1200字范文 > 人人平等原则 Principle of all mens equality英语短句 例句大全

人人平等原则 Principle of all mens equality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-23 11:21:26


人人平等原则 Principle of all mens equality英语短句 例句大全

人人平等原则,Principle of all men"s equality

1)Principle of all men"s equality人人平等原则


1.Rethinking on the Principle that Men are All Equal before Criminal Law关于刑法面前人人平等原则的再思考

2.A Study on Equality before Law in a Comprehensive Perspective;全面视角下“法律面前人人平等原则”的探讨

3.The Principle that Men Are All Equal Before Criminal Law: A philosophical Interpretation of Article 4 of the Criminal Act;刑法面前人人平等原则——对《刑法》第4条的法理解释

4.a new Nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.人生来平等的原则。

5.The "Separate But Equal" Doctrine in American Policy Towards the Black;美国黑人政策中的“隔离但平等”原则

6.Questioning the Basic Criminal Law Principle--On "All People Are Equal before the Law" Is not Appropriate to the Basic Principle of Criminal Law;刑法基本原则拷问——试论“法律面前人人平等”不适为刑法的基本原则

7.We adhere to the principle that everyone should be treated fairly.我们必须坚持人人都应该被平等对待这一原则。

8.the principle of equality of opportunity for all人人机会均等的原则

9.The Principle of Equality Between Cities and Rural Areas and the Development Tendency of Electing NPC Members in Our Country;城乡平等原则与我国人大代表选举的发展趋向

10.Treating People Equally at Interest Distribution:--A Theoretical Note on the Principle of Fairness;利益分配的平等待人——关于公平原则的一个理论注解

11.On the Ability of the Litigant and Equality Litigation;论当事人的诉讼进行能力与实质的当事人平等原则

12.Principle of equality and equal security平等和同等安全原则

13.Such indicators are correlated with race, but Brazilians argue over whether racial inequality is a cause or a consequence of economic inequality.这些指标和种族联系在一起,但是巴西人则怀疑种族不平等到底是经济不平等的原因还是产物。

14."equal time" principle [election broadcasting]“平等时间”原则〔竞选广播〕

15.On the Rights Equity Principle of Human Resource Management;人力资源管理中的权利对等原则研究

16.Luther put his principle which all Christian were clergy into equality in personality and religious service.路德将“平信徒皆为祭司”原则贯彻到人格上的平等和宗教礼拜仪式当中。

17.They who deny us this right are false to their own professed principles of human equality.凡是不肯给我们这种权利的人,就违背了他们自己所宣扬的人类平等的原则。

18.Equality is the life of conversation; and he is as much out that assumes any part above another, as he who considers himself below the rest of the society. -- Steele平等原则乃彼此交谈的灵魂。自认为低于别人固然不对,表现为高于别人同样也不对。——斯蒂尔


Principle of Creditor Equality债权人平等原则

3)the Principle of everyone being equal before the criminal law刑法面前人人平等原则

4)Equality principle平等原则

1.Educational equity contains three rational principles of educational resources allocation,namely equality principle,difference principle and compensation principle.教育公平包含教育资源配置的三种合理性原则,即平等原则、差异原则和补偿原则。

2.As the grounds of equality principle in administrative law is human dignity,the inhibit orgy and administrative abnegation constituted the equality principle,so the criteria including validity purpose,essence thing and reasonably distinction,but the absence of concrete legal rules lead to ineffective relieve.平等原则作为行政法原则体系的重要组成部分,源于人性尊严之宪政理念,具体包括禁止恣意和行政自我拘束两项基本要求。

3.HONG Xiu-quan s equality principle was well received by the mass of peasantry,which led to the rise and development of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom s Movement.可以说,平等原则是太平天国成败的双刃剑。

5)equal principle平等原则

1.According to the Dworking sequal principle,the Posner s analytical approach of information economy,adverse discrimination is reasonable to some degree.按照德沃金的平等原则、波斯纳的信息经济学分析进路,反向歧视具有合理性。

6)The equal principle平等原则

1.On the Legal Qualities of the Equal Principle of Civil Lawsuit;民事诉讼平等原则的法哲学思考


人人1.每个人;所有的人。 2.用以称亲昵者。
