1200字范文 > 崔浩 Cui Hao英语短句 例句大全

崔浩 Cui Hao英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-22 17:17:32


崔浩 Cui Hao英语短句 例句大全

崔浩,Cui Hao

1)Cui Hao崔浩

1.Sacrifice of Exchange and Fusion——A Brief Discussion on the Death ofCui Hao;交流与融合中的牺牲——浅谈崔浩之死

2.A Reflection on Reasons of "Cui Hao State History Case";“崔浩国史案”原因探析


1.Sacrifice of Exchange and Fusion--A Brief Discussion on the Death of Cui Hao;交流与融合中的牺牲——浅谈崔浩之死

2.A view on the cause of Cui Hao accident in Bei Wei Dynasty;拓拔鲜卑统治者的心态与崔浩国史之狱

3.Since Deng Yuan died of a false charge and Cui Hao also died in prison in connection with the case of national history the historians regarded writing history of the early Northern Wei as dangerous and,as a result,historiography ceased to flourish.由于邓渊冤死 ,崔浩死于国史之狱 ,北魏一代史学衰微 ,史官视修纂北魏前期历史为畏途。

4.A Research on the Lives of the Zhuangyuan Brothers Cui E and Cui Zhan in the Late Tang Dynasty;唐末兄弟状元崔谔、崔詹生平事迹考

5.Where a sudden Breeze whips up the waves. The sun is growing dim now and sinks in the dusk.浩浩风起波, 冥冥日沉夕。

6.Dan Tsui and his two sisters in Hong Kong in the1950 s. From left to right: Lou Tsui, Au Tsui Wong and Dan Tsui.崔琦和他的二位姊姊在香港于1950年时代。从左到右:三姊崔璐,二姊崔珂、崔琦。

7.Contradiction and Anxiety;矛盾与焦虑——歌词中的崔健与时代中的崔健

8.Tzu Chang again asked: "When Ch"iu Tzu assassinated the prince of Ch"i, Ch"an Wen Tzu, who had a fief of ten chariots, abandoned them and left the state. Arriving to another state, he said, "The government here is just like that of the officer Ch"iu Tzu."「崔子杀齐君,陈文子有马十乘,弃而违之。至于他邦,则曰,犹吾大崔子也。

9.a grand occasion, procession盛大的场面、 浩浩荡荡的队伍

10.THE EAGLE hovered above the clouds, its mighty talons clenched and its eyes sweeping across the vast expanse of mountains and rivers below.鹰,凌空,脚爪抓满劲力,俯瞰,浩浩山河。

11.a vast expanse of desert, water, snow, etc浩瀚的沙漠、 浩淼的水域、 茫茫的积雪

12.Oil workers gathered in great force at the new oil field.石油工人浩浩荡荡开进新油田。

13.New economy and globalization have become an irreversible trend.新经济和全球化潮流浩浩荡荡。

14.A mighty fleet fled to the front.(二)车队浩浩荡荡地向前方驶去。

15.That rings true to Henry Choi.在亨利-崔听来,那都是实话。

16.David: You never said a word about planning to make an offer to Patrick.可你从没说过和帕崔做生意的事啊。

17.Walt: I" m not the only one who makes them, Trav.沃特:崔,可不是我一个人做它们的。

18.Ivy: Dennis has a crush on Tracy. He wants to ask her to the prom.艾薇:丹尼斯暗恋崔西。他想邀她去舞会。


Cui Hao"s Character崔浩性格

3)Cui Hao"s Death崔浩之死

4)Cui Hao accident崔浩事件

1.Cui Hao accident taking place in early time of Bei Wei Dynasty was caused by many factos,but the key among them was that Cui Hao had been thoutht to commit a fatal fault in writting the history of country, which resulted in the vicious eruption of Tuoba Xianbei self-abased and conceited complex, and then led Tuoba Xianbei to insanely revenge on Cui Hao family and his relatives.北魏崔浩事件的发生是由多种原因促成的 ,国史不过是引发的导火索。

5)Cui Hɑo崔浩(?~约450)



