1200字范文 > 民国政府 the government of the Republic of China英语短句 例句大全

民国政府 the government of the Republic of China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-14 10:45:20


民国政府 the government of the Republic of China英语短句 例句大全

民国政府,the government of the Republic of China

1)the government of the Republic of China民国政府

1.Under the stimulus of the internal and external factor,the government of the Republic of China underwent several discussions,issued "the Order of Three Sea Miles" in 1931.在内外因素的刺激下,中华民国政府经过几次讨论,于1931年颁布了三海里令,标志着中华民国领海制度的正式建立,这在中国领海制度发展史上具有里程碑的意义。

2.The government of the Republic of China had to take advantage of society-run education to resolve the contradiction of enormous education need and week government finance.本文在回顾我国社会办学的基础上,论述了民国政府利用社会力量办学的必要性与可能性,认为巨大的教育需求与弱小的政府财政之间的矛盾使得民国政府必须利用社会力量办学,而民国年间经济的发展和国民思想意识的提高也为政府利用社会力量办学提供了可能性。


1.Preliminary to study the investigations into ethnic groups of Guizhou Organized by the Nationalist Government;试论民国政府对贵州少数民族的调查

2.Wuhan National Government and the Construction of Democratic Regime in China武汉国民政府与中国民主政权建设

3.The government burdened the nation with heavy taxes.政府使国民负担重税。

4.press law under the KMT Government国民党政府的新闻法规

5.Study on the Chinese National Government s Supports Toward the Korean Provisional Government;论中国国民政府对韩国临时政府的援助

6.The Analysis on National Government National Spirit Inspiration Policy简析国民政府的《国民精神总动员纲领》

7.The National Government and the Telecommunications Industry in the Republic of China (1927-1949);国民政府与民国电信业(1927—1949)

8.American influence of punished policies of Kuomintang government to Japanese invaders;国民党政府对日处置政策的美国影响

9.On Chinese Government’s System of Disaster Relief in the Beginning of Republic of China论民国初年我国的政府救灾行政系统

10.the Government of the People"s Republic of China is the sole legal government of China;中华人民共和国政府是中国的唯一合法政府;

11.In a democracy, government rests with the people.在一个民主国家,政府系于人民之手中。

12.On Civilian Aviation Construction Led by Nanking Kuomintang Government, 1927-1937;南京国民政府民用航空业研究(1927~1937)

13.A Research on the Kin-relationship Volum of Civil Law of Nanjing Kuomingtang Government;南京国民政府《民法·亲属编》研究

14.Research on the Basic Level Parliaments of Guomin Government during the Ten years yrom 1939 to 1949;国民政府十年(1939——1949)基层民意机关调查

15.A Preliminary Study of the Investigation on the Minority Nationalities in Yunnan Organized by the Government of the Republic of China;试论国民政府对云南少数民族的调查

16.The Nanjing National Government"s Understanding of the Borderland and Ethnic Groups南京国民政府的边疆观念及民族认识

17.On Hu Hanmin and the Official Discipline System of National Government论胡汉民与国民政府公务员惩戒制度

18.Tax Reform and Government Financial Resource during the Early Period of Nanjing National Government (1927-1937);国民政府前期税制改革与政府财力分析(1927-1937年)


National Government国民政府

1.On Land Report of theNational Government During Anti-Japanese War;抗战时期国民政府的土地陈报

2.ChineseNational Government & Establishment of UN s Proposal;国民政府与联合国筹建方案的确立

3.The Regulation and Planning of the Policy for Studying Abroad of NanjingNational Government before Anti-Japanese War Period;抗战前南京国民政府对留学政策的调整与规划

3)Nationalist Government国民政府

1.Implementing ofNationalist Government s Strategy of Cooperation for Dealing with Japan among Big Powers before "7·7 Incident";“七·七事变”前夕国民政府大国合作制日策略的实施

2.Response to the Policy for Education of theNationalist Government during the Anti-Japanese War in Universities;国民政府战时教育方针在大学中的反响

4)the National Government国民政府

1.On the Act ofthe National Government Punishing Corruption during the War of Resistance against Japan;略论抗战时期国民政府的反腐败斗争

2.A Brief Statement of Monetary System Reform bythe National Government in 1935;略论国民政府1935年的币制改革

3.The police ofthe National Government during the Anti-Japanese War;抗日战争时期的国民政府警察

5)Kuomintang government国民政府

1.On the relief byKuomintang government in Henan at the beginning of the 1940s;20世纪40年代初期国民政府在河南的赈灾救荒

2.Kuomintang Government s Policies towards Soviet at the Beginning of Anti-Japanese War;抗战前期国民政府对苏政策论略

3.Kuomintang Government s Policies towards Soviet during the Late Period of Anti-Japanese War;论抗战后期国民政府的对苏政策

6)the nationalist government国民政府

1.The Management System of the Nationalist Government on Traffic and Transportation During the Anti-Japanese War;论国民政府抗战时期的交通运输管理体制

2.Research on the Nationalist Government"s Anti-smuggling during the Resistance War Against Japan(1931--1945);抗战时期国民政府缉私研究(1931——1945)

3.A Study on the Educational Demobilization Organized by the Nationalist Government after the Anti-Japanese War;抗战胜利后国民政府教育复员研究


