1200字范文 > 孙武 Sun Wu英语短句 例句大全

孙武 Sun Wu英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-30 19:29:00


孙武 Sun Wu英语短句 例句大全

孙武,Sun Wu

1)Sun Wu孙武

1.OnSun Wu s Thought about War Preparations and Its Influence;略论孙武的备战思想及其影响

2.Sun Wu s Outstanding Contribution to Gouwu Culture;孙武对句吴文化的杰出贡献


1.Sun Wu Tzu, or Sun Wu, was a famous Chinese military scientist in the 5th century B.C., who wrote Sun Tzu, a treatise on war containing thirteen chapters.孙武子即孙武,中国春秋时代的著名军事学家,著《孙子》十三篇。

2.Degeneration of the Revolutionary--Evaluate Sunwu s Achievements and Errors in the 1911 Revolution;功臣的蜕变——试评武昌首义前后的孙武

3.Interpretation of “a Waste of Time”--Expounding and Proving Military Science of Sun Tzu is Sun Tzu s Second Manuscript;“费留”解——兼证传世《孙子兵法》是孙武二次手定本

4.Heavy Taxes Leading to Premature Downfall in Questions of the King of Wu Kingdom and an Insight into Sun Wu s Idea of Giving First Priority to the People;从《吴问》论重税先亡看孙武的民本思想

5.Application of Solar Hot Water System in the Sunwu Academy Engineering孙武书院工程太阳能热水系统的应用

6.Now, Sun Wu asked these women, "Do you know how to march forward, backward, to the left and to the right?"接着,孙武问她们:“你们知道如何向前、向后、朝左、朝右吗?”

7.From how Sun Wu repeated his orders comes the idiom "Repeating an order time and again".而成语“三令五申”就是由孙武反复说明他的命令而来。

8.In spite of this, Sun Wu explained to them in great detail now to march in the four directions.但是,孙武还是把这些详详细细地向她们解释了一遍。

9.Brief Discussion on the Applied Value of Sun Wu s Thought of Management Policy in the Business;略论孙武的管理决策思想在企业管理中的应用价值

10."Sun Zi: The Art of War" and Martial Arts Trainer s Military Morality;《孙子兵法》与武术教练员的武德修养

11.Impact of the Art of War by Sunzi on Shaolin Wushu;《孙子兵法》对少林武术的启示与影响

12.Influence of Master Sun’s Art of War on the Attack and Defense Theory of Wushu;《孙子兵法》对武术技击理论的影响

13.SUN Yat-sen’s sports conceptions--Review of Jingwu Biography·Preface孙中山的体育理念——读《精武本纪·序》

14.Speculation on the Martial Art Form from the Gong Shun-long s Proposition "A White Horse is not Equal to Horse";试以公孙龙“白马非马”命题思辨武术套路节奏

15.A comparative study of The Art of War and Wushu classics of the Ming Dynasty;《孙子兵法》与明代武术经典论著的比较研究

16.Statecraft of "Advocating Culture and Restraining Military Operations" in Song Dynasty and the Study of Military Science of Sun Tzu宋代“崇文抑武”治国方略与孙子兵学研究

17.With the tension between Sun Quan and Liu Bei, Sun Quan moved his capital to Wuchang and established the foundation of beating Liu"s group and consolidating the upper reaches of the Changjiang River.随着孙、刘关系的紧张 ,孙权移都武昌 ,为击败刘备集团、巩固长江上游局势奠定了基础。

18.From the start, when he organized a small revolutionary group, Sun Yat-sen staged armed insurrections against the Ching Dynasty.从孙中山组织革命的小团体起,他就进行了几次反清的武装起义。


Argument on "Sun Wu""孙武"辨

3)genealogy of Sun Wu孙武子世系

4)But Sun Wu rejected the pleading.但孙武拒绝了。

5)Sun Wu and his thought of The Doctrine of the Mean孙武与中庸思想

6)Study of the End of Sun Wu"s Life孙武人生结局考辨


