1200字范文 > 财会专业 accounting major英语短句 例句大全

财会专业 accounting major英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-20 15:04:19


财会专业 accounting major英语短句 例句大全

财会专业,accounting major

1)accounting major财会专业

1.Theaccounting major should firstly improve ideology and politics education,combine ideology education and basic education and broaden the students basic knowledge to develop students over all qualities .高职教育要注重适应能力和竞争能力的培养 ,高职财会专业应改进思想政治课教育 ,思想教育同基础教育相结合 ,拓宽基础知识面 ,全面提高学生基本素质。

2.In recent years, college graduates ofaccounting major have met an obstacle on the way to choose their jobs because they are required to have more experience by companies which offer advertisement for accountants.近年来,各单位在招聘财会人员时,普遍提出需有一定工作经验的要求,这对于各院校财会专业毕业生而言,成为了他们择业路上的拦路虎。

3.This article is about some questions concerning higher vocational education lofaccounting major .本文就高职高专财会专业教育的培养模式和培养目标问题进行了研究、探讨。


1.The Application of Item Teaching Method in the Curriculum of Accountant Specialty in Secondary Vocational Education;项目教学法在财会专业课程中的应用

2.The Ability cultivation of Talents major in finance and Accounting in Polytechnic colleges;浅谈高职院校财会专业人才能力培养

3.Hold on the field of accounting teaching and develop the students qualities all-round;论电大财会专业学生素质培养的方法

4.Inside Practice Teaching of financial Accounting in Vocational and Technical Colleges;论高职院校财会专业的校内实践教学

5.Practice of Establishing the Distinguishing Feature in the Accounting Speciality of the Higher Vocational Education;高职财会专业办学特色的创建与实践

6.The Preliminary Exploration of Teaching Connection of Accounting Specialty Between Secondary and Higher Vocational Education;关于中职高职财会专业教学衔接初探

7.A Probe in Stengthening Practice Teaching of Accounting Speciality;加强财会专业实践性教学力度的探讨


9.The Enforcement on Moral Education in the Financial Accounting Profession强化财会专业会计职业道德教育的思考

10.Technical secondary school graduate or above, finance or accounting major, over 1 year related experience;中专以上学历,财会专业,一年以上相关工作经验;

11.Study on Cultivating Pattern of combining learning with working in higher Vocational accounting major;高职高专财会专业工学结合人才培养模式探析

12.Importance of Calculation by Abacus Teaching of Accounting Profession in Vocational College;试论高职高专财会专业珠算教学的重要性

13.Take up an Occupation,Setting up the Mode of Finance Accounting Specialty;以就业为导向,建立高职财会专业人才培养模式

14.Explore a Way to Foster the Graduates of the Financial Accounting Major with High Qualities;培养高素质财会专业毕业生路径的探讨

15.How to Improve the Effectiveness of the Practical Teaching of Accountant Specialty in Vocational Schools如何提高中等职业财会专业实践教学的实效性

16.Discussion about Information Technology s Combining with Vocational College s Accounting Profession Education;信息技术与高职财会专业类课程教学整合探讨

17.Student-based Teaching in Financial Accounting Major Practice;在财会专业实习中实施生本教学的探讨

18.Thoughts on Reforming Practical Teaching of Financial Accounting;改革财务会计专业实践性教学的思考


Finance and Accounting Specialty财会专业

1.Basic thinking of educational reform for finance and accounting specialty includes following content:show predominance and characteristic of this college;construct knowledge, ability and qualification structure of professionals;establish theoretical and practical teaching system which adapts to training goal.探讨高等职业院校财会专业教学改革的基本思路 ,包括以下内容 :体现本校的办校优势和特色 ;构建财会专业人才的知识、能力、素质结构 ;建立与专业培养目标相适应的理论教学体系和实践教学体


1.The goal of trainingaccounting majors is to cultivate highly qualified accountants with both solid theoretical knowledge and a perfect mastery of operational techniques.财会专业的培养目标是既有扎实的理论知识,又具备过硬的实际操作能力的高素质财务人员。

2.The topic how to strengthen theaccounting practices is being researched by experts and teachers.会计学是一门实践操作性很强的学科 ,如何有效加强财会专业实践环节的教学 ,多年来一直是会计教学业界人士共同研究和探讨的重要课题之一。

4)non-accounting majors非财会专业

1.From the viewpoint of cultivating talented personnel with comprehensive knowledge,the university should pay more attention to the teaching of financial management to students ofnon-accounting majors to improve the students competitive ability.从培养复合型人才的角度讲,要提高学生的综合素质和就业竞争能力,高校应该重视非财会专业的财务管理教学工作。

5)high vocational college"s accounting profession高职财会专业

6)specialty of financing and accounting财务会计专业


