1200字范文 > 湖湘民间绘画 Huxiang folk painting英语短句 例句大全

湖湘民间绘画 Huxiang folk painting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-19 06:42:39


湖湘民间绘画 Huxiang folk painting英语短句 例句大全

湖湘民间绘画,Huxiang folk painting

1)Huxiang folk painting湖湘民间绘画

1.The artistic form and characteristics ofHuxiang folk painting thoroughly manifest its unique charm.湖湘民间绘画的艺术形式和艺术特色,充分展示了湖湘民间绘画所独有的艺术魅力。

2)Folk painting民间绘画


1.The Best in Modern Chinese Folk Painting中国现代民间绘画选萃

2.He also absorbed painting skills from Chinese folk paintings and Western color paintings.他还学习民间绘画和西洋水彩画,注重写生。

3.Modern Folk Painting of Exaggerated Animation Style of Language the Effects现代民间绘画的夸张语言对动画造型的影响

4.Application of Folk Painting Colors in Modern Art Design;民间绘画色彩在中国现代艺术设计中的运用

5.The Aesthetic Characteristics of the Folk Drawing Creation in Huangzhong County,Qinghai Province;青海湟中现代民间绘画创作的审美风格

6.A Study of Zhejiang Modern Folk Drawing Development Strategies in the New Period浙江新时期现代民间绘画发展对策研究

7.His painting style combined fine brushwork with freehand brushwork, traditional Chinese skills with Western skills, and the work of the Chinese literati with folk paintings.他把工笔与写意结合起来,把中国传统画法与西洋画法结合起来,把文人画与民间绘画结合起来。

8.Folk Architecture, Handicrafts, and Art民间建筑、手工艺品及绘画

9.The Painting Conception of Barbizon School from Painting Space从绘画空间谈巴比松画派的绘画境界

10.On the Relationship Between REN Bo-nian′s Painting Characteristics and the Folk Art;论任伯年的绘画特色与民间艺术的关系

11.Folk Craftwork,Sculpture Works and Paintings of the Dangxiang People in the Rein of the Western Xia Dynasty;党项族西夏王国的民间工艺及雕塑绘画品

12.Different Forms of Chinese and Western Paintings中国绘画与西方绘画不同空间的表现

13.LIN Liang and His Paintings;谁遣图画留人间——林良及其绘画研究

14.Zhang inherited the legacy of traditional Chinese clay figurine making skills and also incorporated skills from other art forms such as painting, opera singing and Chinese folk wood engravings.张明山继承传统的泥塑艺术,从绘画、戏曲、民间木版年画等姊妹艺术中吸收营养。

15.as a matter of fact, I am ignorant about painting, and haven"t have much time to study drawing/painting.其实, 我对绘画一窍不通, 也没多少时间学画画儿.

16.The Mission of Artists and the Populace Awareness in Their Works--On Guo Yintu s Painting Arts;画家使命与平民意识——郭银土的绘画艺术

17.A Study on Merging National Painting Language in Skills of Watercolor Painting;浅谈水彩画技法中民族绘画语言的融汇

18.Cbaractenstics of the Paintings by Bada Shanren and Shi Tao;清初遗民画家八大山人及石涛的绘画特点


Folk painting民间绘画

3)popular folk painting民间流行绘画

4)Folk Painting Colors民间绘画色彩

1.Application ofFolk Painting Colors in Modern Art Design;民间绘画色彩在中国现代艺术设计中的运用

5)modern folk drawing现代民间绘画

1.In order to further the development of Zhejiangmodern folk drawing in the new period,all the systems of art,market and industry should be integrated and support should be given to the creation of Zhejiang folk drawing through effective policies.浙江新时期现代民间绘画要进一步拓宽发展的空间,应该将其艺术化、市场化、产业化系统整合起来,通过有效的政策扶持浙江民间绘画的创作,走出具有浙江特色的文化产业发展之路。

6)ethnic painting民族绘画

1.Sketch has become one of the major courses of modeling training in traditional Chinese painting which is unique inethnic painting style.具有独特民族绘画风格的中国画专业也不例外,素描已成为其造型基础训练的主要课程之一。


