1200字范文 > 现代汉语书面语 Temporary written Chinese英语短句 例句大全

现代汉语书面语 Temporary written Chinese英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-19 09:57:35


现代汉语书面语 Temporary written Chinese英语短句 例句大全

现代汉语书面语,Temporary written Chinese

1)Temporary written Chinese现代汉语书面语


1.Analysis the function of Erhua at termination in formal language of modern Chinese;现代汉语书面语中“儿”出现于词尾的功能解析

2.The Research about the Consraint Rules of Syntax Relation in Cross-Punctuation Sentence in Written Mordern Chinese;现代汉语书面语中跨标点句句法关系约束条件的研究

3.A Preliminary Study on the Differences between the Colloquial and the Literary in Modern Chinese;现代汉语口语词和书面语词的差异初探

4.Manifestations of Chinese Characters in Modern Book Layout现代图书版面中汉字视觉语言的表现形式

5.The Blending of English Writings in Written Chinese Texts and its Pragmatic Value汉语书面语的语码夹用现象及其语用价值

6.Study on Modern Chinese Modal Adverbial Word Ke by the Three-Plane Theory现代汉语语气副词“可”的三个平面研究

7.A Study of Mordan Chinese Onomatppoeia Facing Teaching Chinese as a Second Language面向对外汉语教学的现代汉语拟声词考察

8.The Linguistic Features of the Official Chinese Textbook Liwen (《吏文》) in the Ancient Korea;古代朝鲜官吏汉语教科书《吏文》的语言面貌

9.NLP-oriented Phrasal Lexicon of Contemporary Chinese面向自然语言处理的现代汉语短语信息库

10.The Affix "bian" and "mian" in Modern Chinese;现代汉语方所标“边”与“面”语义语用比较研究

11.Design and implementation of a Chinese word library system一个书面汉语词库系统的设计与实现

12.Reading Confucian Classics and Chinese Modernization of Chinese Teaching in Middle and Primary School;“读经书”和中小学语文教学中的汉语现代化

13.Viewing the Development of Words" Meaning from Words Labeled as Shu(Written) in The Modern Chinese Dictionary从《现代汉语词典》标〈书〉词语看词义的演变

14.The Discourse in Modern Chinese Poetics(1917-1937)现代汉语诗学话语(1917—1937)

15.The Manifestations of Modern Chinese Semanteme in Grammar,Vocabulary,Pronunciation and Characters;现代汉语语素在语法、词汇、语音、文字四个层面的表现

16.The Study of Modern Chinese Idioms and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language现代汉语惯用语研究及对外汉语教学

puter-Oriented Analysis on the Chinese Character "得" in Modern Chinese;面向计算机的现代汉语“得”字研究

18.The Negative Effect of the English Linguistic Theory upon Chinese from the Study of Double-object Sentence从双宾句的研究看英语语言学理论对现代汉语语法的负面影响


modern written Chinese现代书面汉语

3)written Chinese汉语书面语

4)modern Chinese现代汉语

1.Semantic description of sentence with serial verbs ofmodern Chinese and English expression;现代汉语连动句的语义描写及常见英语表达方式

2.Reforming Modern Chinese Teaching According to the Characteristic of the Secretary Major;针对文秘专业特点 改革现代汉语教学

ing into Being and the Introduction of the Japanese Loanwords in Modern Chinese;现代汉语中日语借词的产生及其传入

5)modem Chinese现代汉语

1.Research on the Rhetoric Derivative in Modem Chinese;现代汉语修辞派生词管见

2.In the recent years, as a consequence of interaction between Chinese and English, changes have taken place to some extent inmodem Chinese.近年来随着英汉语言的相互接触,现代汉语发生了某种程度的变化。

3.General linguistics andmodem Chinese benefit our college students to imporve language theoretical knowledge and the ability of usingmodem Chinese."语言学概论"和"现代汉语"对于提高大学生语言理论素养和现代汉语使用能力功不可没。

6)contemporary Chinese现代汉语

1.Teaching Methods Reformation and Research of theCurriculum of Contemporary Chinese;《现代汉语》课程的教学方法改革与研究

2.On gradation division and rules involvingcontemporary Chinese multi-attributes;现代汉语多层定语层次划分及其规律性

3.The Study on the Semantic Structure of Compound Words in Contemporary Chinese;现代汉语复合词语义结构研究


