1200字范文 > 珠江水系 Pearl River英语短句 例句大全

珠江水系 Pearl River英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-27 23:01:14


珠江水系 Pearl River英语短句 例句大全

珠江水系,Pearl River

1)Pearl River珠江水系

1.Investigation on Shipping Status and Related Ship Standardization ofPearl River;珠江水系内河航运现状及船型标准化调研报告

2.has been discovered in collections from aPearl River Drainage in Ludong village, Jingxi county, and Guangxi of China in May .5月,在广西壮族自治区靖西县禄洞村珠江水系采集到一批条鳅标本。


1.Percentages of the Water Quality Grades of the Pearl River System珠江水系水质类别比例

2.The water quality of the Pearl River system in Guangxi is better than that in Guangdong.珠江水系广西境内江段水质好于广东境内江段。

3.SWOT analysis of Pearl River navigation;珠江水系内河航运发展SWOT分析

4.Investigation on Shipping Status and Related Ship Standardization of Pearl River;珠江水系内河航运现状及船型标准化调研报告

5.Thinking about Standardization Development and the Current Situation of Ship Transport in Inner River of Zhujiang Water System;珠江水系内河运输船舶现状及标准化发展思路

6.You can still visit the Lingqu canal dug in 214 B. C. to connect the Xiang and the Pearl Rivers.你还可游览灵渠,这个运河修筑于公元前2,沟通了湘江水系和珠江水系。

7.The Research of Internal Architecture of Zhujiang Deepwater Fan System in South China Sea;南海珠江深水扇系统的内幕结构研究

8.Analysis of genetic diversity among wild silver carp(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) populations in the Yangtze,Heilongjiang and Pearl Rivers using microsatellite markers长江、珠江、黑龙江水系野生鲢遗传多样性的微卫星分析

9.Sedimentary Evolution of Paleogene Series in Deep Water Area of Zhujiangkou and Qiongdongnan Basin珠江口盆地—琼东南盆地深水区古近系沉积演化

10.Establishment and Application of Early Warning System of Water Resources for the Pearl River珠江水资源预警体系的建立及应用研究

11.The River System Landscape and Structural Problems of the Pearl River Delta珠江三角洲流域水系景观特征及结构性问题

12.The Effect of Economic Development of Zhujiang Delta on the Water Environment at Zhujiang Estuary;珠江三角洲经济发展对珠江口水环境的影响

13.Effect of economic development on water quality in Zhujiang Estuary;珠江口沿岸城市经济发展对珠江口水质的影响

14.Temporal and Spatial Variation of Water Environment and Its Impact on the Ecosystem of the Pearl River Estuary;珠江河口水环境的时空变异及对生态系统的影响

15.The Research of Emergency Information System of Ships Pollution Accidentally in the Pearl River Estuary Based on MapObjects;基于MapObjects组件的珠江口水域船舶污染事故应急信息系统研究

16.A Study on Hydrologic Network Optimization and Planning for the Pearl River Delta;珠江三角洲水文监测站网优化与系统整体规划研究

munity structures of periphytic algae in the Guangzhou reaches of the Pearl River and their relationship to water quality珠江广州河段着生藻类的群落结构及其与水质的关系

18.Distribution of Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Hydrochemistry Index in the Dike-Pond in the Pearl River Delta珠江三角洲基塘氮磷的含量分布及与水质关系初步探讨


Pearl River System珠江水系

1.Analysis of Portion of the Ternary Diagram for Major Ions in River Water ofPearl River System;珠江水系河水主要离子三角组分图分析

2.Semilabeo notabilis is one of the important economical fishes of the Pearl River system.唇鲮(Semilabeo notabilis)是珠江水系重要的经济鱼类。

3)Pearl River Deep-water Fan System珠江深水扇系统

1.Sequence stratigraphy ofPearl River Deep-water Fan System in the South China Sea;南海珠江深水扇系统的层序地层学研究

2.Response between relative sea-level change and the Pearl River deep-water fan system in the South China Sea;相对海平面变化与南海珠江深水扇系统的响应

4)Genesis of the Pearl River System珠江水系成因

5)QianGui Zhujiang watershed黔桂珠江水系

6)Xijiang branch (Guangdong section) of the Pearl river珠江水系西江(广东段)


珠江水系水能资源珠江水系水能资源hydropower resources of Zhujiang(Pearl) river system东江水能资源东江发源于江西省得邹县大竹岭。上游称得部水,至广东省龙川县五合好汇安远水后称东江。东江流域面积3.32万kmZ,干流长523 km,落差839m,多年平均年径流量226亿m3。东江干支流水能理论蕴藏量119.32亿kw·h/a,可能开发水能资源总装机容量146.14万kw,平均年发电量54.97亿kw·h。东江水能资源不集中,干流水能理论蕴藏量33.64亿kw·h/a,占东江千支流的28.19%,但技术可开发水能资源占比重较大,干流可能开发水电站装机容量66.29万kw,平均年发电量24.56亿kw·h,分别占干支流总量的45.36%和44.68%。由于淹没的限制,除早已建成的枫树坝和新丰江等水电站规模稍大外,待建水电站多数为低坝径流式水电站,装机规模不大,多数属小型水电站范畴。ZhuJ旧ng shulxl shulneng zlyuan珠江水系水能资派〔hydro卯wer resourees ofZhujiang(Pearl)river system〕据1950年《中华人民共和国水力资源普查成果》统计,珠江水系水能资像理论班截t为2933.2亿kw·h/a,其中技术可开发资抓1124.78亿kw·h/a。珠江水系水能资派占中国的5.8%,列长江、雅奋藏布江、栩沧江和黄河水系之后,位于第5位。水系内部水能资源分布很不均匀,其中西江干支流占很大比重。西江干支流理论绝旅t2578.41亿kw·h/a,占水系的88%;技术可开发资抓993.45亿kw·h/a,也占水系的88%。北江和东江的资抓合计只占12写。珠江水系流城面积43.8万kmZ,地跨云南、贵州、广西、广东、湖南和江西6省(自治区).珠江水系由西江、北江和东江组成,广州至虎门河段始称珠江,为西江、北江和东江的尾间,通过珠江三角洲地区注人南海,平均年径流t3412亿mJ。按地区划分,珠江水系水能资源主要分布于西部的云南、贵州和广西3省(自治区)。该3省(自治区)水能理论趁藏t占全水系的84.2%;位于东部的广东、湖南和江西3省仅占15.8%.广西壮族自治区水能资源理论班藏t占全水系的48.6%,可能开发水能资源占全水系的55.5%,所占比重最大.西江水能资源西江为珠江水系的最大河流,发源于云南省沾益县马雄山,自西向东流经云南、贵州、广西和广东.西江干流上游称南盘江,纳北盘江后称红水河,会柳江后称黔江,会郁江后称得江,会桂江后始称西江。干流全长2215.8 km,落差2136m,流域面积34.05万kmZ,平均年径流t 2460亿m3。西江干支流落差大,径流丰沛,水能资薄丰富,水能理论班藏t达2578.41亿kw·h/a,占珠江水系的88%.西江干流水能理论组藏t为944.77亿kw·h/a,占西江干支流总量的36.64%。
