform and Development on Suzhou Higher Vocational Education;苏州高职教育改革发展的回顾与展望


1.Research on Reform of P. E. Courses in Universities;高校体育课程改革发展对策初探

6)developing trend and reform thinking发展趋势和改革思路


