1200字范文 > 行政裁量 Administrative Discretion英语短句 例句大全

行政裁量 Administrative Discretion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-27 13:46:51


行政裁量 Administrative Discretion英语短句 例句大全

行政裁量,Administrative Discretion

1)Administrative Discretion行政裁量

1.The Muddle ofAdministrative Discretion between Bound and Freedom;行政裁量:羁束与自由的迷思

2.The Formation and Progress of the Theory of Shrink ofAdministrative Discretion:From the Perspective of Administration to Prevent Dangers;行政裁量收缩论的形成与展开——以危险防止型行政为中心

3.On Reconciliation inAdministrative Discretion;论行政裁量中的和解——以德国法和美国法为观察


1.On the Control of Administrative Discretion and Construction of Administrative Personality;论行政裁量之控制与行政人格的建构

2.Administrative Justice: Procedural Control on Power of Administrative Discretion;行政正当:对行政裁量权的程序控制

3.Discretionary Benchmarks and Public Participation of Administrative Discretion Control行政裁量控制中的裁量基准和公众参与

4.Analysis of judicial review system of administrative discretionary right of China;我国行政裁量权的司法审查制度分析

5.The Research on the Administrative Procedure s Control to the Administrative Exertion;行政程序控制行政自由裁量权的研究

6.On the Rational Exercise of Police Power of Free Executive Decision论警察行政自由裁量权的合理行使

7.Discretional Acts in Drug Administration浅议药品监督管理中的裁量行政行为

8.On Judicial Review Intensity of Administrative Discretion Act;论行政自由裁量行为的司法审查强度

9.Concept of Judicial Review Regulations on Discretionary Administrative Acts;自由裁量行政行为司法审查规制构想

10.Analyses on and Legal Control of Discretional Behavior in Administration;行政自由裁量行为的分析与法律控制

11.Public Administrator"s Action Choice Based on Interest Man Theory“利益人”论域中的行政自由裁量行为

12.Administrative Discretion Should be Correctly Exercisedin Agricultural Administrative Law Enforcement;农业行政执法中应正确行使行政自由裁量权

13.The arbitrative examination and determination by the administrative departments for measurement of the next higher people"s governments shall be final.上一级人民政府计量行政部门进行的仲裁检定为终局仲裁检定。


15.Soft Law,an Unforgettable Part of Administrative Discretion;软法:行政自由裁量权不该遗忘的角落

16.The Police Administration s Discretion and Its Legal Control;论公安行政自由裁量权及其法律控制

17.Responsibility ethics:rational approach tostandardizing administrative jurisdiction;责任伦理:规范行政自由裁量权的理路

18.Abuse of the Autonomous Verdict of Tourism Administration and the Efficient Controls;旅游行政自由裁量权滥用及有效控制


administrative discretionary power行政裁量权

1.It has been established,both by theory and in pratice,that a variety of insufficiencies exist in control ofadministrative discretionary power.行政裁量权是行政法的重要制度,理论和实践表明对行政裁量权的控制存在着诸多不足。

3)administrative discretion行政裁量权

1.The expansion ofadministrative discretion has characterized modern public administration.行政裁量权的不断扩张是现代公共行政的一个重要特点。

2.Theadministrative discretion is the core of the administrative power and the main form of its expression.行政裁量权是行政权的核心和主要表现形式。

3.The research of academe on theadministrative discretion and the principle of reasonableness has made material results, and attained some consensus.学术界对行政裁量权与合理性审查原则研究已相当丰富,并逐渐取得了一些共识。

4)discretional acts裁量行政行为

1.Based on relevant theories in the Administrative Law, th e authors demonstrated and analyzed current drug administration practice, and su ggested to regulatediscretional acts in drug administration by following up sui table principles and taking some measures.文章在对行政法中相关理论进行阐述的基础上 ,结合药品监督管理实践进行论证分析 ,认为把握适当原则、采取一定措施 ,对药品监督管理中的裁量行为进行规范 ,有益于裁量行政行为的合理实施。

5)administrative discretionary action行政裁量行为

1.Some defects exist in the current law items in our country,which is not easy to grasp and operate in the judicial review onadministrative discretionary action.我国现行法律条款对行政裁量行为的司法审查存在难以把握、不易操作的缺陷。

6)Administrative discretion行政自由裁量

1.To use administrative discretion correctly,we need not only the control via law,but also to establish some moral boundary.行政自由裁量权的正确行使,不仅离不开法律控制,而且需要设立道德边界。

2.The paper elaborates from the ethical point of view the significant value of social equity for the administrative discretion.行政自由裁量权是现代各国行政法中最具共性的部分,是实现政府职能所必需的权力。

3.However, discrepancies arising from interpretation of the concepts and rational standard of administrative discretion are far from ended.行政自由裁量权不仅关系到立法机关允许行政机关自由活动的空间,而且进一步影响到司法审查的界限。


自由裁量行政行为自由裁量行政行为 :指法律仅仅规定行政行为的范围、条件、幅度和种类等 ,由行政机关根据实际情况决定如何适用法律而作出的行政行为。
