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部门法哲学 Philosophy in Branches of Law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-10 13:26:49


部门法哲学 Philosophy in Branches of Law英语短句 例句大全

部门法哲学,Philosophy in Branches of Law

1)Philosophy in Branches of Law部门法哲学


1.Branch Legal philosophy or Branch Jurisprudence?;“部门法哲学”还是“部门法理学”?

2.The Development Logic Of The Philosophy Of Law Department ─Also Commentary on Theovization Of Law Department;部门法法哲学的长成逻辑——兼论“部门法学”的学理化问题

3.the academic department responsible for teaching philosophy.负责哲学教学的学校部门。

4.Strengthening the Study of Management Philosophy--Concurrently Discussing Branch Philosophy Study:the Way to Philosophic Innovation;加强管理哲学研究——兼论部门哲学研究是哲学创新的必由之路

5.Two Possible Research Layers and Two Genetic Ways of Branching Philosophies;部门哲学的两种可能研究层面与两条生成道路

6.She took a course in philosophy.她选读了一门哲学课程。

7.It contains scientific philosophy and philosophical methodology.它包括学科哲学和哲学方法学(方法类应用哲学)。

8.Philosophy is a sealed book to most people.哲学对大部分的人来说是个不得其门而入的领域。[学对大部分的人来说是一本封住了的书。

9.Showing the Door to Students in Philosophy;把学生领进哲学之门——如何上好职高哲学“前言”课

10."The elimination of philosophy" and The realization of philosophy--Reading "Introduction"“消灭哲学”与实现哲学——读《<黑格尔法哲学批判>导言》

11.Philosophy & Methodology of Science ?科学哲学与科学方法论

12.Kant"s philosophy of law is a part in the system of his metaphysics of morals.康德的法哲学是他的道德形而上学理论的一部分。

13.Whether China (ancient times) Had or Had No Philosophy and Whether Chinese Philosophy is Legitimate or Not;中国有无“哲学”与“中国哲学”合法与否

14.the judicial branch of government;the branch of medicine called neurology.政府的司法部门;谓之为神经病学的医学分枝

15.International Philosophy for Dialectical Society国际哲学辩证法学会

16.On Philosophy of Civil Law--Elucidating from the Outlet of Science of Civil Law and the Outline of Jurisprudence;民法哲学论——由民法学出路和法哲学纲要阐发

17.A preliminary comparison of the biology character among Hucho breeker ,Hucho taimen and Hucho ishikawai Mori川陕哲罗鱼、太门哲罗鱼及石川哲罗鱼的生物学比较

18.There are numerous subdivisions of the Department of Justice.司法部设有许多部门。


departmental philosophy部门哲学

1.It is not metaphysics thinking about the universities of the whole world, but adepartmental philosophy.经济哲学是关于经济的哲学 ,它的概念含义是哲学 ,而不是经济学 ;它不是关于整个世界普遍性思考意义上的形而上学 ,而是部门哲学。

3)branches of law部门法学

1.It is a general term of inter-disciplinary studies betweenbranches of law and legal philosophy,such as philosophy of criminal law,philosophy of civil law,philosophy of administrative law,philosophy of judiciary,philosophy of constitutional law,philosophy of economic law,philosophy of commercial law,and philosophy of international law.所谓的部门法哲学,其实是对这一领域的刑法哲学、民法哲学、行政法哲学、诉讼与司法哲学、宪法哲学、经济法哲学、商法哲学、国际法哲学等所有部门法学与法哲学之间跨学科研究的一个总称。

4)branch jurisprudence部门法理学

5)the branch of public laws部门公法学

6)Philosophy method哲学方法

1.As a kind of philosophy method,pragmatism had certain positive history role for the aspects such as academic research as well as the ideological advance of early Marxist.五四时期,实用主义经胡适介绍并将其与中国国情相结合,在我国思想文化界产生广泛而深刻的影响,作为一种哲学方法,实用主义对早期马克思主义者的思想进步以及学术研究等方面,都具有一定积极的历史作用。


汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀
