1200字范文 > 疾病的隐喻 metaphor of illness英语短句 例句大全

疾病的隐喻 metaphor of illness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-13 15:50:18


疾病的隐喻 metaphor of illness英语短句 例句大全

疾病的隐喻,metaphor of illness

1)metaphor of illness疾病的隐喻

1.Through analyzing themetaphor of illness,the modern Taiwan writers have a try to dispel the fears and value judgment from the illness,so that people could treat disease with rational and optimistic attitude until at last win over the disease.当代台湾作家对疾病的隐喻进行剥离,祛除附在疾病身上的恐惧与道德判断,使人们能以理智、乐观的态度去对待疾病,直到最后战胜疾病。


1.Keywords for Cultural Studies in Susan Sontag’s Illness as Metaphor and AIDS and Its Metaphors;苏珊·桑塔格《疾病的隐喻》中的文化研究关键词

2.The Metaphor of Illness:Medical Culture in the Dissemination of Catholicism in the Early Qing Dynasty;疾病的隐喻:清前期天主教传播中的医疗文化

3.Culture-critical Dimension of "Against Interpretation":--On Metaphor of Illness by Susan Sontag;“反对阐释”的文化批判向度——关于桑塔格《疾病的隐喻》

4.Disease as Metaphors of Social and Cultural Intension in Blind Assassin《盲刺客》中疾病的社会文化隐喻意义

5.Illness Metaphor and Rich Modernity of Modern Chinese Literature;从“疾病”的隐喻看中国现代文学的多重现代性

6.An Approach of Philosophical Critical-Interpretation in MedicalAnthropology for Cultural Metaphor of Disease and Illness;疾病的文化隐喻与医学人类学的哲学鉴别解析

7.Physical and Cultural Experience Interpretation of the Universality and Variation between Chinese and English in the Construction of Illness Metaphors;英汉“疾病”隐喻构建异同的体验和文化阐释

8.Illness as An Metaphor--A Reflection on Xue Yanpin s novel 21 Grams of Love;作为隐喻的疾病——从薛燕平长篇新作《21克爱情》说开去

9.A Metonymy and Metaphor-based Study of HAND Fan Hui,Gongxue,Daiweiping;“Hand/手”的转喻、隐喻说略

10.A Contrastive Study of Rhetoric Metaphor,Cognitive Metaphor and Grammatical Metaphor;修辞隐喻、认知隐喻、语法隐喻的对比初探

11.Clinic analysis of pulmonary cryptococcosis without fundamental disease无基础疾病的肺隐球菌性病临床分析

12.the kind of mental comparison that is expressed in similes or metaphors or allegories.用明喻隐喻讽喻表示的内心的比较。

13.A Pragmatic Approach to Metaphor:On Searle s Metaphor Theory;隐喻的语用学阐释——评塞尔的隐喻理论

14.A Deconstructionist Approach to Lakoff s Theory of Metaphor;解构Lakoff的隐喻理论——对概念隐喻的否定

15.On Translation Strategies from a Cognitive Perspective;从隐喻的认知角度看隐喻的翻译策略

16.Models and Metaphors in Science:The Metaphorical Turn;科学中的模型与隐喻:隐喻性的转向

17.Cognitive Basis of Metaphor and Similaritiesof English and Chinese Metaphors;隐喻的认知基础与中英隐喻的相似性

18.A Cognitive Analysis of Conceptual Metaphors and Language Learners Metaphorical Competence;概念隐喻的认知阐释及概念隐喻能力


illness metaphor疾病隐喻

1.Between the 19~(th)and 20~(th)century,a great deal ofillness metaphors had broken out in the Chinese literature and political discourses.19、20世纪之交的中国,文学乃至各种政治文化言述中爆发了大量的疾病隐喻。

3)Illness Metaphor and Literature疾病隐喻与文学

4)the metaphor of pulmonary tuberculosis肺病隐喻

5)source domains of metaphors隐喻的喻体

6)Latent diseases隐性疾病


肺病肺病 肺病 病名。肺脏的各种病证。由外邪侵袭,或痰饮内聚,或肺气肺阴不足所致,亦可因其他脏腑、血脉病证传变而致。《素问·脏气法时论》:“肺病者,喘咳逆气,肩背痛,汗出,尻阴股膝髀腨胻足皆痛。虚则少气,不能报息,耳聋,嗌干。”《难经·十六难》:“假令得肺胀,其外证面白,善嚏,悲愁不乐,欲哭,其内证齐右有动气,按之牢若痛,其病喘咳,洒淅寒热,有是者肺也。”肺病有寒热虚实之分。《太平圣惠方·治肺虚补肺诸方》:“若肺虚则生寒,寒则阴气盛,阴气盛则声嘶,语言用力,颤掉缓弱,少气不足,咽中干,无津液,虚寒之气,恐怖不乐,咳嗽及喘,鼻有清涕,皮毛焦枯,诊其脉沉缓者,此是肺虚之候也。”又《太平圣惠方·治肺实泻肺诸方》:“夫肺实则生热,热则阳气盛,阳气盛则胸膈烦满,口赤鼻张,饮水无度,上气咳逆,咽中不利,体背生疮,尻阴股膝踹胫足皆痛,诊其脉滑实者,是脉实之候也。”治有祛风宣肺、清热润燥、肃肺化痰、温肺化饮、滋阴降火、益气养阴诸法。参见肺病各条。
