1200字范文 > 民国法学 law of the Republic of China英语短句 例句大全

民国法学 law of the Republic of China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-21 07:08:31


民国法学 law of the Republic of China英语短句 例句大全

民国法学,law of the Republic of China

1)law of the Republic of China民国法学


1.Law:How Can It Be Justified and Effective--An Interpretation on Three Jurists in the Republic of China;三位民国法学家关于中国法理自觉的探讨

2.a legal scholar versed in civil law or the law of nations.精通民法或国际法的法律学者。

3.State Law and Non-governmental Law in Legal Economics法律经济学视角下的国家法和民间法

4.Foreign civil and commercial law[M], written by Xie Huaishi. Beijing, Civil Law Research Centre of Chinese People"s University. Edition 1986.谢怀栻.外国民商法(上)[M],北京:中国人民大学法律系民法教研室,1986.

5.Some Basic Issues about China s Nationality Laws and Jurisprudence;关于我国民族法与民族法学的几个基本问题

6.Administer the Countny According to the Lawand the Education of the Ethnic Law in Guizhou依法治国与贵州民族法学教育的思考

7.The Infection on Pandekten Legal Science to German Civil Code;潘德克顿法学对《德国民法典》的影响

8.Legislative Form of Legal Protection to Expressions of Folklore in China;论我国民间文学法律保护的立法模式

9.the Romance language spoken in France and in countries colonized by France.法国和法国的殖民国家所说的浪漫文学语言。

10.Promoting the Communion of Environment and Resources Law with Civil Law Based on the Comprehension of the Number Ninety a Item in the German Civil Code;从对《德国民法典》第90a条的理解展开环境资源法学与民法学的对话

11.Under the Humanism Legal Science Field of Vision of National Law and folk Law;人本主义法学视野下的国家法与民间法

12.Folk Method Research to Chinese Legal Science: Significance and Method Enlightenment;民间法研究之于中国法学:意义与方法启示

13.On the Legal Protection of Works of Folk Literature and Art in Our Country;论我国民间文学艺术作品的法律保护

14.Research on Democratic and Legal System Perspective Education among Present College Students;当代中国大学生民主法制观教育研究

15.A Review of Studies of Folk Customs and Practices in China in ;中国民间法研究学术报告()

16.A Review of Studies on Folk Law in China in ;中国民间法研究学术报告()

17.A Review of Studies of Folk Law in China(From 2002 to );中国民间法研究学术报告(2002-)

18.The Emergence and Development of Chinese Modern Civil Procedural Law;中国近代民事诉讼法学的诞生与成长


faguo shimin wenxue法国市民文学

3)Civil Law and Commercial Law of Foreign Countries外国民商法学

4)French civil law法国民法

5)Civil Law of Republic of China民国民法典

1.Civil Law of Republic of China: Cooperation between Government and Law Experts;民国民法典的编订:政府与法律家的合作

6)Kuomintang"s civil law国民党民法

1.Then, how theKuomintang"s civil law was practiced at that vicissitude period? In how great degrees did it exert infl.相对于国民党政权在政治、军事等方面与共产党之间的斗争而言,从长期基础结构变化的角度来看,国民党民法被认为对近代中国更具有影响力。


