1200字范文 > 珠江河口 Pearl River Estuary英语短句 例句大全

珠江河口 Pearl River Estuary英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-08 23:30:37


珠江河口 Pearl River Estuary英语短句 例句大全

珠江河口,Pearl River Estuary

1)Pearl River Estuary珠江河口

1.Distribution of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Aquatic Species from thePearl River Estuary;珠江河口水生生物中多溴联苯醚的分布

2.Impact of temporal and spatial variation of water environment on ecosystem of the Pearl River estuary;珠江河口水环境时空变异对河口生态系统的影响

3.Impact of Land Use Patterns on Eco-environment inPearl River Estuary;土地利用方式对珠江河口生态环境的影响分析


1.Pearl River Estuary Treatment Study Based on Sustainable Development;基于可持续发展的珠江河口治理研究

2.NEW MODEL IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PEARL RIVER MOUTH AREA --Establishing Ecological River Mouth;珠江河口区可持续发展崭新模式——建设生态河口研究

3.Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane in Sediments from the Pearl River Estusry to South China Sea;沉积物甲烷厌氧氧化—从珠江河口至南海

4.Preliminary Study of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers(PBDEs) in Aqueous Biota from Pearl River Estuary;珠江河口水生生物中多溴联苯醚的初步研究

5.Study on Landscape Spatio-temporal Evolution and Its Regulation Countermeasures of the Typical Wetlands in the Pearl River Estuary Region, South China;珠江河口区典型湿地景观演变及调控研究

6.Impact of Land Use Patterns on Eco-environment in Pearl River Estuary;土地利用方式对珠江河口生态环境的影响分析

7.Study on numberical modelling of the whole pearl river estuary and tidal wave propagation characteristics珠江河口整体数值模拟及潮波传播特征研究

8.Distribution of Organic Nitrogen and Total Nitrogen in the Surface Sediments of Pearl River Estuaries珠江河口表层沉积物有机氮和总氮的分布

9.Turbulence feature research within bottom boundary layer induced by tide in the Pearl River Estuary珠江河口潮流底边界层的湍流特征量研究


11.Temporal and Spatial Variation of Water Environment and Its Impact on the Ecosystem of the Pearl River Estuary;珠江河口水环境的时空变异及对生态系统的影响

12.Spatio-Temporal Analysis of the Suspended Sediment Concentration in the Pearl River Estuary and Shenzhen Bay based on the Information Analysis Theory基于信息分析理论的珠江河口及深圳湾悬浮泥沙时空变化分析

13.The Discussion of Spatial Development Pattern in Guangzhou"s Nansha District Base on the Changes of the Zhujiang River基于珠江河口变迁对广州南沙空间发展模式探讨

14.Remote sensing retrieval of chlorophyll-a in turbid,productive estuaries:A case study of Zhujing River estuary珠江河口混浊高产水域叶绿素a浓度的遥感估算模型

15.Study on Environmental Geochemistry of the Sediments in Modaomen Estuary of the Pearl River;珠江磨刀门河口的沉积化学环境研究

16.Simulation of water and suspended sediment fluxes in Pearl River Delta during summer season珠江三角洲河网与河口夏季水沙通量的模拟

17.And imported water hyacinth plants are choking some parts of the Yangtze River and the Pearl River.而进口的水葫芦正在淤塞长江和珠江的部分河段。

18.Water Quality of Pearl"s West Estuary and Rapid Forecast Determination of Red Tide;珠江西江河口水质状况与赤潮的快捷预测方法研究


Zhujiang Estuary珠江河口

1.Distribution of oil content in sediment ofZhujiang Estuary and relation with estuarine environment;珠江河口沉积物中石油烃分布及其与河口环境的关系

2.and characteristic of the estuarine wetland is introduced and the details about the four largest estuarine wetlands in changjiang estuary, Huanghe estuary, Zhujiang estuary and Liaohe estuary are given in the paper, such as the compositions, the features of the deposit, environments and the biological resourses.本文介绍河口湿地的概念和特征后,分别论述了我国四大河口湿地;长江河口湿地、黄河河口湿地、珠江河口湿地和辽河河口湿地的组成、沉积物特点、环境以及生物资源等,并指出了目前河口湿地开发利用的状况及今后开发目标。

3.The relations of total CO2 and dissolved CO2 to salinity, water temperature, chlorophyll-a and degree of saturated oxygen were discussed based on monthly observation in the Zhujiang estuary from February 1987 to February 1988.本文根据1987年2月至1988年2月每月一次的调查资料,通过测定pH和碱度计算了珠江河口二氧化碳各分量,讨论了ΣCO_2,溶解CO_2与盐度、温度,叶绿素-a 和溶解氧饱和度的关系。

3)the Pearl River estuary珠江河口

1.Turbulence feature research within bottom boundary layer induced by tide in the Pearl River Estuary珠江河口潮流底边界层的湍流特征量研究

2.The rapid urbanization in the Pearl River Estuary region,not only could cause the excessive use of tidal flat and the area decreased,but also influence the water environment,and reduce the water area,increase the water pollution,made floods and saline tide occurred frequently.珠江河口地区的快速城市化进程不仅引发了滩涂资源的过度开发利用,使得滩涂面积减少,而且影响了河口地区的水环境:水域面积减少,水质污染加重,洪涝灾害和咸潮频发。

4)the Zhujiang River Estuary珠江河口

1.Observations of the size and settling velocity distributions of suspended sediment inthe Zhujiang River Estuary during dry season;枯季珠江河口悬浮泥沙絮凝沉降特征的观测与分析

5)Zhujiang River Estuary珠江河口

1.A study on morphodynamics of Humen in Zhujiang River estuary;珠江河口虎门的地貌动力学研究

2.A research on hydrodynamic connection calculation by a baroclinic model was carried out for one-dimensional river network and three-dimensional river estuary atZhujiang River Estuary.对珠江河口一维河网和三维河口湾斜压模型的水动力连接计算进行了研究。

6)Pearl River Estuarine Zon珠江河口区

1.Concentrations and distribution of organochlorinated pesticides and PCBs in green lipped mussels,Perna viridiscollected from thePearl River Estuarine Zone;珠江河口区翡翠贻贝中有机氯农药和多氯联苯含量及分布


