1200字范文 > 平等性原则 the principle of equality英语短句 例句大全

平等性原则 the principle of equality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-21 17:21:49


平等性原则 the principle of equality英语短句 例句大全

平等性原则,the principle of equality

1)the principle of equality平等性原则

1.Dealing with the relations with the authors, scientific and technical editors shoud holdthe principle of equality as the core, which requires that scientific and technical editors handle the relations between ethics and interests correctly, overcome the considerations of Mattew\|effect and authoritative determinism in the contacts with authors, and try hard to help new ones in this field.平等性原则是科技编辑处理与作者关系的核心 ,它要求科技编辑必须正确处理“义”与“利”的关系 ,注意克服选稿工作中的“马太效应”和“权威决定论”的影响 ,努力扶持科学新人。

2)Equality principle平等原则

1.Educational equity contains three rational principles of educational resources allocation,namely equality principle,difference principle and compensation principle.教育公平包含教育资源配置的三种合理性原则,即平等原则、差异原则和补偿原则。

2.As the grounds of equality principle in administrative law is human dignity,the inhibit orgy and administrative abnegation constituted the equality principle,so the criteria including validity purpose,essence thing and reasonably distinction,but the absence of concrete legal rules lead to ineffective relieve.平等原则作为行政法原则体系的重要组成部分,源于人性尊严之宪政理念,具体包括禁止恣意和行政自我拘束两项基本要求。

3.HONG Xiu-quan s equality principle was well received by the mass of peasantry,which led to the rise and development of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom s Movement.可以说,平等原则是太平天国成败的双刃剑。


1.OnEguality--the Princilpe of the Citizen s Opportunity in Eguality for Education;论平等——公民受教育机会平等原则

2.The Original Meaning of the Equality of Public Burden--On the principle of equality for taxation;公共负担平等的原始意义——论税务平等原则

3.A Study on Realtionship between Legal Classification and Equal Protection of Law;立法归类与宪法平等原则的关系研究

4.Principle of equality and equal security平等和同等安全原则

5.a new Nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.人生来平等的原则。

6."equal time" principle [election broadcasting]“平等时间”原则〔竞选广播〕

7.Discussing Reciprocity Principle--The Rational Limitation of Inequality;论对等原则——不平等的合理性限度

8.The election procedures manifest the principles of openness, democracy and equality.——选举程序体现公平、民主、平等的原则。

9.Trade should follow the principle of equality and mutual Benefit.贸易应遵循平等互惠的原则。

10.the principle of equality and mutual benefit and "honoring contracts and standing by reputation"平等互利及重合同、守信用的原则

11.We should adhere to principles of maintaining independence and keep the initiative in one"s own hands and equalily and mutual benefit.应该坚持独立自主和平等互利原则。

12.We insist on the principle of equality and mutual Benefit, as well as exchanging needed goods.我们坚持平等互利、互通有无的原则。

13.We keep to the principle of equality and mutual benefit.我们坚持平等互利的原则。

14.We should keep the principle of independence, freedom and equality and mutual benefit.应该坚持独立、自由和平等互利的原则。

15.we stand for the principle of @equality and mutual [email protected]我们坚持“平等互利”的原则。

16.It is our principle to stick to equality, mutual benefit and make up what the other needs.坚持“平等互利、互通有无”是我们的原则。

17.We insist on the principle of equality and mutual benefit as well as exchange needed goods.我们坚持“平等互利、互通有无”的原则。

18.We keep to the principle of equality and mutual benefit all the time.我们一直坚持平等互利的原则。


Equality principle平等原则

1.Educational equity contains three rational principles of educational resources allocation,namely equality principle,difference principle and compensation principle.教育公平包含教育资源配置的三种合理性原则,即平等原则、差异原则和补偿原则。

2.As the grounds of equality principle in administrative law is human dignity,the inhibit orgy and administrative abnegation constituted the equality principle,so the criteria including validity purpose,essence thing and reasonably distinction,but the absence of concrete legal rules lead to ineffective relieve.平等原则作为行政法原则体系的重要组成部分,源于人性尊严之宪政理念,具体包括禁止恣意和行政自我拘束两项基本要求。

3.HONG Xiu-quan s equality principle was well received by the mass of peasantry,which led to the rise and development of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom s Movement.可以说,平等原则是太平天国成败的双刃剑。

3)equal principle平等原则

1.According to the Dworking sequal principle,the Posner s analytical approach of information economy,adverse discrimination is reasonable to some degree.按照德沃金的平等原则、波斯纳的信息经济学分析进路,反向歧视具有合理性。

4)The equal principle平等原则

1.On the Legal Qualities of the Equal Principle of Civil Lawsuit;民事诉讼平等原则的法哲学思考

5)principle of equality平等原则

1.Following theprinciple of equality before criminal law, it is a realistic requirement to protect the state-owned economy by perfecting the criminal.遵循刑法平等原则,完善刑事立法,一体规制与平等保护国有公司、企业与非国有公司、企业,加大混合所有制企业国有资产的刑法保护范围和力度,是保护国有经济的现实需要。

2.The equal protection of jus rerem not only stems from theprinciple of equality of civil law,but also reflects on the idea of autonomy of private law,the economic foundation of which lies in the market economy.物权法中的平等保护不但来源于民法中的平等原则,同时也是私法自治理念在物权法中的体现,其经济基础则根植于市场经济的土壤。

3.It is a violation of the constitutionalprinciple of equality and the essence of democratic election to stipulate by law the ratio of female representatives of the NPC,and it is also a contradiction to the basic theoretic connotation of equal right of being elected.以法律的形式明确规定各级人大中妇女代表所占的比例有违宪法平等原则和民主选举的基本精神,并且不符合被选举权的内涵的一般理论,在操作层面上,民主选举也不能保证选出法定“数额”或“比例”的妇女代表。

6)the principle of equality平等原则

1.The Original Meaning of the Equality of Public Burden——Onthe principle of equality for taxation;公共负担平等的原始意义——论税务平等原则

2.The principle of equality of parties’right o f action should becomethe principle of equality so that it can reflect comple tely and accurately the conotation of this principle.当事人诉讼权利平等原则应当更名为平等原则,以便完整、准确体现这一原则的涵义。


