1200字范文 > 学术流派 academic schools英语短句 例句大全

学术流派 academic schools英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-29 06:08:22


学术流派 academic schools英语短句 例句大全

学术流派,academic schools

1)academic schools学术流派

1.The essay mainly explores the clear and logical development of the academic origin of British Marxist historiographic school represented by Hobsbawm and Thompson from the overall framework of the relationship between social changes andacademic schools.在社会变革与学术流派间相互关系的总体框架下,从学派形成的历史条件及学派发展的国际思潮背景着眼,可以清楚地看到英国马克思主义史学渊源的大体脉络。

2.So far,academic schools in Dermatology of Chinese medicine have not yet been carried out.中医学术流派是指中医学同一个学科内,因不同的师承而形成的以独特的研究旨趣、技艺、方法为基础的不同学术派别。


1.Research on ZHU Dan-xi s Characteristics of Theory by Applying Prescription Metrology;运用方剂计量学探讨朱丹溪学术流派特点

2.Social and Cultural Factors for Formation of Medical Schools in Jin and Yuan Dynasties;金元医家学术流派产生的社会文化因素

3.Influence of Ancient Cultural Ideology on the Formation of TCM Academic Schools古代文化意识形态对中医学术流派形成的影响

4.Social Changes & Academic Schools: A Comprehensive Study on Contemporary British Marxist Historiographical Origins;社会变革与学术流派:当代英国马克思主义史学渊源综论

5.Since it evolved over time, the modernist aesthetic is made up of many artistic movements including futurism, Bauhaus, constructivism and purism.随着时代的发展,现代美学出现了各种艺术流派,如未来派、鲍豪斯建筑学派、构成派和纯粹派。

6.Tracing Artistic Schools of the Piano Expanding Thinking Space for the Piano Learning;追求钢琴艺术流派 拓展学习思维空间

7.art and literature that makes a self-conscious break with previous genres.与先前的流派自觉的进行决裂的一种艺术和文学流派。

8.Linguistic Approaches to Academic Discourse: Division and Integration;学术语篇的语言学研究:流派分野和方法整合

9.An Ecological Interpretation of the Generative Drive of New Poetic Schools--A Study of Academic Strategies of Researches July Poetic School;新诗流派生成动力的生态阐释——略论《七月诗派研究》的学术策略

10.Summing up the Artistic Genres and Schools of Violin and Its Developing Trend;集思广益、博采众长—小提琴艺术流派、学派及其发展趋向综论

11.an artist who is a master of a particular style.精通特殊流派的艺术家。

12.Neo-Austrian School: Action School of Industrial Organization新奥地利学派:产业组织学的行为流派

13.On Relation between Tongcheng School and "Han Studies" from the Perspective of Academic Evolution in Early Qing Dynasty--Notes of "Arguments between Tongcheng School and Han-Song Studies";从清代前期学术流变看桐城派与“汉学”关系——“桐城派与汉宋学之争”札记之二

14.The Formation of the Space of Culture Geography and Academic Exchange for the Academic School of Kyoto in Japan日本“京都学派”形成的文化地理空间和学术交流空间研究

15.The Contemporary Schools of Thought of Bourgeois Law现代资产阶级法学流派

16.Ten Schools of Social Psychology社会心理学十大流派

17.The Schools of Economics ?西方经济学主要流派

18.The Relationship between Korea′s Northern Learning Ideology and Other Practical Learning Schools朝鲜北学派实学思想与诸实学流派的关系


schools of thought学术流派

3)the history of academic mainstreams学术流派史

4)characteristics of theory学术流派特点

5)TCM academic schools中医学术流派

1.TCM academic schools refer to the different schools with different instructors based on the unique research purports, skills and methods in the same subject of TCM.中医学术流派是指中医学同一个学科内,因不同的师承而形成的以独特的研究旨趣、技艺、方法为基础的不同学术派别。

6)technology sect技术流派


学术分析流派 学术分析流派——学术分析流派的分析方法的重点为长期持有投资战略,即在长期的时间区段内不断吸纳并坚持有所选定上市公司股票的投资战略,其分析投资哲学基础是“效率市场理论”,投资目标为“按照投资风险水平选择投资对象”。学术分析流派的重要观点之一,即效率市场理论的含义:当给定当期的市场信息集合时,投资人不可能发展出任何交易系统或投资战略以获取超出由投资对象风险水平所对应的投资收益率的超额收益。
