1200字范文 > 法律口语 spoken language of law英语短句 例句大全

法律口语 spoken language of law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-14 15:57:43


法律口语 spoken language of law英语短句 例句大全

法律口语,spoken language of law

1)spoken language of law法律口语

2)oral grammar口语语法

1.Under the guidance of the theories on English functional and structural grammar,anoral grammar improvement programme was specifically devised to improve.研究通过诊断性测试(笔试和面谈),找出中国成年学生英语口头交流困难的原因,即口语语法能力偏差。


1.On The Grammar Book of Spoken Chinese Expressions: Grammar study Should Attach Importance to the Combination of Phonetics;语法研究必须重视与语音的结合——《汉语口语语法》读后

2.Topic Selection and Systematic Teaching of Grammar Spoken Choice of a Balanced--Advanced Chinese spoken language development话题选择与口语语法教学的选择均衡——高级汉语口语教学发展探析

3.French and English fluently, written and spoken法语和英语口笔语流畅

4.Colloquial style or quality.口语体口语化或口语用法

5.speaking French with an English accent说法语带有英语口音

6.On the Establishment and Specification of a Grammar System in the Oral Teaching of Chinese Language;汉语口语体口语教学语法体系的建立与量化

7.Teaching Spoken English by Using the Theory of Functional Grammar in China;中国英语口语教学中功能语法的应用

8.The Acquisition of Spoken English Vocabulary:A Corpus-Based Approach英语口语词汇学习的语料库方法探讨

9.From the Perspective of Grammatical Metaphor to Probe the Difference Between Oral English and Written English;从语法隐喻角度看英语口语与书面语的区别

10.On tense, aspect and subjunctive of English verbs:Comments on LGSWE;论英语动词的时态、体貌和虚拟语气——评《朗文英语口语和笔语语法》

11.RESEARCH ON ORAL ENGLISH TEACHING METHOD --Communicative Approach Used in Oral English Teaching;英语口语教学教法之探索——交际法在英语口语教学中的运用

12.speak English with the suggestion of a French accent说英语稍带法国口音.

13.She speaks English with an French accent.她讲英语带法国口音。

14.He speaks French with an american accent.他讲法语带有美国口音。

15.She speaks pure French.她讲一口纯正的法语。

16.the language of science, drug users, the courtroom科学术语、 嗜毒者切口、 法庭用语

17.Application of CLT in Teaching Speaking in Junior High School交际法在初中英语口语教学中的应用

18.A Parameterized Exploration on the Interface between UG and IL;普遍语法与中介语接口的参数化研究


oral grammar口语语法

1.Under the guidance of the theories on English functional and structural grammar,anoral grammar improvement programme was specifically devised to improve.研究通过诊断性测试(笔试和面谈),找出中国成年学生英语口头交流困难的原因,即口语语法能力偏差。

3)legal language法律语言

1.On Development and Evolution in China s Legal Language;中国法律语言发展和演变述论

2.Seeing parenthesis’s function at daily vehicular language andlegal language from relationship theory’s angle从关联理论看插入语在日常交际语和法律语言中的语用功能

3.As a branch of protocol language,legal language is characterized by accuracy of choice of words.法律语言作为一种规约性的语言分支,用词准确是其重要特点。

4)legal English法律英语

1.Analysis of the language and style oflegal English;论法律英语的语言与文体特点

2.The application of cases in the teaching oflegal English;浅谈法律英语教学中案例教学法的运用

5)legal terminology法律术语

1.Thinking process oflegal terminology from relevance theory perspective从关联理论看法律术语翻译的思维过程

2.Though thelegal terminology expresses concepts of law,it is not defined within the field of law that the terms of law are used.法律术语虽然表达法律概念,但是并不是只有在法律领域才使用法律术语。

3.This article probes into the etymon oflegal terminology and illustrates some translation techniques.法律术语是法律语言体系的重要组成部分。

6)Legal terms法律术语

1.Differentiation and analysis of legal terms interpretation in linguistic reference books;语言工具书法律术语释义辨析

2.The Application of Legal Terms in the Translation of Law into English;试论法律英译中法律术语的应用问题

3.With the constant development and deepening of the research on legal language,more and more scholars coms to know the significance of the standardization of legal terms to the research in its field and to the unification of socialist legal system.术语标准化是术语工作的重要内容,随着法律语言学研究的不断展开和深入,越来越多的学者认识到法律术语标准化对研究法律术语、统一我国社会主义法制的重要意义。


《藏汉对照拉萨口语词典》中国第一部藏语口语词典。以记录现代藏语拉萨口语词汇为主,并用汉语解释词义。于道泉主编。1983年10月由北京民族出版社出版。于道泉(1901~)山东临淄人。早年就读于齐鲁大学和北京大学,攻数学,精通藏语、蒙古语、满语、英语、法语、德语、梵语等。1931年将六世达赖仓洋嘉错情歌从藏文译为汉文和英文,轰动国际藏学界。1934年赴法留学,专攻土耳其文,后执教于英国伦敦东方非洲研究院。1949年归国,先后任北京大学和中央民族学院藏文教授。 这部词典共收词语2.9万余条。除日常生活用语外,还包括一部分常用的新词术语、人名地名、成语谚语以及医药、科技、天文历算等方面的专业用语。以藏文正字为主要词目,按藏文字母顺序排列,少数无正字的口语词,依实际读音,用藏文拼写。遇有不规则读音,在正字后面用括孤注出俗字,以便初识字的藏族读者从音查字。此外,为了便于其他民族学习和研究藏语拉萨方言,每一词条后均附有准确的拉丁注音,并用汉语作详细的释义。较难解释的语法词附有例句。此书收词多,注音精确,释义详细,是学习和研究现代藏语拉萨方言的重要工具书。
