1200字范文 > 贯流式水轮机 tubular turbine英语短句 例句大全

贯流式水轮机 tubular turbine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-20 13:23:19


贯流式水轮机 tubular turbine英语短句 例句大全

贯流式水轮机,tubular turbine

1)tubular turbine贯流式水轮机

1.3-D steady turbulent simulation and modification of thetubular turbine;贯流式水轮机三维定常湍流计算及改型设计

2.Shaft extensiontubular turbine performance analysis based on CFD calculation;轴伸贯流式水轮机CFD计算的性能分析

3.The affect of the cascade solidity to the efficiency oftubular turbine is discussed theoretically.本文从理论上讨论了贯流式水轮机转轮叶栅稠密度对水轮机水力效率的影响,模型试验结果也说明了这一点。


1.bulb tubular turbine灯泡型贯流式水轮机

2.Performance Analysis of Bulb Turbine Consider with Tip Clearance;考虑轮缘间隙的贯流式水轮机性能分析

3.Numerical Simulation on Three-Dimensional Flow Field in Draft Tube of Shaft-Extension Type Tubular Turbine.;轴伸贯流式水轮机尾水管三维流场的数值模拟

4.Strength Analysis and Optimization of Tubular-Shaped Foundation of Bulb Tublar Turbine-Generator;贯流式水轮机管形座强度分析与优化设计

5.Strength Analysis and Optimization of Main Shaft of Bulb Tublar Turbine-Generator;贯流式水轮机主轴的强度分析与优化设计

6.Performance Analysis and Technical Transformation of Tubular Turbine轴伸贯流式水轮机性能分析与技术改造

7.It is introduced that the tubular turbine was determined to be adopted in Dayuandu Hydropower Station through model test and real test.介绍大源渡水电站采用的贯流式水轮机是根据模型和真机试验的结果确定采用的。

8.Overview on Bulb Tubular Turbine Generator Design for Jinjitan Hydropower Station金鸡滩水电站灯泡贯流式水轮发电机设计综述

9.Analysis on the Magnetic Pole Fault of the Feilaixia Bulb Type Turbine Generator飞来峡贯流式水轮发电机磁极故障的分析

10.Numerical Simulation of Ventilation and Heat Dispersion for the Flow-bulb Hydrogenerator;灯泡贯流式水轮发电机通风散热系统数值模拟

11.Finite Element Enalysis on Supporting System of Bulb Tubular Turbine-generator Unit贯流式水轮发电机组支撑系统有限元分析研究

12.Research on Calculation Ventilation Cooling of Generator of Bulb-stator Turbine灯泡贯流式水轮发电机通风冷却的计算研究

13.Design of Double-Directions Bulb Type for Water Pump Hydro-Generator/Motor of Jiangxia NO.6 Unit Tentative Tidal Power Station江厦潮汐试验电站6~#机双向灯泡贯流式水泵水轮发电/电动机设计

14.Numcrical Simulation of Flow Field on Ventilation System of Flow-bulb Hydrogenerator;灯泡贯流式水轮发电机通风冷却系统的数值计算及模拟

15.Static and Dynamic Finite Elements Analysis of Main Shaft of Bulb Tubular Turbine-Generator;灯泡贯流式水轮发电机组主轴的静动态有限元分析

16.Research and Application of Bulb Tubular-turbine Generator FEM Analyze System;灯泡贯流式水轮发电机有限元分析系统的研究及应用

17.The Research Work of Tubular Turbine’s Operational Stability in AGC贯流式水轮发电机组AGC运行稳定性影响试验研究

18.Installation Technique of Tube Pedestal of Large-capacity Bulb Tubular Hydro-generating Unit大容量灯泡贯流式水轮发电机组管型座安装工法


bulb turbine贯流式水轮机

1.The hydraulic actuator of governor for large typebulb turbine is described in this article by presenting many advanced technol-ogy,such as electro-hydraulic proportional technology,hydraulic integration technology,flux control technology and electrocombination control technology for blade.介绍的大型贯流式水轮机调速器机械液压系统,应用电液比例技术、液压集成、流量控制、桨叶电气协联控制技术,在电气控制信号或系统电源消失的情况下,该机械液压系统会自动关机,避免事故扩大,从而保护水轮发电机组的安全。

2.According to the universal basic equation of hydraulic turbomachinery and the guide vane arrangement geometry ofbulb turbine, a system of analytical expres-sions of basic force characteristics is developed.根据叶片式水力机械的广义基本方程式和贯流式水轮机导叶布置的几何特征,建立了一组基本力特性的解析表达式。

3.Since the guide vanes and the runner vanes of abulb turbine are both adjustable,it is important to know the optimum(on-cam) relation between the guide vane opening γG and the runner vane angle R under the given operating condition of abulb turbine.针对贯流式水轮机可调节活动导叶开度角与转轮叶片角的协联关系通常仅能通过模型试验确定,提出通过翼型形状解析预测协联工况,利用初期预测结果为三维数值预测提供直观的初始预测条件,数值预测能力与精度得到提高。

3)tubular water turbine贯流式水轮机

4)Bulb tubular turbine贯流式水轮机

1.The optimization design of stay ring structure of the bulb tubular turbine;贯流式水轮机座环结构的优化设计

5)rim-generator turbine全贯流式水轮机

6)straflo-francis turbine贯流混流式水轮机

1.Analyse for pressure surge instraflo-francis turbine draft tube;贯流混流式水轮机尾水管压力脉动分析


贯流式水轮机贯流式水轮机tubular turbine;straflo turbine水头3m;水头最高的是百龙滩水电站的灯泡贯流式机组,最大水头18m,额定水头9.7m,最小水头3m,水轮机额定功率33MW,转轮直径6.4m;转轮直径最大的是大源渡水电站的灯泡贯流式机组,转轮直径7.sm,水轮机额定功率30.%MW,最大水头n.24m,额定水头7.Zm,最小水头3m。gUon4IUshl shLJ一IL一{111贯流式水轮机(tubular turbine;straflo tur-bine)过流通道呈直线(或S形)布置的轴流式水轮机。其引水室及尾水管与水轮机一般为卧轴布置。使用水头范围一般为3~25m。
