1200字范文 > 崔致远 Cui Zhiyuan英语短句 例句大全

崔致远 Cui Zhiyuan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-24 02:50:14


崔致远 Cui Zhiyuan英语短句 例句大全

崔致远,Cui Zhiyuan

1)Cui Zhiyuan崔致远

1.Cui Zhiyuan s Cultural Interpretation of Tao Yuanming;崔致远对陶渊明形象的文化解读

2.Kerean literati,Cui Zhiyuan s Chinese poetry;新罗文学家崔致远的汉文诗

3.A Study ofCui Zhiyuan"s San Yuan,Huanglu Zhai Ci崔致远三元、黄箓斋词研究


1.A research on Cui ZhiYuan s birthplace and family history;唐末新罗文人崔致远占籍与家世考述

2.Behind the Competition for Position between the Bohai and Hsio -LO People -After Reading the Collected Works written by Cui Zhiyuan of Hsio -LO渤海与新罗“争长”的背后──新罗崔致远文集读后

3.Associations between China in Late Tang and Xinluo Judged from Cui Zhiyuan s Writings;从崔致远诸文看唐末与新罗的交往关系

4.Chong Chi-yong and Tao Yuan-ming s Poetic Imagery--A spiritual dialogue between the two lonely poets;崔致远与陶渊明的诗歌意象世界——两位孤独诗人穿越时空的心灵对话

5.The thesis of Bo Qin as the first monarch of Lu fief was expounded by Cui Su,but he was not consistently correct.“伯禽封鲁”说之所以影响大 ,盖由崔述的鼓荡所致 ,然而崔氏的考证远非一贯正确。

6.A Compilation of Traditional Classics Criticisms by Cui Shu:On its Principles of Truth-Seeking and Pragmaticism崔述《考信录》坚守的“求真”“致用”原则

7.Born into the recluvsive Night Elf called the Wardens and shunned by mainstream Night Elf Society, Mortred pledged allegiance to the Scourge to take the revenge.茉崔蒂生于隐遁的典狱长一族,由于她被夜精灵主流社会疏远,她向天谴军宣誓忠诚以示报复。

8.A Research on the Lives of the Zhuangyuan Brothers Cui E and Cui Zhan in the Late Tang Dynasty;唐末兄弟状元崔谔、崔詹生平事迹考

9.Longshot: Mastering long range archery makes an army archer even more deadly.远射:掌握远程箭术使得一位军人箭手更为致命。

10.Transcending the Worldliness--A Interpretation of the "Remoteness" Embodied in Lin Quan Gao Zhi;高蹈远引——解读《林泉高致》中蕴涵的“远”观念

11.Alcoholism often leads to the alienation of family and friends.酗酒常常导致家庭和朋友间的疏远

12.remote computing system consistency error远程计算系统的一致性误差

13.Clym, the afflicted man, was cheerful.克林本是受苦的人,而却永远兴致勃勃。

14.Fortunately, the long-term interests of Hong Kong and China are the same.幸而香港和中国的长远利益是一致的。

15.Orientate the Demand of Aged People s Education Devote to Their Long-Distance Education;顺应老年教育需求 致力老年远程教育

16.Cultural Reflection of ‘Three Perspectives’ in Lin Quan Gao Zhi;关于《林泉高致》中“三远”的文化思索

17.On the Artistic Creation in the Autumn in Palace by Ma Zhiyuan;论马致远的创作心态与杂剧《汉宫秋》

18.On Ma Zhiyuan s Thought in Autumn, to the Melody of Yexingchuan, Shuangdiao;马致远《双调·夜行船·秋思》探析


Cui Zhi Yuan崔致远

1.A Research onCui Zhi Yuan s Date of Birth and Death;“东国文学之祖”崔致远生卒年考

2.As a well-known literati in Korean literary history,Cui Zhi Yuan came to the late Tang Dynasty by vessel.崔致远是晚唐时来自友邦新罗的一位诗人,在中国唐朝生活、仕宦长达十六年之久。


4)Choe Chi-won"s poetry in Chinese崔致远汉诗

5)far-reaching result致远



