1200字范文 > 会计专业 Accounting Major英语短句 例句大全

会计专业 Accounting Major英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-06 21:05:40


会计专业 Accounting Major英语短句 例句大全

会计专业,Accounting Major

1)Accounting Major会计专业

1.Ten Essential Factors of the Entrance fromAccounting Major in High Vocational Education to Major of Educational Reform Pilot Project at National Level——Construction of the Grading Standards of Major Selection in Educational Reform Pilot Project;高职会计专业向国家级教学改革试点专业迈进十要素——兼谈教学改革试点专业遴选评分标准的构建

2.Practice and Exploration of Production and Teaching Co-operative Education inAccounting Major in Fujian Higher Junior Colleges;高职高专会计专业产学合作教育的实践与探索

3.Teaching and personnel training of the accounting major in higher vocational education is unable to suit social needs.高职教育会计专业的教学和人才培养难以适应社会的需要。


1.Accountant Liquidity Competency Cultivation of Higher Vocational College;高职高专会计专业会计核算能力培养

2.On course teaching of non-accountancy majors in higher vocational institutes;高职非会计专业会计学课程教学探讨

3.Probe into the Teaching of Accounting for Non-Accounting Majors in Colleges and Universities;高校非会计专业《会计学》课程教学探讨

4.Information content of accounting and its development as a major;试论会计的信息含量和会计专业建设

5.Research on the Issues of Accounting-Teach for Non-Accounting Specialties关于非会计专业会计教学问题的探讨

6.On the Core Courses of Accounting in Vocational and Technical Colleges;高职高专会计专业核心课程设置研究

7.On the Educational Purpose of the Specialty of Accounting;高职高专会计专业培养目标调查综述

8.Reforming and Creating of Accounting education in the Advanced Professional and Junior Colleges;高职高专会计专业教育的改革与创新

9.On Technical Level of Accounting Graduates浅析会计专业毕业生专业技术水平现状

10.The influence of accounting education on students professional ethics cognition;会计教育对会计专业学生职业道德认知的影响

11.Value Field Studies and Increase the Employment Rate of Accountancy Graduates;重视会计实践教学 提高会计专业就业率

12.On the Reform of " Business Accounting System" and the Teaching of Accounting Specialty;论《企业会计制度》的改革与会计专业教育

13.Thoughts and Research on Curriculum Design of "Financial Accounting" in College高职会计专业《财务会计》课程设计的思考与探索

14.The Discussion Of Case Teaching In Accountant Specialty Of Secondary Vocational School;中等职业学校会计专业案例教学探讨

15.Occupational Ethics Education Researches of Accountant Specialty Teaching;会计专业教学中的职业道德教育探析

16.Accounting Talent Demands and Cultivation of High Vocational School;论高等职业会计专业人才需求与培养

17.Construction of Professional Ethics;会计专业学生如何加强职业道德建设

18.On Strengthening Occupation Morality Education for Accountants;谈加强会计专业学生的职业道德教育


accounting specialty会计专业

1.On honesty education inaccounting specialty;会计专业诚信教育之我见

2.In order to meet the requirements of the New Accounting Standard,accounting specialty must adopt the model of integration of work and learning to train accounting professionals who can meet the demands of the enterprises.工学结合是高等职业教育教学改革的根本要求,为了适应新会计准则要求,培养符合企业需要的会计人才,会计专业必须工学结合。

3.In recent years there exist some problems in the revenue courses ofaccounting specialty:such as monotonous teaching method,lack of practice sector,and old fanshioned exam means.目前,高职会计专业税收课程在教学中存在教学方法单一僵化、税收实践性教学严重缺乏和考试方法需要改进等问题,笔者对此进行了分析并提出了相应的改革措施。


1.Study on Practical Teaching System of the Major ofAccounting;会计专业实践教学体系的探索

2.Module Teaching and Its Effectiveness:A Practice in the Teaching ofAccounting in Vocational Colleges;高职会计专业模块式教学及其效果分析

3.Discussion about pertinent education to the single-handed recruited college students of accounting浅谈高职会计专业对口单招学生的针对性培养

4)accounting speciality会计专业

1.The Research Report on Accounting Speciality in Advanced Vocational and Technical college;高职高专院校会计专业办学情况调查综述

5)accountant specialty会计专业

1.In the practice teaching ofaccountant specialty,teachers should regulate the proportion between practice teaching and theoretic teaching in curriculum design,select practice programme scientifically and seriously,arrange professionals responsible for the construction of programme,equip with special guiding teachers,strengthen the management of implementation process of practice programme,etc.在会计专业实践教学中,要从课程设计上规范实践教学与理论教学的比例,科学、严谨地选择实践项目,由专人负责项目建设,配备专业的指导教师,同时加强对实践性项目实施过程的管理,保证实践性教学高效、规范。

2.Taking Xuzhou higher vocational and technical school of finance and economics as the case,the construction of "four level practice practice training method foraccountant specialty" mainly include basic skills training,specialized skills training,comprehensive emulation practice training and special topic emulation practice training,and the four levels are gradually from simple to.以徐州财经高等职业技术学校为例,构建“会计专业4层次实训法”,主要包括基本技能实训、专项技能实训、综合模拟实训、专题模拟实训。

3.This case study mainly from theory of Competency-based Education discuss some elementary problems about curriculum development ofaccountant specialty.能力本位教育是世界职业教育改革的主要方向,将能力本位课程理论和开发技术应用于会计专业是我国高职院校培养高素质会计人才的有效途径。

6)accounting profession会计专业

1.Theaccounting profession has the operational characteristics of the existence of off-campus practical training at the same time the status of hard,so we in theaccounting profession Practice teaching in schools should be an ongoing process of reform and to explore practical training to enhance the practice of student ability.会计专业具有操作性强的特点,同时存在校外实训难的现状,因此我们在会计专业的实训教学方面应不断进行校内实训的改革和探索,以加强对学生实践能力的培养。

2.Therefore,the capacity should be based on an analysis of occupational lead,a clear principle of the curriculum in order to set up a scientific system of vocational courses theaccounting profession.因此,应当以职业能力分析为引领,明确课程设置的原则,从而科学设置高职会计专业课程体系。

3.With the development of socialist market economy and the rapid development of international accounting standards,and the increasingly complex economic environment for enterprises,theaccounting professional judgment is drawing more and more attention from all circles of society.为中小企业培养会计人员的中等职业学校会计专业教育,应当更新理念,关注职业判断能力培养。


