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合成规则 combination rule英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-26 17:48:15


合成规则 combination rule英语短句 例句大全

合成规则,combination rule

1)combination rule合成规则

1.Modifiedcombination rule of D-S evidence theory一种改进的D-S证据合成规则

2.The evidence reasoning widely applies in indefinite inference and data fusion aspect,but the D-Scombination rule regarding high conflict situation processing is not extremely reasonable.证据推理广泛应用于不确定推理和数据融合等方面,但D-S合成规则对于高冲突情况的处理不是十分合理的,因此文中提出了一种基于证据相似系数的冲突证据合成方法。

3.But the invalidation problem,which oc-curs when thecombination rule is used to deal with highly conflict evidence,has limited its applications.但是,证据合成规则在处理冲突证据时产生的失效问题,影响了证据理论的应用。


1.Improvement of Combination Rule in D-S Theory;D-S理论中证据合成规则改进的研究

2.A New Information Combination Rules and Its Removal Algorithm一种新的信息合成规则及其消去算法

3.A Combination Rule of Evidence Theory Based on Similarity of Focal Elements基于焦元相似度的证据理论合成规则

4.Research on the Combination Rule of D-S Evidence Theory Based on the Open Frame Discernment;开放识别框架D-S证据理论合成规则研究

5.Fuzzy Inference Algorithms under the “ Maximization-- Arithmetic Product” Compound Rule;“取大——算术积”合成规则下的模糊推理算法

6.A New and Better Rule for Combining Sharply Conflicting Evidences一种新的基于局部冲突分配的证据合成规则

7.If you want to include only members that satisfy all of the rules, click Members satisfy all of the rules.如果要仅包含符合所有规则的成员,请单击“成员符合所有规则”。

8.studies of the rules for forming admissible sentences.组成合法句子的规则研究。

9.Discussion of Asymmetry Addition Not Obeying Markovnikov s Rule;不适合Markovnikov规则的加成反应

10.Microwave Irradiation Synthesis of Metal Selenides Semiconductor Nanocrystals with Regular Shapes;微波合成有规则形状的金属硒化物纳米晶

11.Research on Association Rules Mining Based on Extended Set Operators;基于扩展集合操作的关联规则生成算法研究


13.Atoms can join together not only in molecules but also in the endless regular arrays of crystalline solids.原子不仅能结合成分子,还能结合成无限规则排列的晶态固体。

14.contract specifications合约规格,合约细则

15.1 These rules shall be read in conjunction with Section 3, General Rules.本规则应配合第三章比赛规则释读。

16.On Pragmatic Rule-One of the Formation Rules of Languages;论语言的组合规则之一——语用规则

17.The micro components include general design rules, patterns and rules of thumb.微观成份则包括一般设计规则、阅模式和规则。

18.Institution is the regulation aggregation, is a series of the regulation network that are composed of formal constraint and informal constraint.制度是规则的集合,是一系列正式约束和非正式约束组成的规则网络。


combination rules合成规则

1.Some desirably basic features concerned with thecombination rules of evidence theory were discussed.讨论了证据理论合成规则期望满足的基本性质。

2.This paper discussed the problem incombination rules of D-S evidence and the advantages to the other combination methods,proposed some standards for evaluating the fusion result.讨论了D-S证据合成规则存在的问题和相对于其他合成方法的优势,提出了评价合成规则融合效果的指标,重点对几种证据合成方法进行分析和比较,指出其特点与不足,提出进一步研究的方向。

3.However, due to its limitations, such as invalidation of complete conflict, independence assumption on evidences and exponential increase of thecombination rules operation with the increase of attribute space dimension, scholars have brought forward lots of improving methods of evidence theory, which aim at some special fields.但是其自身存在着多种缺陷,如完全冲突下无法合成,要求证据相互独立,合成规则的运算量随着属性空间增加呈指数增长等。


4)Dempster"s combination rule of evidencesDempster合成规则

1.By means of adjusting the basic belief assignment,this paper improved Dempster′s combination rule of evidences and presented an evaluation model of radar survival efficiency based on a modified Dempster-Shafer(D-S) evidence theory in order to analyze radar survival efficiency.改进后的证据合成规则不仅减小了证据的冲突,而且仍然满足证据的基本可信度之和为1的基本要求,保持Dempster合成规则所具有的可交换性。

5)composite rule of inference推理合成规则

6)Shafer-Dempster ruleD-S合成规则


