1200字范文 > 模拟会计报表 simulation accounting statement英语短句 例句大全

模拟会计报表 simulation accounting statement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-09 01:15:44


模拟会计报表 simulation accounting statement英语短句 例句大全

模拟会计报表,simulation accounting statement

1)simulation accounting statement模拟会计报表

1.In our country,simulation accounting statement will be independent declaration statement replaced of the financial conditions of .所谓模拟会计报表是指:股份有限公司根据现时的公司架构、会计政策、经营方式、经营环境等因素,对原有企业以前年度的财务会计记录进行分离形成独立的、与股份公司现实财务情况有可比性的会计报表。


1.The Study on Weaving for State-owned Enterprise Convert Imitate Accounting Forms for Reporting;国企改制上市中模拟会计报表编制研究

2.The Design and Realization of Report Sub-system in Engineering Simulation System;施工仿真模拟系统中报表子系统的设计与实现

parative statement可比报表(会计学)

4.Application of Accounting Statement in Determiningthe Scale of Fund Raising会计报表在测定企业筹资规模中的运用

5.counting statements会计报表的编制方法

6.The Comparison Studies on Consolidated Financial Statement and Other Financial Statement;合并会计报表与其他会计报表的比较研究

7.If accounting statements are prepared in foreign currencies, accounting statements in which the foreign currencies are converted into Renminbi( RMB) shall be prepared at the same time.以外币编报会计报表的,应当同时编报外折合为人民币的会计报表。

8.Discussion on Accounting Teaching Contents of Accounting Statement Channel;会计报表导入式会计教学内容的探讨

9.The Impact of Accounting Statement s “Structure” View on Accounting Informanion;会计报表“结构”观对会计信息的影响

10.Copies of a joint venture"s annual accounting statements shall be sent to the original examining and approving agency.年度会计报表应抄报原审批机构。

puter models indicate that many diseases will surge as the earth"s atmosphere heats up.计算机模拟表明很多疾病会随着地球大气温度升高而产生。

12.Construction of Simulated Accounting Laboratories and Accounting Testing Teaching;会计模拟实验室建设与会计实验教学

13.The Research of Production & Sales Rate Accounting and Statements Model--Discussion on Connecting with Theories of Constraints (TOC);产销率会计及其报表模式研究——与TOC理论的对接探讨

14.Accounting statements shall at least comprise a balance sheet, an income statement and a cash flow statement.会计报表至少应当包括资产负债表、利润表、现金流量表等报表。

15.The Proposals of Getting Over Existing Prblems in Auditing Finacial Statement;会计报表审计存在的问题及改进建议

16.The Application of the Importance in the Report Form of the Accounting Statement and auditing Report Form;重要性水平在会计报表审计中的运用

17.The Use of Excel in The Design of Accounting Statement System;用EXCEL设计会计报表系统软件

18.A Comment on the Relationship between Important Principle and Authenticity Audit of Accounting Statement;论重要性原则与会计报表真实性审计


accounting report会计报表

1.On correlation ofaccounting report of hospitals;医院会计报表的相关性问题

2.Discussion on the influences of explanatory note ofaccounting report on financial analysis;会计报表附注对财务分析的影响

3.The audit of company saccounting report;企业年度会计报表审计研究

3)accounting statements会计报表

1.Facing so many lenders,the bank can scientifically analyze and judge the enterprise s debt paying ability through enterprise saccounting statements so as to decide whether provide a loan.市场经济的发展把银行推向市场 ,面对众多的贷款者 ,银行可通过企业的会计报表资料运用科学计算方法分析判断企业的偿贷能力 ,决定是否给予贷

2.This article discusses the influence ofaccounting statements on the quality of accounting information from the following six aspects: the subjectivity, the incompleteness and insufficiency of theaccounting statements, traditional costing methods, the alternatives of accounting procedures and methods, the changes in price and the out-of-date disclosure of theaccounting statements.针对现行会计报表的特点,分别从会计报表的主观性、会计报表内容不完整不充分性、传统成本计算方法、会计处理程序和方法的可选择性、物价变动因素、会计报表披露不及时性等六个方面分析会计报表对会计质量的影响。

3.This article gives the definition of the decoration of accounting statement, analizes the various motivations of the accounting statement according to contents of theaccounting statements.文章从企业会计报表的涵义入手 ,从现实情况引出了会计报表粉饰的涵义 ,分析了会计报表粉饰的各种动机 ,最后文章提出了会计报表粉饰防范的几点建

4)accounting statement会计报表

piling method for annotations ofaccounting statement in small and medium-sized enterprises;中小企业会计报表附注的编制

2.Several Points for Attention in the Teaching of Accounting Statement;会计报表教学中应注意的几个问题

5)financial statement会计报表

1.Understanding on making explanatory notes offinancial statement;对编制会计报表附注的认识

2.The paper also discusses the items on taxing infinancial statements for enterprises and analyzes the status disclosed.根据企业税收在企业会计中的反映内容,说明企业税收对企业资产、经营成果以及现金流量的影响,阐明企业纳税在会计报表中揭示的内容,并就其揭示情况加以分析。

3.Editing offinancial statement divide into articulated concept and non-articulated concept.会计报表的编制分为环接观念与非环接观念。

6)financial report会计报表

1.Furthermore the idea of improving the currentfinancial report system is put froward in order that the information about assets quality will be disclosed sufficiently to the stakeholders.通过采用文献分析等方法探索资产质量信息披露应包含的主要内容,进而提出对现行会计报表进行改进的思路,以向各方利益相关者充分披露关于资产质量方面的会计信息。


