1200字范文 > 书面语 written language英语短句 例句大全

书面语 written language英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-20 21:42:15


书面语 written language英语短句 例句大全

书面语,written language

1)written language书面语

1.As for issues concerning the low quality and mistakes in media language use,the paper suggests that there should be different criteria in spoken andwritten language after the author has compared the different styles between these two forms.新闻传媒作为影响最广泛的大众传播载体在语言规范的教化中,起着潜移默化的重要作用,针对新闻传媒语言质量不高,语言差错较多的问题,从分析口语和书面语在语体风格上的差异入手,提出口语和书面语的使用,应有不同的规范标准。

2.Punctuation will help authors to fully express their thoughts and readers to understand the structural relationship inwritten language correctly.标点符号能帮助作者充分表达思想,使读者正确理解书面语的结构关系和文章所表达的意思。

3.we found that the psychological distance is one of mainly conditional factors of the style, stylistic variation: the bigger the psychological distance is, the speech communication has morewritten language features, the smaller the psychological distance is, the s.本文探讨了交际双方人数对比类型同心理距离的关系,并重点分析了"一对多"交际方式及其话语表现特点,揭示了心理距离是制约言语语体色彩的一种重要因素,认为心理距离越远,言语表达越接近书面语特征;心理距离越近,言语表达越接近口语特征。


1.Fluent oral English and good knowledge of written English.良好的英语书面语,流利英语口语。

2.Pragmatic Analysis of the Written Business English;商务英语书面语语言特色的语用分析

3.be swift of foot[书面语]能健步疾走

4.English, oral and writing, is a must.熟练的英语口语和书面语是必备条件。

5.Oral English, I think, is as important as written one.( 4)、我认为英语口语和书面语同样重要。

6.Fluent English, oral and writing, is a must.流利的英语口语和书面语是必备条件。

7.From the Perspective of Grammatical Metaphor to Probe the Difference Between Oral English and Written English;从语法隐喻角度看英语口语与书面语的区别

8.On the Phenomenon of Reciprocal Penetration of Russian Standard Language s Oral and Written Style;谈俄语标准语口语体渗透至书面语的现象

9.The Blending of English Writings in Written Chinese Texts and its Pragmatic Value汉语书面语的语码夹用现象及其语用价值

10.The written language is often far more homogeneous than the spoken.书面语比口语往往更加一致。

11.Distributions and Motivations of Zero Conjunction in English Written Texts;英语书面语篇零连接分布及成因分析

12.A Study of Emphasizing Devices in Chinese EFL Learners Writing;中国英语学习者书面语强调手段研究

13.Psychological Distance and Expressing Style;略论心理距离与书面语、口语的关系

14.Some Means of Coherent Understanding of Conversational and Written Discourse;会话语篇和书面语篇的连贯解读依据

15.natural language understanding systems自然语言书面理解系统

16.Be able to use English as working language, fluent written English.能够以英语为工作语言,流利书面英语。

17.Language: Native speaker of Mandarin, fluent in spoken and written English.语言能力:英语书面和口语流利。

18.Textual Dialogicality and the Analysis of Print News Texts of English;语篇对话性与英语书面新闻语篇分析


written english书面语

1.Analyzing in a comparative way the major features of oral English and written English from the views of lexicon,style and occasion.从词汇、句法和使用场合等层面对英语口语和书面语的主要特征进行对比分析,可以加强英语学习者对英语语体之间差异的认识,能够帮助英语学习者提高英语运用能力。

2.Nominalization is one of major differences between written English and spoken Eng- lish.名词化是英语书面语的一个重要特征。

3.This paper analyzes and interperets the difference between oral English and written English from the perspective of grammatical metaphor,and furthermore puts forward some suggestions to enforcing and improving English teaching.作为服务于人类不同目的的两个不同程式,口语和书面语在语言的各个层面上既存在着众多差异,而且在当今时代呈现出更加复杂的语言构形。

3)literary language书面语

1.(a)Metaphor feature, (b)Multi-pattern and long complex sentences(c)Normal and gracefulliterary language, (d)Rich and intensively-generalized thought content.(1)善用比喻的特色 (2 )多句型复杂长句 (3)规范典雅的书面语 (4)丰富概括性强的思想内

4)Written language书面语言

1.The Impact of Early Written Language Training on Children s Development of Learning Skills;早期书面语言训练对儿童后续学习能力发展的影响

2.Deaf students of Grade One were measured on their written language.通过对一年级聋生的测试,了解了一年级聋生书面语言的发展状况,发现一年级聋生对词语的掌握情况优于对句式的掌握;同时对学生出现错误的类型进行了分析;探讨了问题产生的原因并提出相应建议。

3.Verbal language and written language have different features inmeaning expression, norms, context dependence, and practical effect.口头语言与书面语言有着各异的表意特点、使用规范、适用场合以及实用效果 ,而在书面语言的实际运用中 ,应用文写作与文学创作又有不尽相同的书面语使用要求。

5)written words书面词语

prehension ofwritten words by deaf students andwritten words teaching in schools for the deaf;聋校学生的书面词语理解与教学

6)written discourse书面语篇

1.This essay tends to account for the deletion and repetition of sentence topics inwritten discourses.通过考查书面语篇中主题省略与重复的现象,可以看出,从主题之间的线性关系着眼,主题串连观念对某些现象未能妥善解释。

2.This paper introduces the main achievements and characteristics of the research related to thewritten discourse analysis in the area of linguistics and applied linguistics,with the purpose to facilitate a better interpreting and using discourse and,furthermore,to assist us to apply the research results to solving practical problems.本文介绍了自20世纪70年代以来国外书面语篇分析在各个领域的发展,目的在于通过历时地描述不同领域中各种探索书面语篇的语言特征和语篇结构的理论,更好地理解、解释和使用书面语篇,并为更好地运用书面语篇分析的成果指导实际问题的解决做好必要的准备。


