1200字范文 > 裁量 discretion英语短句 例句大全

裁量 discretion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-20 14:20:09


裁量 discretion英语短句 例句大全



1.The automation of the administration makes the administrativediscretion in the procedure into administrativediscretion before the procedure, so the administrative organ can t consider all facts relative to the problem.行政自动化在提升行政效率之余 ,提高了行政管理的秘密性 ,与现代行政法所提倡的行政公开原则不相符 ;行政自动化使行政行为程序中的裁量转变为程序前的裁量 ,无法做到考虑相关因素 ,有违行政合理性原则 ;带来了自动化设施错误控制、故障的行为在性质认定上的困扰和国家赔偿责任的缺失。

2.Therefore,in our country,the basic principle is to expand the range of legal remedies for civil disputes and hold on an attitude of cautiousdiscretion on specific issues.因此,在我国,尽管尽量扩大纠纷解决的范围应是确定纠纷可诉性问题的原则,但在具体问题上却需持谨慎裁量态度。



2.Discretionary Benchmarks and Public Participation of Administrative Discretion Control行政裁量控制中的裁量基准和公众参与

3.Analysis on the Decision of the Referee Based on the Free Jurisdiction Perspective;“自由裁量权”视角下足球裁判员的判决分析

4.On Some Issues About the Measuring Right of Judges;关于裁判员“自由裁量权”的若干问题分析

5.Analysis on the Decision of the Referee Based on the Free Jurisdiction Perspective试论女子竞技体操裁判评分的自由裁量权

6.Analysis on Influence Factor of the Soccer Referees Exerting the Free Jurisdiction足球裁判行使判罚“自由裁量权”的影响因素探析

7.Sentencing guidelines are specific guidance for judges on how to make decisions in sentencing.量刑指南是指导法官裁量刑罚的准则。

8.Discretionary Basis:between Rigidity and Criterion:Thinking Aroused by the Innovation of Discretionary Basis;裁量基准:在僵化与规范之间——裁量基准制度创新引发的思考

9.On the Administrative Discretion from the Vision of Social Justice--The Deconstruction of Discretionary Dilemma;社会公平视野下的行政自由裁量——自由裁量伦理困境的解构分析

10.Constructing Our Country s System of Adjudication Right of Investigation from the Perspective of Human Rights Protection;人权保障视野下我国侦查裁量体制之构建——兼为侦查裁量权辩护

11.A Discussion on Free Judgment of Administrative Execution--Another View on Free Judgment;行政执法自由裁量权适用规则的探索——“自由”裁量之另一视角

12.From Free Adjudication to Rational A djudication---on guarantee of tational adjudication of evidence;从“自由裁量”到“理性裁量”——论证据判断的理性化保证

13.The Balance of Standard Sentencing and Discretion;量刑规范化与法官量刑自由裁量权的衡平

14.The tailor carefully examined the cloth before starting to cut out a garment.裁缝在裁剪衣服之前仔细打量这块布。

15.A high level of redundancy among unskilled workers非熟练工人的大量裁减

16.Measurement Mediation and Arbitrative Examination and Determination计量调解和仲裁检定

17.Fit the appetite to the dishes and dress to the figure.看菜吃饭,量体裁衣。

18.The tailor measured me (up) for a suit, ie measured my chest, arms, legs, etc.裁缝给我量尺寸做衣服.



1.Adjudication in the Rule——the Rule of the Divorce Property s Division and the Right of FreeAdjudication from the Angle of Law-society;规则下的裁量——从法学社会学的角度看离婚财产分割中的法则和法官自由裁量权

3)quantum cutting量子剪裁

1.According to the many shortcomings in PDP,and with the theory ofquantum cutting and the study of VUV,the paper offers a new idea to prepare high-efficient PDP luminescent material.针对目前PDP荧光粉存在的不足之处,从量子剪裁理论与真空紫外光谱出发,对高效PDP荧光粉的研究提出了新思路。

2.Aquantum cutting model was proposed.基于实验结果,提出了一个量子剪裁模型。

3.The energy transfer between Gd~(3+) and Eu~(3+) was discussed with the probability ofquantum cutting process.利用同步辐射光源(德国HASYLAB实验室的SUPERLUMI实验站)对高温固相法制备的GdPO4∶Eu3+和GdBO3∶Eu3+的发射谱与激发谱进行了研究,并从量子剪裁的角度对“Gd3+-Eu3+”之间的能量传递作了讨论。


1.Of course, judges can not exercisediscretion arbitrarily.证据的自由裁量具有能动司法、拾遗补漏等功能,其重要性自不待言。

2.However,because principle is necessary connection withdiscretion,reasoning by principle will be very arbitrary;especially when principles contradict with rules.由于原则与强自由裁量的天然关联,基于原则的裁判具有非常强的任意性。

3.The connection between rules and principles is that of rigid regulations anddiscretions.规则与原则的关系就是严格规制与自由裁量的关系。

5)act according to actual circumstances量体裁衣

1.This article suggests the conception ofact according to actual circumstances to solve this problem.文章中就这一问题 提出了工业产品"量体裁衣"的概念,并从理论和实际两方面进行探索研究。

6)Administrative Discretion行政裁量

1.The Muddle ofAdministrative Discretion between Bound and Freedom;行政裁量:羁束与自由的迷思

2.The Formation and Progress of the Theory of Shrink ofAdministrative Discretion:From the Perspective of Administration to Prevent Dangers;行政裁量收缩论的形成与展开——以危险防止型行政为中心

3.On Reconciliation inAdministrative Discretion;论行政裁量中的和解——以德国法和美国法为观察


裁量1.鉴别,衡量。 2.裁度。
