1200字范文 > 会计模拟 Accounting simulation英语短句 例句大全

会计模拟 Accounting simulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-14 11:47:37


会计模拟 Accounting simulation英语短句 例句大全

会计模拟,Accounting simulation

1)Accounting simulation会计模拟

1.Points onAccounting simulation experiments teaching;会计模拟实验教学的几点认识


1.Construction of Simulated Accounting Laboratories and Accounting Testing Teaching;会计模拟实验室建设与会计实验教学

2.The analog accounting experiment plays an important role in accounting teaching.会计模拟实验是会计学教育安排中的重中之重。

3.Application of Simulation Teaching Method in Accounting Teaching of Vocational Schools;会计模拟教学法在职校会计教学中的运用

4.Simulation Experiments: Its Positionand Function of in Accountancy Teaching;会计模拟实验在会计教学中的地位和作用

5.The discussion of accounting simulation experiment in an ERP environment;基于ERP环境下的会计模拟实验探讨

6.Qn Accounting Mock Experiment;对搞好会计模拟实验教学的几点认识

7.Simply Discuss the Cognitions for Accounting Simulated Training Teaching;浅谈对会计模拟实训教学的几点认识

8.Thoughts on Teaching Reform of Accounting Stimulating Experiment in Colleges and Universities对高校会计模拟实验教学改革的思考

9.Have been gone through simulate practice of accountancy.曾在陕西省财经学院进行会计模拟实习.

10.Innovation Spirit and Teaching Function Development in the Universities Simulate Accountant Laboratory;创新精神与高校会计模拟实验室教学功能拓展

11.Analysis on Guarantee System of Accounting Simulated Practicing Teaching of the Higher Vocational Institutes;高职院校会计模拟实验教学保障体系完善研究

12.Process Control--An Experimental Imitation Teaching of Accounting;过程控制——会计模拟实验教学的组织实施

13.Problems and counter measurements of accounting mock training teaching;高职会计模拟实训教学中的问题与对策

14.Study of the simulation teaching in the transition from traditionalaccounting to computerization accounting;试论传统会计向电算化会计转变中的模拟教学

15.ERP Simulation Training to Strengthen and Promote the Teaching of Computerized Accounting;强化ERP模拟实训,推动会计电算化教学

16.The Impact of Virtual Corporations on Traditional Enterprise Accounting Mode;虚拟公司对传统企业会计模式的冲击

17.DYSAC (Digitally Simulated Analog Computer)数字模拟的模拟计算机

18.The Implimentation and Evaluation of Accounting Instruction under the Simulated Company Teaching Mode;模拟公司教学模式下会计教学的实施与评价


Accounting simulation experiment会计模拟实验

1.The discussion of accounting simulation experiment in an ERP environment;基于ERP环境下的会计模拟实验探讨

2.Accounting is a social subject with extensive applications,and accounting simulation experiment is one of the main parts of accounting teaching,which plays an important active role in cultivating the students practical skills and improving their integrated professional ability.会计是一门应用性很强的社会学科,而会计模拟实验是会计教学中的一个重要组成部分。

3)accounting simulated experiment会计模拟实验

1.In order to improveaccounting simulated experiment and train more practical talents the essay brings forward various problems in design,operation and assessment for the experiment,and prestents suggestions that compilation of experiment coursbooks,organization and scientific assessment be bettered.为进一步完善电大会计模拟实验,从而为社会培养更多的实用型人才,本文分析指出目前电大会计模拟实验在设计、实施、考核等阶段存在的诸多问题,有待在实验教材编写、组织实施、科学考评等方面进一步完善。

4)accounting simulated training会计模拟实训

5)accountingsimulation practice会计模拟实务

1.This paper discusses on the importance of the collection and reduction of the materials of accounting simulation practice,probes into the general features and the main procedures of the collection and reduction of the materials of accounting simulation practice,and puts forward some problems needing attention in the collection and reduction ofthe materials ofaccountingsimulation practice.论述了会计模拟实务资料收集与整理的重要性,探讨了会计模拟实务资料收集与整理的一般特点及主要步骤,提出了会计模拟实务资料的收集与整理应注意的问题。

6)simulate accountant laboratory会计模拟实验室

1.Based on the analysis of the teaching function target and actualities of the universitiessimulate accountant laboratory,the article made the induction and development about its classification,characteristic,request,level,structure,and direction.文章在分析高校会计模拟实验室教学功能目标、现状的基础上,对其分类、特点、要求、层次、结构、方向作了归纳和拓展,并就学生创新精神的培育问题作些探讨。


